Switzerland and Norway Begin to Massively Accumulate Precious Metals Mining Shares - Nathan McDonald

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Published : September 09th, 2016
647 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
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Category : Today's Editorial

Events are moving behind the scenes. For decades, Western Central bankers have told the masses that gold is a barbarous relic. They have encouraged us to shed its protection and move into the sanctity of their highly corrupt and highly manipulated fiat assets.


During this time period, our Western Central bankers have offloaded our countries' hard earned wealth, shipping massive quantities of precious metals to far off lands in the East, never to be seen again - despite what they may think. Our wealth is being sold out from under our feet.


Yet, as I have reported on recently, a shift is occurring. Call it what you will - I call it panic. Many Western Central bankers are trying to accumulate metals in stealthy ways, behind the scenes and unbeknownst to the masses, whom they wish to keep trapped in fiat money.


The two most recent examples of Western Central Banks moving into precious metals in a serious way are the Swiss and Norwegian Central Banks.


Both banks are being reported to have printed close to $1 billion dollars of fiat money as of recently. This should come as no shock to anyone, as this is all Central Banks know how to do - print money.


What is more stunning, however, is where they immediately moved these funds. You guessed it right - into precious metals.


They know that the physical precious metals market is limited, tight, and scarce. They also know that if they simply printed $1 billion worth of fiat money out of thin air and moved it into physical, then they would risk blowing the market apart, sending prices potentially catapulting higher.


Since they are not yet willing to face the wrath of the other Central Bankers around the world, they did the next best thing. They bought shares in the gold mines themselves.


Below, you will find two lists compiled by Smaulgold, which showcases the current gold mining stock holdings of both the Swiss and Norwegian Central Banks:



These movements of funds are likely the cause of many of these stocks being up drastically this year and confirm the suspicions of many - that major entities were moving into the mining shares for protection.


Yet, you must ask yourself: why? Why now? What do they fear? Do they know the folly that they and other Central Bankers have committed around the world? Do they know that this entire system is destined to fail and come crashing down on our heads?


I believe they do. These people may be manipulative and they may be corrupt, but they are not stupid. They are getting prepared, just as you should be getting prepared, before it is too late and there is no escape.


Nathan McDonald is a libertarian, entrepreneur and precious metals enthusiast. He has always taken a keen interest in free markets and economics since an early age, which naturally led him to become a true believer in precious metals and all that they stand for.

Nathan served eight years in the Royal Canadian Navy as an electronics technician, seeing the true state of the world, before starting his first successful business. He has since gone on to create a number of businesses, all of which are still in operation and growing.

In addition to this, Nathan runs a network of successful precious metals blogs, and a growing newsletter that has attracted readers from all around the world.

He is a regular and highlighted writer for the highly respected Sprott Money Blog, which covers world events, geopolitics and of course precious metals.

The views and opinions expressed in this material are those of the author as of the publication date, are subject to change and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sprott Money Ltd. Sprott Money does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and reliability of the information or any results from its use.


Data and Statistics for these countries : Norway | Switzerland | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Norway | Switzerland | All
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