Profile and commentaries of end
Member since March 2013
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42 commentaries, with 6 Replies
13 replies to his comments (31%)
Average Note : 81 / 100 for 25 rated commentaries  46  11 
Last commentary posted on Friday, July 3, 2015
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Greece’s referendum  (1)
"History may judge him instead to have played a poor hand very well indeed."

I'm quite sure both Macleod and Varoufakis will be quite disappointed on Monday, and I'll happily nominate Greek nation here

This thing cannot be stopped by any European or Western nation. They are all more the problem than the solution.
7/3/2015 at 11:58 AMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
"Prepare for Full-Scale War" says Ukraine Deputy Foreign Minister: "With What" asks Mish; Ukraine Lie of the Day  (7)
People living in Ukraine suffered a lot from Mongols, Poles, Germans and such. They have been terrorized, striped of their identity, forced to sign Union, establish Nazi state and what not. This is, however, the rock bottom. The only part of the crowd, saving their collective face, are those draftees surrendering en mass and refusing to fight their own people for Germans and their overseas monster masters. They ...
2/22/2015 at 5:05 AMPermalink
 Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Unemployment and groupthink  (6)
The sole purpose of this sort of activity is to continue receiving goods and services in exchange for worthless green confetti. There's nothing behind USD but a load of outdated or malfunctioning weapons.
2/15/2015 at 12:11 PMPermalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
US Warmongers vs. Merkel; Why Ukraine is None of Our Business  (4)
Here's some more explaining for you:
2/13/2015 at 9:20 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
US Warmongers vs. Merkel; Why Ukraine is None of Our Business  (4)
Try reading again and again until you get it. But before you do, give yourself a rest from Australian news for a week, where police shooting own citizens under any pretext is not much of a news any more and is not reminiscent of an Evil Empire. And ask yourself :"How am I going to capitulate in Ukraine? What do I actually know about Ukraine? What do I know about differences between Ukrainians and Russians?" Mayb...
2/12/2015 at 10:25 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Julian D. W. Phillips - Gold Forecaster
Gold Silver Market Morning  (3)
If you trade XAU/RUB and have bought XAU using RUB, you should have closed your position as he advised. Then you should have switched, buying gold with JPY, as JPY dropped vs gold. Both recommendations worked well.
12/19/2014 at 12:55 PMPermalink
 Gerard Jackson
Muslim terrorism, the left and the Sydney ...  (6)
Does anyone still wonder why is Australia hotbed for second generation Muslim migrant radicalization? Does anyone still need an explanation on why Australia, with less than 10% of US population, contributed more "fighters" to IS cause? All the backwater, middle-class-but-worse-than-bogan, nitwit, racist, walking-inferiority-complex simpletons (and current PM is one of them too), instead of plowing the fields and...
12/18/2014 at 10:38 AM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Mark O'Byrne -
Swiss Gold Poll Likely Tighter Than Polls Suggest
Scaremongering usually works with cowards that have something to loose, or individuals geometrically somewhere in-between. This is why New World Order fails in Afghanistan, Gaza, Pakistan, "Caliphate" and Iceland. By its nature it created desperate people in its very heartlands and that's how it will fail, after protracted, bloody, messy revolutions and counterrevolutions. But that will not start in Switzerland,...
11/25/2014 at 12:45 PMPermalink
 Wolf Richter
China’s Central Bank Makes Even the Heroic Fed Look Like a Bunch of Amateurs  (2)
Wolf it's ok to print money if you actually make something, and more of it every day. That's no bubble. You just need to keep up with wealth creation. Bubble is when you make nothing but money.
11/22/2014 at 8:23 AMPermalink
 Robert Blumen - 24hgold
Is Gold Money  (3)
As quoted from Wiki, anything accepted by all in exchange for goods and services is money. Gold is probably the only substance to be able to claim this position in the entire human history, as it was, is and will be accepted in exchange for goods and services by every single human individual that ever lived, lives and will ever live. Gold appeal is hardwired in human DNA. It has beautiful shiny color (the color ...
11/22/2014 at 3:51 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Warren Bevan - Precious Metals Stock Review
Gold Has Got To Put Up Or Shut Up  (2)
"I’ve got some great stocks on my shopping list for subscribers!" Why subscribers? Mortgage and pawn all you have, borrow all they'll lend you and buy all the stocks you can! The only way is up for Dow! Correction is obviously over, and people will give gold away for free soon. Take my advice, it's free.
10/7/2014 at 12:26 PMPermalink
 Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Market Report: Failing economies and the quarter-end  (3)
Nations have, trough history, often put their silver and gold together in a bid to achieve something. Athenians spent their silver to build a fleet, Scots attempted colonizing Panama, English, trough the bank of England, became the world's chief pirates, Hitler spent American gold to conquer the world and now this. They all went through three phases - coming up with the plan, getting subscriber's gold while pr...
10/5/2014 at 1:32 AMPermalink
 Chris Ciovacco - Ciovacco Capital Management
Stocks or Gold Choice Has Been Relatively Easy  (2)
Good. I think you personally need to borrow some more and put it all into stocks. You'll make a fortune.
7/16/2014 at 3:20 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Blaming deflation  (7)
"Say's Law. It states that we make things to buy things" is the essence of the problem.

