Assouplissement quantitatif à l’infini »

IMG Auteur
Published : December 16th, 2010
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La solution nucléaire trouvée pour régler les dettes de l’Europe est un euphémisme pour « assouplissement quantitatif à l’infini ».

Toutes les dettes nationales seront réglées par l’impression de papier monnaie. Les dettes européennes, les dettes de l’Etat Fédéral Américain, les dettes des Etats américains. Toutes.

Les papiers monnaie prennent la voie de leur destinée habituelle, la poussière.

Quelles que soient les mouvements de cabri des marchés, le prix de l’or va droit vers les 1.650 dollars.

Dans l’article suivant, les Swaps de défaut de crédit sont appelés les Wolfpacks, les meutes de loups.  Le terme est parfaitement trouvé. La monnaie, papier, électronique ou autre, que les banquiers centraux fourniront au marché terminera dans les mains de ces meutes de loups qui déchireront l’Europe.

EU Preps Euro Fund to Fight ‘Wolfpack,’ Debt Crisis
By James G. Neuger and Meera Louis

May 9 (Bloomberg) — European Union finance ministers pledged to stop a sovereign-debt crisis from shattering confidence in the euro as they held an emergency summit to hammer out a lending mechanism that may be worth around $645 billion.

Jolted into action by last week’s slide in the currency to a 14-month low and soaring bond yields in Portugal and Spain, leaders of the 16 euro nations agreed on the backstop yesterday and told ministers to get it ready before Asian markets open. The European facility may be worth around 500 billion euros, said an official familiar with the talks.

“We are going to defend the euro,” Spanish Economy Minister Elena Salgado told reporters as she arrived to chair today’s Brussels meeting. “We think we have a duty for more stability for our currency. We will do whatever is necessary.”

Europe’s failure to contain Greece’s fiscal crisis triggered a 4.3 percent drop in the euro last week, the biggest weekly decline since the aftermath of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.’s collapse. It prompted the U.S. and Asia to urge broader steps to prevent a debt crisis from pitching the world back into a recession.

President Barack Obama spoke by phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkelfor the second time in three days, adding to the international pressure Europe has faced since a hurriedly arranged conference call of Group of Seven finance chiefs on May 7. Obama today emphasized “the importance of the members of the European Union taking resolute steps to build confidence in the markets,” White House spokesman Bill Burton told reporters in Hampton, Virginia.

Wolfpack Behavior

“In the night, when the markets are opening, we cannot afford a disappointment,” said Finance Minister Anders Borg of Sweden, one of 11 EU nations not in the euro. “We now see herd behavior in the markets that are really pack behavior, wolfpack behavior.”

European officials declined to disclose the size of the stabilization fund, to be made up of money borrowed by the EU’s central authorities with guarantees by national governments. The meeting started just after 3 p.m.

Jim Sinclair


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2000$ l'once ! les planches à billets ont mis le Turbo! pas de M3 depuis mars 2006! La FED a innondé le Monde de $$$!
L'or mais surtout l'argent (métal) reste les meilleurs placements.
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2000$ l'once ! les planches à billets ont mis le Turbo! pas de M3 depuis mars 2006! La FED a innondé le Monde de $$$! L'or mais surtout l'argent (métal) reste les meilleurs placements. Read more
SilberSurfer - 12/16/2010 at 7:43 AM GMT
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