Gold One International Ltd

Published : November 26th, 2008


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Aflease Gold Limited

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

(Registration number 1984/006179/06)

JSE Share code: AFO    International Prime QX (OTCQX): AFSGY

ISIN: ZAE0000758867





Further to the announcement dated 20 November 2008 regarding the execution of an acquisition agreement by Aflease and BMA in relation to a scheme of arrangement (�scheme�), the following information is provided:


The terms used below are as defined in the announcement dated 20 November 2008, save where a different definition appears herein.


1  Trading statement

In terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, a listed company must publish a trading statement as soon as it is satisfied that a reasonable degree of certainty exists that the financial results for the period to be reported upon next will differ by at least 20 percent from that of the previous corresponding period.


Aflease expects that for the year ending 31 December 2008, headline and attributable earnings per ordinary share will be between 8 and 12 cents per share.  The basic and headline loss per share reported in 2007 were (16.31) and (15.70) cents per share respectively reported.


In December 2007 Aflease issued 600 convertible bonds at a value of R1 million per bond to raise gross proceeds of R600 million, primarily to finance the development of the Modder East project.  The Aflease convertible bonds mature 5 years from the issue date at the redemption value of 109.6 percent of the nominal value, unless converted into Aflease shares at the holders� option.  All or some of the Aflease convertible bonds can be converted at a fixed rate of 266 058 shares per bond.  The Aflease convertible bonds are reported at fair value with changes to the fair value recognised through the income statement.  Similarly, the conversion option within the Aflease convertible bond is a derivative embedded in the liability which is measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the income statement.  With changes in market conditions from June 2008, the value of the conversion option has reduced, resulting in an accounting non-cash gain to Aflease.


The information in this trading statement has not been reviewed and reported on by the auditors of Aflease.


The results for the year ending 31 December 2008 will be published on 31 March 2009.


2  Acquisition issue by Aflease

2.1  Introduction

In terms of an agreement (�the Trinity Agreement�) entered into on 25 November 2008 (�signature date�) between Aflease and Trinity Asset Management Proprietary Limited (�Trinity�), Aflease is undertaking a 10 for 1 share swap with Trinity and will acquire, in a number of separate tranches, not less than 3 million and not more than 7.5 million Randgold & Exploration Company Limited (�Randgold�) shares at a price per Aflease share of not less than 95 percent of the 30 day volume weighted average traded price of Aflease shares on the date of acquisition by Aflease of each tranche of Randgold shares to be acquired by it from Trinity ("acquisition").  The first tranche will consist of 3 million Randgold shares in exchange for 30 million Aflease shares at an agreed price of R13.00 per Randgold share and R1.30 per Aflease share.  The remaining tranches will be swapped during the period of 3 months following on the signature date at the price per Aflease share and the swap ratio as stated above.  At the end of that period all obligations with regard to Randgold shares not yet swapped, will terminate.


Trinity currently holds 44 million Aflease shares (i.e. 8.36% of the current issued share capital before the acquisition).


2.2  Rationale

Aflease will look to dispose of the Randgold shares in order to raise additional capital.


Trinity has undertaken to use its best commercial endeavours to assist in the sale of the Randgold shares for and on behalf of Aflease.


2.3  Randgold 

Randgold is an investment holding company with assets in the mining industry.  It aims to invest in high quality assets that will ensure maximum return for its shareholders.  It currently holds prospecting rights directly and indirectly through subsidiary companies which it plans to develop further in order to add value to its investments.  Randgold will only consider mining where the resource analysis proves that it is commercially prudent to do so.  There are no operational mines in the group.  (source: www.


2.4  Conditions precedent

The acquisition of the first tranche of Randgold shares is not subject to any conditions precedent.


Aflease will not be obliged to acquire from Trinity any subsequent tranches of Randgold shares put to Aflease in terms of the Trinity Agreement, unless all Randgold shares already acquired by Aflease in terms of the agreement have been disposed of to the satisfaction of Aflease.


3  Financial effects of the acquisition and the scheme

The tables below set out the unaudited pro forma financial effects of the acquisition and the scheme on Aflease ordinary shareholders for the period ended 30 June 2008.  The first table reflects the minimum 30 million Aflease shares to be issued in terms of the acquisition.  The second table reflects the potential maximum 75 million Aflease shares to be issued. 