As Western economic and political power peaked 20 years ago and unlimited cheap labor backed with no consumption power became available worldwide, the next step in wealth redistribution within Western societies was only logical. These days, masses incapable of producing anything useful, are looking forward to be sent...
6/22/2014 at 11:00 AM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Hugo Salinas Price -
The Dollar Cannot Be Devaluated and Sucidal Bankers  (26)
West swindled China once already in 19th century by demonetising silver and dumping most of world's silver reserves on China. This was the point where gold was introduced as the single storage of value. It appears it is the time for iridium, palladium, polonium, plutonium :)? I believe the single storage of value is engineer, and this is where China beats the rest of the world, not only West, with their hands do...
4/2/2014 at 12:29 PMPermalink
 Andy Sutton
It's Gut-Check Time, America with Graham Mehl  (6)
There is a leadership role for you guys in this new world.
You could get together, lynch some of your public representatives and a couple of "private industry" captains and give government back to the people.
I will not name names, but the candidates are quite obvious here.
The nations of the world would promptly and happily follow you there.
Unfortunately, and you are a clear example, you lack n...
3/30/2014 at 8:21 AM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Deep State Blues  (26)
"Has anyone in the pay of America’s Deep State asked themselves whether it really matters to us who runs Ukraine?"

There's a Polish brain somewhere deep in the ranks of US State Deepartment (ZB and disciples). And every Polish brain knows that Russia without Ukraine is not an Empire, while Russia with Ukraine is an empire. It is so obvious, because Poland and Russia are almost identical, and Poland with...
3/24/2014 at 12:15 PMPermalink
 Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
Implications of the Ukrainian situation for gold  (7)
Can you please investigate, instead, what happened to the Ukrainian gold reserves?
3/22/2014 at 1:30 PM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Ron Paul
Can We Afford Ukraine  (34)
Dear bogza,

Try google translate on this: there is only one thing worse than losing identity - it is loosing identity and then turning against your own. Poles at least had some benefits from their repeated pathetic attempts at an empire. What is your excuse? Looking up to imperial Polish masters? Really?
3/13/2014 at 9:51 AMPermalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
US deep storage gold reserves bar list made public  (15)
"I think that the sub 2 percent purity cateory is an error"

