How to Trade "High Frequency" Markets

IMG Auteur
Bullion Vault
Published : April 14th, 2014
405 words - Reading time : 1 - 1 minutes
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Category : Opinions and Analysis

High Frequency Trading and "quant" technical analysis with a Comex veteran...

MATTHEW CIMMINO is the owner of StrategyDB, a leader in multi-asset quantitative technical analysis, writes Miguel Perez-Santalla at BullionVault.

This week he told me in this interview about how geopolitics, central-bank action, and now High Frequency Trading affect the marketplace.

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Matthew Cimmino worked on the Comex futures exchange as a trader and broker for 22 years for his own account. Prior to that he worked for Goldman Sachs, running the day-to-day operations of the investment bank's entire Comex floor staff.

Having also worked for Bankers Trust and Flex Trade, he managed a $2 billion metals book with Winkleman, Suskind, Riley, Yee and Lloyd Blankfein, making markets and trading throughout the day.

This week Matthew told me about the capabilities of StrategyDB to backtest trading scenarios. Analyzing what might happen to commodity markets due to the Ukraine situation, for instance, he said that Russia's battle with Georgia in 2008 could be a good example of how things develop.

Before entering any market, "The most important thing an individual trader should consider," Matthew Cimmino says, "is to consider three things...

"First, know how much you are willing to risk in advance before it affects your quality of life, and stick to it.

"Second, know your costs. The commissions you pay to trade should be calculated into your model.

"Finally, what kind of a trader do you wish to be? The choices are a day, medium or long term trader. This decision will direct the kind of trading strategies a trader needs to apply."

What about High Frequency Trading, I asked. Is it bad for the mass of investors, as Michael Lewis' new best-seller Flash Boys contends?

Matthew Cimmino said that middlemen have always been inherent in the markets, and that is likely to continue. What's more, he appreciates the liquidity that comes with technology, and the high-frequency competition in asset markets which computerized trading programs bring.

One proposal to address the concerns raised is to impose a tax on all transactions, or on positions held for very short periods. Instead, however, they might better be resolved by the exchanges moving to charge messaging fees, Mr.Cimmino suggests, with HFT users paying to query an exchange's database of bids and offers many times a second.

Data and Statistics for these countries : Georgia | Russia | Ukraine | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Georgia | Russia | Ukraine | All
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Miguel Perez-Santalla is vice president of business development for BullionVault, the physical gold and silver exchange founded a decade ago and now the world's #1 provider of physical bullion ownership online. A fierce advocate for retail investors, and a regular speaker at industry and media events, Miguel has over 30 years' experience in the precious metals business, previously working at the United States' top coin dealerships, as well as international refining group Heraeus.
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