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Jim C.
Member since May 2012
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>America the Horror Show  - James Howard Kunstler - 
Right on schedule comes Kunstler, the Grinch that stole Christmas. In this latest buffonery he says (regarding the recent murder of children), "For what it's worth, the Newtown Massacre to me is largely about the failure of men in America..." As a so-called journalist Kunstler overlooks the fact that the slaughter of innocents is not an American monopoly. The world is replete with these incidents: from radical Muslims killing their children for some religious or cultural slight to a Chinese man recently attacking 22 kids with a knife. Kunstler will take any negative incident and twist it into a condemnation of America. No surpirse here.

From this he progresses to his usual irrational screed against modern civilization. He says, "Look around at the squalid mess that America has made of its own terrain: the endless wastelands of free parking and slumping strip malls, the wilderness of tract housing subdivisions, the cities left cored, rotting, and stinking in the fall drizzle, the countless redundant roadways..."

Modern shopping is bad??? Ample parking is bad??? Paved roads are bad??? Kunstler's alternative is ludricious: a muddy path through the 'lovely' wilderness to a rickety shack, a stinking outhouse -- and an unkept cemetery filled with children felled by disease? But what can one expect from living in a world only made by hand.

Christmas is near -- and so is the Grinch.

4153 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Finally the USA has an act that perfectly expresses its true spirit as the horror show nation among nations: the random mass slaughter of little children by a maniac. Is it not so that the failure to protect little children from harm is the most shameful weakness an adult human can present? Next, of course,comes the empty ritual of pretending that we must make sure something like this never happens again... Read More
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