“Don’t Look At The Flash Or Fireball” Guam Issues Survival Guide For Nuclear War As Trump’s Military Locked And Loaded

IMG Auteur
Published : August 14th, 2017
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Category : Crisis Watch

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The crisis with North Korea has hit a fever pitch with both, President Trump and Kim Jong Un, exchanging words on a nearly hourly basis.

While North Korea has threatened to reduce the United States to “ash,” Trump has responded by saying that the U.S. military is “locked and loaded” for war.

So serious is the concern that Guam, identified by Un as an initial target should war break out, has issued a nuclear war guide to its residents:

Guam Homeland Security issued a new fact sheetFriday, which the agency says will help residents prepare for an imminent missile threat.

The information was released following this week’s threat by North Korea to launch a missile attack against Guam.

The advice includes tips such as: “Do not look at the flash or fireball – It can blind you” and “Take cover behind anything that might offer protection.”

“Lie flat on the ground and cover your head. If the explosion is some distance away, it could take 30 seconds or more for the blast wave to hit,” the sheet states.

During a press conference at Adelup late Friday afternoon, Gov. Eddie Calvo told reporters that the threat level remains the same and that the island is “safe and sound.”

The full fact sheet can be found here.

We’ve previously reported that a war with North Korea would likely be initiated by the detonation of an EMP (Electro Magentic Pulse) weapon directly above the United States, potentially leading to widespread power outages, something that Homeland Security is preparing for as we speak with an exercise dubbed “Black Sky Event.”

Moreover, any EMP detonation could have radiolocial and nuclear consequences, meaning that the fall-out from a nuke blast could pose a secondary and deadly threat.  These 15 Tips Will Help You Get Home Safely Following An EMP emergency.

Whether we’re talking about an EMP detonation or outright nuclear exchange, the world is sitting on the brink of a major crisis and it could well go “hot” in coming days or weeks.

While not looking at the flash or fireball may keep you from being blinded, should we find ourselves in a situation where nuclear war is imminent, being prepared to evacuate and having life saving gear could mean the difference between life or death. The following are strongly recommended for nuclear preparedness:

The following guides may be helpful for those needing guidance on what to do now:

Source : www.shtfplan.com
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