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Gold Records 11th Annual Gain, Ends 2011 Up 11% as World Stocks Drop 8%

IMG Auteur
Published : December 31st, 2011
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Category : Gold and Silver





The PRICE OF PHYSICAL gold crept higher early Friday, recovering half of this week's 5% loss to near 6-month lows as the Euro currency rallied from 12-month lows and world stock markets held flat.

The last London Gold Fix of 2011 came in at $1574.50 per ounce – some 11.6% higher from the end of 2010, and recording gold's 11th year of consecutive gains.

US crude oil neared year-end just shy of $100 per barrel, also 11% up on 2010.

The MSCI index of world stock markets has lost 8% in 2011.

Silver bullion lost almost 9% against the US Dollar this year, recording near all-time highs in April just shy of $50 per ounce but retreating Thursday as low as $26.25.

"People close their profitable positions to cash out before the year-end, " says Nick Trevethan, ANZ Bank's senior commodity strategist.

"Gold is still up on the year and there are relatively few markets moving in the positive territory,"

"Base metals have not fared well this year, with falls recorded across the complex," notes Marc Ground at Standard Bank, listing 2011 losses of 18.6% in aluminum, 20.7% in copper and 28.7% in tin.

"Gold has done its job this year of protecting investors," Bloomberg quotes Michael Cuggino at the $15 billion Permanent Portfolio Solutions in San Francisco.

"Some people will get out of gold, but the longer-term investors will remain."

On a technical analysis of chart patterns, says Russell Browne at Scotia Mocatta in New York, "The longer-term uptrend off the October 2008 low remains intact, but was breached on an intraday basis [on Thursday] and is likely to be re-tested and breached in the short term."

"Gold is going to go higher, but it's not going to go in a straight line," says Martin Murenbeeld at DundeeWealth in Toronto.

"Gold has given positive returns, but it doesn't necessarily do it in the way that gives comfort, and that makes people nervous."



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Adrian Ash is head of research at, the fastest growing gold bullion service online. Formerly head of editorial at Fleet Street Publications Ltd – the UK's leading publishers of investment advice for private investors – he is also City correspondent for The Daily Reckoning in London, and a regular contributor to MoneyWeek magazine.
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Adrian thanks. From your post and many others gold(and silver) are moving the proverbial glass half empty or half full way. It appears cash may remain king at least till the first quarter. It is not wise to lose first before winning.
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Adrian thanks. From your post and many others gold(and silver) are moving the proverbial glass half empty or half full way. It appears cash may remain king at least till the first quarter. It is not wise to lose first before winning. Read more
Papli - 1/1/2012 at 1:24 AM GMT
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