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Vote, If…

IMG Auteur
Mike Rozeff
Published : September 19th, 2012
534 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
( 17 votes, 4.8/5 ) , 4 commentaries
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Vote in the upcoming U.S. elections if you want to endorse, approve of, and support a power beyond your control and over which you have no control whatsoever, a power that can you to any extent it wants to and by any means it chooses to,

...take any amount of your wealth and transfer it to whomever it pleases or use it for any purpose it pleases,

...draft you into a fighting force if it decides to,

...tell you what to eat,

...control who appears on ballots,

...borrow any amount of money,

...itself decide what is legal for it to do,

...enter warfare with anyone it chooses whenever and wherever it chooses,

...interpret the Constitution as it sees fit,

...regulate any product in any way it chooses,

...regulate commerce no matter how insignificant,

...take property for any use it wants to, you at its pleasure,

...restrict your ability to own weapons,

...restrict your ability to defend yourself,

...make it a crime to own weapons and defend yourself,

...make it a crime to use a wide range of drugs,

...make it a crime to buy many goods or produce them,

...control all communications,

...control all transportation,

...arrest you without warrant,

...spy on you by any means it chooses,

...postpone elections and declare martial law if it chooses,

...hold you in prison without trial,

...kill you, short, pass any law it pleases and enforce it on you and against you.

Vote in the elections if you wish to stand up for, confirm, subscribe to and sustain a power that holds you in its grasp and can hold you totally in its grasp if it so decides.

A vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans is a vote for this power, which is the power of either party and both parties together.

Vote in the elections if you have been brainwashed into thinking your vote makes a difference.

Vote in the elections if you have been brainwashed into thinking a vote for a given party makes a difference.

Vote in the elections if you have been brainwashed into thinking that this is your duty, or that this is a patriotic act.

Vote in the elections if you have been brainwashed into thinking that you have no right to complain unless you vote.

Vote in this election if you think you are voting for the lesser of two evils, rather than thinking you are endorsing evil and have another option, which is not to endorse evil.

Vote in the elections as a statement that you kneel before, acknowledge and accept a power that controls your life, your liberty, your property, and your pursuit of happiness.

Vote in the elections as a sign and confirmation that you place little or no value on your life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness, and that a power beyond your control may do as it wishes with you.

Vote in the elections if you want to endorse and confirm your own status as a slave who is subject to this power.

Vote in the elections if you want to acknowledge that you are little more than a trained dog whose freedom is limited and controlled by its master.



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Michael S. Rozeff is a retired Professor of Finance living in East Amherst, New York. He is the author of the free e-book Essays on American Empire. He publishes regularly his ideas and analysis on . Copyright © 2009 by
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Step One: Let the ONE-PERCENT do ALL the voting. Let the 99% sit this one out. If the 99% will not take that first step ~ there will be NO step two.
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Wow!! I think Mr Rozeff just about covered it all and given his previous articles im surprised he is still alive!!!

I cant wait to read Jim Cs response to this article LOL
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Step One: Let the ONE-PERCENT do ALL the voting. Let the 99% sit this one out. If the 99% will not take that first step ~ there will be NO step two. Read more
Gypsy - 9/19/2012 at 11:54 PM GMT
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