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Why Is Healthcare So Complex and Over-Priced in America?

IMG Auteur
Published : June 27th, 2018
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This is worth watching if you wish to obtain a better understanding of the problems in US healthcare.

Other than the usual misdirection and scapegoating of victims that is the mainstay of the moneyed interest. And that people fed on their steady stream of slogans absorb and repeat all too often.

If you have recently had a major encounter with the US healthcare system you will understand this implicitly. After seven years of fighting a major illness in the family, I have gained a great deal of insight into what is going on from almost every aspect.

And for the most part Steven Brill is correct in his diagnosis. Unfortunately he is not quite there in his prescription for change.

If not, and you do not get it yet, past all the misdirection and spin put forward by the Big Pharma and Big Healthcare monopolists, then you have something in store that may shock and surprise you.

I am no fan of Obamacare. It is a bastard child of the Heritage Foundation, and a 'shifting of the deck chairs on the Titanic.'

At the core of the problem is the corrupting power of big money in too few hands, and spreading like a virus through almost every system that we have.

Since this video was made, Charlie Rose was exposed for what he is, and some of the abusiveness of his power, and was fired.

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Insurance companies keep raising the amount of the discount they receive from hospital bills and etc. Therefore hospitals and doctors keep raising prices so they can still get paid the amount they require even with the enormous discounts insurance companies get. Also the hospitals and doctors can't bill everyone differently so if someone doesn't have insurance they are screwed by paying for that extremely expensive bill with no insurance discounts.
The AMA makes sure that their members always profit from their customers. Why do doctors need a union?
Go back to before the AMA was created there were no millionaire doctors, they actually cared about their patients not how much money they were going to make out of med school.
Too many bureaucrats in the system.
They sit around thinking up ways to justify their jobs by creating paperwork for allied health staff to spend too much time on instead of actually treating patients.
I left the system.
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Insurance companies keep raising the amount of the discount they receive from hospital bills and etc. Therefore hospitals and doctors keep raising prices so they can still get paid the amount they require even with the enormous discounts insurance compan  Read more
Rocco - 7/3/2018 at 5:54 PM GMT
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