ALERT: WORLDWIDE Netflix Email Scam Is Targeting Millions Of Subscribers

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Published : November 08th, 2017
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24hGold - ALERT: WORLDWIDE Net...

A new email scam is making the rounds and this one appears to be targeting Netflix’s millions of subscribers.  The email threatens to shut down the users account if they fail to update their billing information.

According to ABC News, the email asks its readers to click the link, leading them to a fake Netflix homepage and prompting them to enter their private information. According to MailGuard, an Australian cybersecurity firm, that includes billing information, so the scammers can access debit or credit card numbers.

The well-designed, individualized, and fake email convinces customers to update their account information to avoid suspension. This results in stolen personal and credit card information.

Action Fraud has enclosed an image of the scam email so it can be easily spotted.

A well designed Netflix email targets some of the 110 million Netflix subscribers worldwide! Check out the steps:

— Action Fraud (@actionfrauduk) November 6, 2017

“Unfortunately, scams are common on the internet and target popular brands such as Netflix and other companies with large customer bases to lure users into giving out personal information,” Netflix said in a statement to ABC News. Netflix says that the company will never ask for personal information in an email and advises its subscribers to be careful of any phishing emails that lead to false websites, according to its security page.

“Scammers can make their fake emails and bogus websites look pretty convincing, so it’s always a good idea to check carefully that the email comes from the actual company domain and not a scammer,” advised MailGuard on their company blog.

Never click on links in an email or text message. Go directly to the company’s website to check on your account. Scams such as this one are not new by any means, but a lot of people are falling victim to this one.

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