Go Time: “Pentagon is Making the Initial Preparations for a Cruise Missile Attack”

IMG Auteur
Published : August 26th, 2013
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FOLLOW : Middle East Syria
Category : Crisis Watch

Two words for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Get Out.

It should be clear based on reports this week of US soldiers and intelligence operatives entering Syrian borders last Saturday that a military operation is now in progress. After the events that played out in front of the world on Wednesday, when it was claimed that Assad launched a chemical attack against his own people, there is no question as to what was going to happen next.

It’s go time in the middle east:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel suggested Friday that the Pentagon was moving naval forces closer to Syria in preparation for a possible decision by President Obama to order military strikes.

Fox News

And we’re not just positioning boats. Via Zero Hedge:

Moments ago the inevitable denouement arrived when as CBS’ David Martin reports, the US is preparing for a cruise missile launch against Syria, and is further ordering warships closer to Syria to be prepared and ready for when the trigger is pulled.

24hGold - Go Time: “Pentagon i...

For those who would suggest this is just posturing, there is already a precedent:

In the eyes of the world Bashar al-Assad is now a mass murderer and he’s about to get Saddam’d by Hussein.

Source : www.shtfplan.com
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