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Member since March 2016
2 commentaries -
has posted a comment on the article :
>Gold and Silver COT Update - Get 30,000 Coffins Ready...  - Clive Maund - 
You are nuts gold bug He called the bottom early in the year and now the top. Gold is not ready for prime time just yet. We got to get all the gold bugs like you out first.

2987 days ago
Beginning of the headline :PM Sector longs have had a laugh at our expense over the past couple of weeks as gold has continued to edge higher after we called it down, but it is looking more and more like they will end up like those 4 fools in the classic Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western, A Fistful of Dollars. Clint rides into a tiny flyblown town and the 4 fools shoot around his mule's feet. After advising the undertaker to Get 3 coffins ready, having made a slight underestimation, Clint returns and challenges the 4 fools... Read More
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