The unaudited pro forma financial effects have been prepared for illustrative purposes only to reflect the pro forma results of BMA after:

*  the acquisition; and

*  the implementation of the scheme and the replacement of the Aflease convertible bonds with BMA convertible bonds, including the accounting loss which results from the proposed waiver in terms of the convertible bonds to allow for the technical change of control of Aflease.


Because of its nature, the unaudited pro forma financial effects may not give a fair reflection of BMA�s financial position, changes in equity, results of operations or cash flows.  The unaudited pro forma financial effects are the responsibility of the Aflease directors and the BMA directors. 


These financial effects may be subject to amendment.  Any changes to the financial effects will be released on the Securities Exchange News Service (�SENS�) and published in the press.


Based on a minimum of 30 million Aflease shares in terms of the Trinity Agreement: 


Before the scheme

���������������������������������������������� Aflease

��������������������������������� Aflease��� adjusted/

������������������� Aflease����� adjusted����� Aflease

������������������� (Note 2)���� (Note 3)���� % change

Net asset value/

share (cents)�������� 42.85�������� 47.55������� 11.0%

Tangible net

asset value/

share (cents)�������� 42.85�������� 47.55������� 11.0%

Total number

of shares������ 524 457 006�� 554 457 006

Loss per

share (cents)

*Basic������������ (3.77)������� (3.56)�������� 5.6%

*Headline��������� (3.77)������� (3.56)�������� 5.6%

Weighted average number

of shares����� 524 186 173�� 554 186 173


After the scheme

������������������������������������������� BMA after/

���������������������������������������������� Aflease

���������������������������� BMA after������� adjusted

������ �����������������������(Note 4)������� % change


Net asset value/

share (cents)������������������� 28.24�������� (40.6%)

Tangible net asset

value/ share (cents)������������ 28.24�������� (40.6%)

Total number

of shares����������������� 578 607 712

Loss per share (cents)

*Basic����������������������� (25.89)������ (627.2%)

*Headline�������������������� (25.89)������ (627.2%)

Weighted average number

of shares����������������� 578 607 545


Based on a maximum of 75 million Aflease shares in terms of the Trinity Agreement:


Before the scheme

���������������������������������������������� Aflease

��������������������������������� Aflease��� adjusted/

������������������� Aflease����� adjusted����� Aflease

������������������� (Note 2)���� (Note 3)��� % change

Net asset value/

share (cents)�������� 42.85�������� 52.24������� 21.9%

Tangible net

asset value/

share (cents)�������� 42.85�������� 52.24������� 21.9%

Total number

of shares������ 524 457 006�� 599 457 006

Loss per

share (cents)

*Basic�� ����������(3.77)������� (3.30)������� 12.5%

*Headline��������� (3.77)������� (3.30)������� 12.5%

Weighted average number

of shares����� 524 186 173�� 599 186 173


After the scheme

������������������������������������������� BMA after/

���������������� ������������������������������Aflease

���������������������������� BMA after������� adjusted

����������������������������� (Note 4)������� % change


Net asset value/

share (cents)������������������� 34.14�������� (34.7%)

Tangible net asset

value/ share (cents)������������ 34.14�������� (34.7%)

Total number

of shares����������������� 623 607 712

Loss per share (cents)

*Basic����������������������� (24.02)������ (627.9%)

*Headline�������������������� (24.02)������ (627.9%)

Weighted average number

of shares����������������� 623 607 545


Notes to both tables:

1  The pro forma financial effects are based on the accounting policies adopted by Aflease, which are in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (�IFRS�).  It is assumed that all changes and transactions described below are effective on:

*  1 January 2008 for purposes of preparing the pro forma financial effects on earnings.

*  30 June 2008 for purposes of preparing the pro forma financial effects on net asset values.

2  The �Aflease� column has been extracted from the published unaudited financial information of Aflease for the six months ended 30 June 2008.  

3  The �Aflease adjusted� column represents the effects of the acquisition, after transaction costs assumed at R100 000.  The number of Aflease shares to be issued in terms of the Trinity Agreement is assumed at 30 000 000, being the minimum per the Trinity Agreement in the first table and is assumed at 75 000 000, being the potential maximum number of shares in the second table.  The investment in Randgold shares will be held for sale and will be fair valued at the effective date of the acquisition.  

4  The �BMA after� column is based on the published unaudited financial information of BMA for the six months ended 30 June 2008, adjusted for  the following:

*  Amounts have been converted from Australian Dollar to Rand at the following assumed exchange rates:

  -  Income statement: R7.10: AUD1

  -  Balance sheet: R7.62: AUD1

*  Significant corporate action within BMA after 30 June 2008 but prior to the implementation of the scheme.  The corporate action includes the issue of shares, the exercise of share options and a share consolidation of 20:1.

