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Member since May 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>Silver Slam-Epic Fail - Warren Bevan - Precious Metals Stock Review
I heard about the 250 million ounce sell posted from a Zerohedge commentor,many replys came that they did not see it on their screens so,apparently some people are using different charting screens. Do you have proof of this sell other than one freak chart? Just curious. For dumping that much you would think the price would have tanked.Who would dump that much that fast surely not a prudent sell was it?

Along with that,the Five Margin hikes in eight days was not very prudent action either. If I remember correctly Silver was nuked before any other margin calls handed out ,then others came to try and make it look good............It did not. Matter of fact I thought they DROPPED margin on paper ! like the S$P and various other paper products right afterwards. Sure sends a message and I got it.

Drive by hits, only the small criminals go through the justice system into the Crossbar Hilton while the biggest of criminals run the planet,Kill ,Maim,Manipulate and laugh getting a bonus for it.One day this system will break just like every other time in history.

I appreciate your article and hope you have a great time getting away from the noise a bit.
Cheers !

4676 days ago
Beginning of the headline : It’s the thick of summer now and I’m trying to take it pretty easy this weekend and perhaps another weekend or two while the warm weather is here.The good news about that is that there is so much focus on the debt ceiling debates that you’d hardly know anything else is going on anyhow. It’s all political childish games though and the debt ceiling will be raised at the last minute and the speech will be a good one... Read More
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