I think they are gold plated tungsten bars. The error could be in quantity? 2,455,000 bars? At average 430 oz/bar that would still leave them with 654.5 t of pure gold, or 654.56 t of 99.99. At $1350/oz that's $29 billion. Not much compared to $17 trillion debt, but still impressive for a bankrupt.
3/7/2014 at 1:28 PMPermalink
 Philippe Herlin - GoldBroker
Bernanke Tapers QE Before Leaving the Fed : Can This Be Sustained  (2)
So FED has cut Treasury bonds buying into half, and yields keep dropping? What is wrong with this picture? Not only that FED's 20 billion per month are replaced, but additional money is going into bonds? Where does it come from? My guess is that banks, the greatest beneficiaries of money printing, are made to replace toxic mortgage debt with equally toxic Treasury bonds. Stage two of "find the lady". Any other p...
2/10/2014 at 9:39 AM  1  1  Rating :  0 Permalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Coin shortages and rationing are in our future  (12)
Happy New Year Bron, and jugging by the start, it promises to be a busy one.
Please let me summarize crucial points of your text, and please correct me if I'm wrong:
- there's plenty of row/scarp PMs around
- all the shortage is due to blank manufacturing bottlenecks
- there's no shortage in Perth, in manufacturing or storage
- you guys, having future demand in mind, have updated production a...
1/12/2014 at 8:04 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
King World News and Others Removing Goldman Sachs Reference to Maguire In Attempt To Mak  (16)
You appeared to be judging the quality of his calls, which appears to indicate you may believe there’s more then hidden agenda behind what he says. I believe there may not even be a real person behind DD, and the CV of whoever is behind this may be quite impressive. Like working at the same floor with Blythe Masters or something like that. For me, the best indication of his identity were emergence at the market ...
11/11/2013 at 1:49 AMPermalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
King World News and Others Removing Goldman Sachs Reference to Maguire In Attempt To Mak  (16)
So your conclusion is that he is not good enough to make a living from this? Hence, he must be doing something else? Well in that case you may have been right the other day when you proposed he had masters. I don't understand why you backed off from that claim. Because he appears to have an ego too? Doesn't it make sense they would employ someone to do exactly what he does, and exactly at that level? They can su...
11/6/2013 at 4:18 AM  1  2  Rating :  -1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Toby Connor - Gold Scents
Is the Manipulation in the Metals about to Begin Again  (9)
Good call. I wonder if physical price is dettached this time completely. Unless they have another 1200 t leased physical ready somewhere, they may end up with unredeemable bits of paper this time.
9/13/2013 at 7:57 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Jason Hamlin - Gold Stock Bull
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on Syria, World War III, Dollar Collapse and $30,000 Gold  (13)
I don't think your rearing will scare them. What China and Russia loose is T-bonds they will make up in gold. Morgan FED has been subsidizing price of gold for a while now, transfering physical eastwards, and all the Chinese goods and Russian raw materials are payed for in full. Only gold price adjustment is required. So US bank-government can keep on playing find the lady all they want with vaults empty. One ca...
9/6/2013 at 12:04 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 1 AnswerPermalink
 Toby Connor - Gold Scents
Currency Markets: The Next Crisis Has Begun  (2)
I'm looking at the cross rates, since you can't really trust anything coming out of US, or UK for that matter, and they are telling me that 2013 is 2008 in slow motion, where end of July 2008 is equivalent to end of March 2013. Summer brak has inserted a pause, while major developments are still reserved for coming reporting season. The only skill required is to come up with a pair that's not manipulated so much...
8/11/2013 at 5:48 AMPermalink
 Charleston Voice
Keiser Report: Bank of England is Missing 1,300 Tons of GOLD! (E476) 07/27/13 - YouTube  (4)
This should explain parading the queen and Martyn Poliakoff around the vault in December. Poliakoff even gave a lecture of how usless all that gold was. If I had my gold there I would have been tempted to put it up for lease, oh let's say in April. It would be nice to know whose gold went to Asia never to return.
7/29/2013 at 8:10 AMPermalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Shortodile Golddee: That's not backwardation  (8)
Thanks for clarification. You may want to include your previous post into this one.
7/26/2013 at 8:43 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Mish - Global Economic Analysis
Gold Backwardation Conspiracy Nonsense  (5)
