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Jim C.
Member since May 2012
463 commentaries - 3 followers
has posted a comment on the article :
>Ron Paul 'Farewell to Congress' speech and transcript  - Ron Paul - 
This is useless but here goes:

1) The Republican party did not come until existence until 1856. Before that time the government was controlled by either the Whigs or Southern Democrats, the later holding the office of power in the Presidency and the Surpreme Court for the majority period.

2) The creation of the Republican party was sparked by Stephen Douglas and the Democrats overturning the Missiouri Compromise of 1820 -- that had established a status quo between slavery and anti-slavery factions -- with the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 which allowed for the expansion of slavery into newly formed states. The President at that time was Buchanan, a Democrat, who signed the act into law. It was the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act that enflamed Lincoln and drew him back into politics.

3) Your mentioned slavery in the North. There may have been some allowed there by existing law, but many slaves were fleeing from the South into the North to freedom via the Underground Railroad. No Afro-Americans were trying to escape from the North into the Slave South.

4) The question of secession from the Union is a valid one and admitted by Thomas Jefferson. However, the validating factor would be one of oppression of individual rights -- not the Government of the States making efforts to curtail the violation of self same rights by the individual states.

5) The election of Lincoln was seen by the South as a threat to their slave system. Lincoln was not viewed as a friend to slavery, his many comments in the Lincoln-Douglas debates affirming that view. Lincoln was endorsed by the leading Northern Abolitionists of the time -- William Garrison being promient.

6) As President Elect, Lincoln made extreme efforts not to enflame the Southern secession movement. He went through many stages of how to solve the slavery issue, even considering at one point to purchase all the slaves and send them back to Africa. That move was economically impossible. He finally settled on complete emacipation via the 13th Admendment.

7) It was the South that initiated agression by the attack on Fort Sumter -- an act not of secession, but insurrection.

8) Ron Paul, and others, never condemn slavery or slave owner Robert E. Lee, or slave enabler Jefferson Davis -- it is only Lincoln that earns their wrath....and one needs to ask why. His primary agenda, and theirs, is State Rights -- individual rights a distant secondary.

9) Lincoln a saint? Hell, no! I was and am against the draft and would have fought against conscription at the time. But when all was finished Lincoln corrected the error in the Constitution permitting slavery using Jefferson's Declaration of Independence as the means.

4185 days ago
Beginning of the headline :This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty... Read More
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