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Jim C.
Member since May 2012
463 commentaries - 3 followers
has posted a comment on the article :
>The Fourth Wall  - James Howard Kunstler - Kunstler
Kunstler says our (the world's) worst blunder is technological narcissism. What is it? The expectation that technology will keep the "promises to keep the cars moving and the lights on." And this expectation, according to Kunstler is naive at best. In other words, progress is and has been as illusionary as HUGO the movie he critiqued.

The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerve fibers that connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain. A coordinated brain helps survival, cognition, innovation, and is probably to a certain extent -- the basis for our being human. I believe the ideological corpus callosum is missing in Kunstler's arguments.

Technology is and has been a by product of freedom and capitalism. And to the extent those are alive and well in a society, is the extent to which technology will continue and expand -- and not nosedive into some kind of second dark age which Kunstler constantly warms his hands too.

We may well come to that, but not because of some innate problem with innovation and the continuence of industry to meet our needs -- but because of the Kunstlers of the world wishing to place their collective feet on our collective necks.

4518 days ago
Beginning of the headline :This week, with a nod to the onrushing holiday, and various freight trains of dread barreling down the track at us, I want to take a break from the usual concerns and talk about something else: why Hollywood exemplifies our worst collective blunder of the historical moment: our techno-narcissism... Read More
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