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Jim C.
Member since May 2012
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>The John Brown Moment  - James Howard Kunstler - 
Finally! Kunstler is late this morning and I feel like a guy with a large hammer waiting for a rat to emerge from it's hole. But better late than never.

Right off he invokes 'Gaia,' Mother Earth, as the avenging goddress to Man's so-called destructive behavior. He says, "When Gaia gets pissed off enough at the antics of humanity, she sends in her hit-man, Reality, to settle accounts." Sure humanity suffers from self inflicted wounds: fiscal mismanagement, conflicting philosophies of what consititues right action. And a convulsion is coming --but not one that will end the world and return us to Kunstler's world made by hand, or to the age of the Samurai (that he once waxed eloquently about).

So rather than asking what course change ought to take place, he envisions something more dire. He says, "Somewhere out in America right now is the new American John Brown, a righteous fanatic whose act is waiting to alter the course of history."

Well, there ain't no Gaia, no Mother Earth waiting to strangle it's children -- just struggling humans who have conquered diseases, lenghtened life spans, created technological marvels, and who, also, are about to bring forth financial diaster upon the world. He probably thinks his John Brown will emerge from the Occupier crowd, full of brimstone, painting our cities with obscene graffitti, inciting riots, blocking small businesses, defecating on police cars, throwing firebombs at the authorities.

We know some of the means for correction: limited government, a return to the gold standard for starters. So, we're sick and need to take our medicine and begin again. Draw back to leap, as the saying goes.

Thanks for finally coming out of the hole Mr. Kunstler.

4461 days ago
Beginning of the headline :When Gaia gets pissed off enough at the antics of humanity, she sends in her hit-man, Reality, to settle accounts. Reality is blessed with a cloak of invisibility. The human race is so busy concocting stories about what it is doing, that Reality steals onto the scene unnoticed - until bodies start to fall over, and the sort of bad political weather known as a shit-storm fills the skies, the streets, and the assembly halls... Read More
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