*  An accounting policy change relating to the expensing of exploration costs to align the BMA accounting treatment with Aflease post the scheme.

*  The business combination as proposed in the scheme takes into consideration the accounting principles relating to reverse acquisitions in terms of IFRS3 Revised: Business Combinations.  It is assumed that BMA will elect to early adopt IFRS3R: Business Combinations.

*  Transaction costs of R36.8 million, which are non-recurring.  Costs associated with the issue of shares of R7 million are set off against share capital while other transaction costs are expensed in terms of IFRS3R: Business Combinations.  An interest impact after tax is assumed.

*  In terms of the scheme the convertible bonds in Aflease will be replaced with convertible bonds in BMA with adjustments to certain terms and conditions to be agreed with the convertible bondholders.  A fair value adjustment of R90 million, based on preliminary calculations, is assumed, which increases the carrying value of the liability and results in an equivalent charge to the income statement.  While fair value adjustments are accounted on an ongoing basis, the nature of this charge to the income statement is non-recurring as it relates directly to the replacement of the Aflease convertible bonds.  Fair value changes will be determined on the effective date of the transaction.

*  Charges for IFRS2: Share-based payments are assumed to be the same as reported and will have to be calculated as at reporting periods.

*  The issue of BMA shares in terms of the scheme.  The number of shares at 30 June 2008 and the weighted average number of shares for the period then ended are for the BMA legal entity after the scheme.  Effectively one previous share in Aflease per the �Aflease adjusted� column is equivalent to one BMA share per the �BMA after� column.

5  The trading update for Aflease included in paragraph 1 of this announcement refers to market movements after 30 June 2008 to date which have resulted in the fair value of the convertible bonds liability reducing subsequent to the 30 June 2008 reporting date.  While not a consequence of the scheme, the current market movements are taken into consideration by the directors of Aflease in their renegotiation of the terms for the replacement of the convertible bonds.  Preliminary valuations of the bonds indicate that, currently, the R90 million fair value charge, as described in note 4 above, is absorbed by the positive fair value adjustments arising as a consequence of the current market conditions.  The net impact of these adjustments on the fair value of the convertible bond liability may therefore result in a significantly different carrying value of the convertible bond liability at the effective date of the scheme, compared to the liability assumed in the pro forma financial effects.  On the assumption that the market related fair value adjustments to the convertible bonds result in a set-off of the R90 million impact of the renegotiation of the terms, the pro forma net asset value per share would have been 43.80c  to 48.58c and the pro forma earnings per share would have been (10.34c)to (9.59c).  Fair value changes will be determined at the effective date of the transaction.

6  Diluted earnings per share are anti-dilutive.


4  Withdrawal of cautionary

Given that the financial effects of the scheme have now been provided in paragraph 3 above, the cautionary relating to the scheme is withdrawn.


5  Ongoing cautionary

As Aflease is still in discussions regarding transactions aimed at raising development capital, the outcome of which may have a material effect on the price of Aflease�s shares, Aflease shareholders are advised to continue to exercise caution when dealing in Aflease�s shares until a further announcement is made.


Parktown, Johannesburg

26 November 2008


Corporate adviser and sponsor to Aflease: MACQUARIE FIRST SOUTH ADVISERS (PTY) LIMITED



For further information call Neal Froneman, CEO Aflease Gold on +27 (0)83 628 0226



Issued by du Plessis Associates on behalf of Aflease Gold Limited.

dPA contact Helen McKane Tel : +27 (0)11 728 4701, Mobile: +27 (0)82 330 2034 or e-mail:


Gold One International Ltd

ISIN : AU000000GDO5
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Gold One is a gold development stage company based in South africa.

Its main assets in production are SUB NIGEL & SPAARWATER and MODDER EAST in South Africa and its main exploration properties are NEW KLEINFONTEIN & TURNBRIDGE, HOLFONTEIN and VENTERSBURG in South Africa and ETENDEKA in Namibia.

Gold One is listed in Australia, in Germany, in South Africa and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 242.1 millions as of today (US$ 213.2 millions, € 156.2 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on April 03, 2009 at AU$ 0.01, and its highest recent level on May 15, 2009 at AU$ 12.00.

Gold One has 807 080 905 shares outstanding.

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