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Jim C.
Member since May 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>Not so smart  - James Howard Kunstler - 
And Kunstler's answer to the current world economic mess? From this self-affirmed "non-right-winger" politically the answer is this: "We need more people to start working at local farming."

That's right, bring out the bean seeds and hoes, the shovels and manure, and plant and dig. You see when liberals (non-right-wingers) take over the govenment and destroy free enterprise moving back to the farm is the only option. It never enters Kunstler's cranium that perhaps the problem was government interference in the first place. Well, maybe it did. You can't control people unless you destroy their lives and move'em to the collective farm.

What is Kunstler's constant attack on 'smart phones' about? He says, "If we weren't such a stupid people in thrall to our "smart" phones..." He says of politicians in Washington, " they relentlessly romance their smart phones..." And this, "The character's phones shadow them at every turn like evil twins, giving the impression that the US government, and everything in its orbit, is run not by human beings but by cell phones. The people attached are merely puppets of the phones."

Now I don't wish for Kunstler, or anyone else for that matter, to suffer chest pains alone while driving or in some relatively remote location -- but should that possibility occur I don't doubt for a nanosecond that Kunstler would be grabbing for his 'smart phone' and dialing 911. It would be the smart thing to do.

4084 days ago
Beginning of the headline :One striking but little discussed element about the new Netflix Washington political drama series, House of Cards, is that every time a character picks up a cell phone, something bad happens. The character's phones shadow them at every turn like evil twins, giving the impression that the US government, and everything in its orbit, is run not by human beings but by cell phones... Read More
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