Now Mexico Bans Cash

IMG Auteur
Published : October 19th, 2012
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Controlling the slaves with a digital Amero currency will be sooooo much easier.


Large Cash Transactions Banned In Mexico ... Outgoing Mexican President Felipe Calderon has signed into law a ban on large cash transactions. The ban will take effect in about 90 days and it is part of a broader effort to control monetary flows within the country.

Under the law, a Specialized Unit in Financial Analysis operating within the Attorney General's Office will be created to investigate financial operations "that are related to resources of unknown origin." For real estate transactions, cash payments of more than a half million pesos ($38,750) will be forbidden and, for automobiles or items like jewelry, art, and lottery tickets, cash payments of more than 200,000 pesos ($15,500) will be forbidden. The law carries a minimum penalty of five years in prison. – Forbes

Dominant Social Theme: Terrorism must be combated by controlling people's money.
Free-Market Analysis: What we consider to be the "phony"
war on terror is the gift that keeps on giving to those who run our governments.

The phony war on drugs only adds to the rationales for telling people what they can and cannot do with their resources.

What is going on is a pattern, not a series of defensive moves taken out of desperation. The
power elite intends to lock down the world, it seems, in order to track every monetary transaction of any significance.

We wrote about this trend previously in "
Spain Bans Cash." Here's an excerpt:
As we have long predicted, the phony "
sovereign debt" crisis in Europe is being used to justify all sorts of authoritarian measures.

Source and rest of the article here



Data and Statistics for these countries : Mexico | Spain | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Mexico | Spain | All
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