"If interest rates were higher, then it would really be worth getting exercised over." Well if fiat money was not printed, bonds bought and interest rates manipulated none of this would have happened in the first place. If Woody went to the Police... But Woody refuses to take the medicine. Just one more day We may manage to expand taxation base by annexing EU, Canada, Australia, Japan... Then we'll be ok again. ...
7/26/2013 at 5:02 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Shortodile Golddee: That's not backwardation  (8)
OK Bron, gold is less likely to run out than oil, because gold is money and oil is a commodity. Was that your point? Or you just like Hogan and this was a good opportunity...?
7/25/2013 at 1:54 PM  3  1  Rating :  2 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mac Slavo - Shtfplan
They Will Take Everything If You Don’t Stop Them: Ten Things You Must Do To Defend Yourself  (24)
Mac, you should study Bosnia, Lebanon... Things just do not work that way. You cannot stand alone.
7/20/2013 at 2:23 PM  4  2  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Jesse - Le Café Américain
Stand and Deliver: How Germany Disrupted the World's Gold Market  (15)
I sincerely apologize for failing to notice your trail of crumbs and exposing you to inconvenience of being forced to point it out to me. It is entirely my fault. Not being a native English speaker I would have missed even a Jamaican spelling. I also seem to have offended you by apparently assuming that you might be an American, and I apologize for that too. It’s tricky these days, and I’m obviously not careful ...
7/8/2013 at 1:51 AM  3  0  Rating :  3 Permalink
 Jesse - Le Café Américain
Stand and Deliver: How Germany Disrupted the World's Gold Market  (15)
Your mall is in US. Mine is not. You fail to comprehend how irrelevant your mall and the people in it have become and that will be your undoing.
7/7/2013 at 4:16 AM  6  0  Rating :  6 1 AnswerPermalink
 Jesse - Le Café Américain
Stand and Deliver: How Germany Disrupted the World's Gold Market  (15)
Earlier I thought that China may be behind gold hammering, since they are benefiting from it the most. Recently, after asking myself what would happen after another stock market crash, I realised one cannot go back to bonds. They are overpriced and can go only down (like a rock if different forms of QE stop). One would have to have a very good reason not to go into gold – and there it is. Since April someone has...
7/6/2013 at 6:23 AM  6  1  Rating :  5 1 AnswerPermalink
 Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Financial Insider: “We Are Moving Into the Last Stages Before An All Out Collapse”  (7)
How about this: China dictates labour cost to the rest of the world. To stay afloat US needs to control at least energy. So far Russia cannot be taken, but seems to be draining itself up rapidly. The whole of North Africa and Middle East is under control, save Syria and Iran. Once Syria is taken, Iran can even be nuked if necessary. The problem appears to be that Russia has decided to take stand in Syria and for...
6/11/2013 at 7:32 AMPermalink
 Bron Suchecki - Perth Mint
Chill out dudes  (7)
Listing the facts again:
1) Before the chrash, Chinese foreign reserves only were sufficient to buy 69,000 t at the that price
2) At this moment, Chinese foreign reserves converted into gold are worth 76,000 t
3) the total amount of gold on this planet is 160,000 t
4) the total amount of commercialy available gold is 76,000 t
5) at present prices China only can buy all the commercially availa...
5/2/2013 at 5:02 AM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Dan Dontrose - The Fundamental View
Don’t Be Fooled By The Bounce  (3)
Don, do you really believe anyone here is taking you seriously? Your 'analysis' is just pattern game, a selffulfilling prophecy, just like astrology. You are barking up the wrong tree with clear bias and ulteriour motive. Good luck with that.
4/17/2013 at 8:53 AM  0  1  Rating :  -1 Permalink
 Robert Blumen - 24hgold
The Myth of the Gold Supply Deficit  (17)
Let someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but above "governors" can, if they wish, create unlimited quantity of short positions on LBMA and COMEX, with 1% penalty for non-delivery on three months basis. They are already trading with 41 t daily in paper. When they are supported by FED, and can come up with any ammount of US$ to cover those penalties, the price of gold generated on COMEX and LBMA can be anything...
4/4/2013 at 6:34 AMPermalink
 Chris Powell - GATA
Fed shorting gold to support dollar, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Roberts says  (1)
At $1600/oz China can buy 69,000 t of gold with their foreign reserves. At this stage it doesn't realy matter if they are enabled to buy another 10,000 t for the same summ, since there's they can't even 69,000 at the market in the first place.
4/3/2013 at 3:19 AM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink

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