We are approaching the stage of rule by brute force

IMG Auteur
From the Archives : Originally published February 04th, 2009
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"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force".

Ayn Rand

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they do not merely watch. they plan, aid and abet. they are all culpable, rather than innocent bystanders, and we should never portray them as such.


in this interview (above) of a former DHS agent, hear how the Department of Homeland Security is morphing into the gestapo, learn what they did to her, her family, neighbors and friends (killed several of them) after she did her job and reported a security breech at the border. clearly they were acting under orders from above. clearly the security breach at the border was intentional. this hapless agent unwittingly threatened to expose them when she tried to do her job. guilty, guilty, guilty and treasonous they ALL are and aggressively so.
Rate :   1  5Rating :   -4
Ayn Rand is more right now than when she wrote that decades ago. The Governement is encroaching more and more on our lives.

The solution? A return to the founding concept of this country: limited governement. And with an important election coming up who would be the best standard bearer for that concept? The thinking, among those who take the issue serioulsy, is Ron Paul. And they would be wrong.

Paul has eliminated himelf from that position by many positions and statements. The latest coming from the Aug 11th Republican Debate. Ron Paul said, "The Federal Government can't go in and prohibit the States from doing bad things." The statement was in the context of Federal vs State mandatory healthcare payments. Paul was against Federal coercion -- but not State. Rich Santorum and Michele Bachmann argued that wrong was wrong no matter who initiated it.

You see, Ron Paul is first a State Rightist; second, an advocate for limited government and individual rights.

Further evidence? Paul has argued that Lincoln and the North had no business stopping the South from seceding from the Union -- even though the South had no rational reason to do so and had initiated force against government facilities (Fort Sumter). The institution of slavery (that ultimate violation of human freedom) apparently having little relevance to the issue. As Ron Paul said, "...Fed can't prohibit State from doing bad things."

I can't imagine, once allowing a State to leave the Union on whim, Paul could or would rationally object to a city within a state from breaking away -- then neighborhoods from that city, down to the individual level. It is at that point that Ayn Rand's fear of America ruled by 'brute force' would come true -- but from a direction she did not suspect.

Essentially Ron Paul is advocating anarchy, not limited government. He is not even allowing the Federal Government the limited power of enforcing the Bill of Rights on the whole country. Ron Paul is not a Libertarian and has ursuped that party away from the founding ideas of John Hospers.

If we wish to stop encroachment on our freedoms the best choice for President is Rick Santorum.
Rate :   10  12Rating :   -2
TSA, FEMA,Congress, and A another President that stands by and watches it happen.
Rate :   5  3Rating :   2
they do not merely watch. they plan, aid and abet. they are all culpable, rather than innocent bystanders, and we should never portray them as such.


in this interview (above) of a former DHS agent, hear how the Department of Homeland Security is morphing into the gestapo, learn what they did to her, her family, neighbors and friends (killed several of them) after she did her job and reported a security breach at the border. clearly they were acting under orders from above. clearly the security breech at the border was intentional. this hapless agent unwittingly threatened to expose them when she tried to do her job. guilty, guilty, guilty and treasonous they ALL are and aggressively so.
Rate :   2  6Rating :   -4
they do not merely watch. they plan, aid and abet. they are all culpable, rather than innocent bystanders, and we should never portray them as such.


in this interview (above) of a former DHS agent, hear how the Department of Homeland Security is morphing into the gestapo, learn what they did to her, her family, neighbors and friends (killed several of them) after she did her job and reported a security breach at the border. clearly they were acting under orders from above. clearly the security breech at the border was intentional. this hapless agent unwittingly threatened to expose them when she tried to do her job. guilty, guilty, guilty and treasonous they ALL are and aggressively so.
Rate :   4  6Rating :   -2
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they do not merely watch. they plan, aid and abet. they are all culpable, rather than innocent bystanders, and we should never portray them as such. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LL9Jnos-GA in this interview (above) of a former DHS agent, hear how th  Read more
pacanon - 2/22/2014 at 9:06 PM GMT
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