Erdogan Scorecard: 50,000 Detained or Fired Generals, Judges, Teachers, Police, Others

IMG Auteur
Published : July 21st, 2016
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Inquiring minds may be interested in the number of military officers, generals, judges, teachers, and ordinary citizens detained or fired by Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Facts Not Needed for Extradition

Yesterday, ABC news reported Turkey Fires Tens of Thousands in Coup Plotters Hunt.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the issue in a phone call with U.S. President Barack Obama, and his spokesman said the government was preparing a formal extradition request for the cleric, Fethullah Gulen. But he also suggested that the U.S. government shouldn’t require the facts before extraditing him.

“A person of this kind can easily be extradited on grounds of suspicion,” said the spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin. “And there is very strong suspicion for his involvement, for Gulen’s involvement, in this coup attempt. So this is sufficient ground.”

Erdogan Targets More than 50,000 in Purge After Failed Turkish Coup

The Globe and Mail reports Erdogan Targets More than 50,000 in Purge After Failed Turkish Coup

The following scorecard was pieced together from the preceding two articles and other sources.

Erdogan Scorecard

  • Education Ministry: 15,200 teachers fired
  • Interior Ministry: 8,777 employees fired
  • Finance Ministry: 1,500 employees fired
  • Energy Ministry: 300 employees fired
  • Erdogan’s Office Staff: 257 people fired
  • Directorate of Religious Affairs: 492 staffers fired
  • Generals and Admirals: 85 generals and admirals jailed pending trial
  • Judicial: 2,745 judges fired
  • Police officers: 8,000 fired
  • Coup participants: 9,322 security personnel, judges, prosecutors, religious figures detained

That comes to 46,678. I am sure there are another 5,000 if not 20,000 unaccounted for in the above scorecard.

Are we really supposed to believe 85 generals were involved in this coup and it failed?

Awaiting Death

24hGold - Erdogan Scorecard: 5...

Death Penalty Raises Stakes For Merkel

Erdogan now wants to reinstate the death penalty so he can kill everyone he suspects of being against him. The death penalty is against EU rules, Raising the Stakes for Merkel on the migrant deal.

In a phone call on Monday, Merkel personally told Mr Erdogan that capital punishment was “in no way compatible with the aim of EU membership.”

However, as hypocritical, self-serving, and foolish as ever, Steffen Seibert, the chancellor’s spokesperson, said this week that the Turkey deal remained in place, saying it should “be viewed separately” from the coup and its aftermath.

#eu Steffen Seibert, Merkel's spokesperson says Turkey deal still in place and should be viewed separately from the coup. How crazy is that?

— Mike Shedlock (@MishGEA) July 20, 2016

In spite of the coup attempt; terrorist attacks in Nice, Paris, and Brussels; and an ISIS-Inspired Train Attack in Germany this week, Merkel is bound and determined to give 80 million Turks visa-free access to the EU to save her preposterous refugee deal with Turkey.

On July 18 I noted French PM Booed in Tribute to Nice Victims.

Physicists and psychologists need to study Merkel’s mind. It has turned into a black hole so dense that no intelligent thought on the refugee crisis can possibly escape.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock


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Mike Shedlock / Mish is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. He writes a global economics blog which has commentary 5-7 times a week. He also writes for the Daily Reckoning, Whiskey & Gunpowder, and has over 80 magazine and book cover credits. Visit
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