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Grant Williams: Thinker, trader, holder. Why?

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Published : August 19th, 2014
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Category : GoldWire

In the new edition of his "Thngs That Make You Go Hmmm. ..." letter, Singapore fund manager Grant Williams suggests that Asian central bank demand will be decisive for the gold price eventually, and he extensively praises gold researcher and GATA consultant Koos Jansen for calculating Chinese gold demand better than anyone else.

Williams writes: "If you really want to understand what the reality might very well be, then from time to time you need to take a little leap of imagination when considering the activities of the Chinese central bank and open your mind to possibilities that the mainstream just refuses to entertain.

"Nobody -- and I mean nobody -- does that better than my friend Koos Jansen.

"Koos watches gold data more closely than just about anybody else in the world (Nick Laird, if you're reading this, you’ve still got Southern Hemisphere bragging rights, my friend); and, crucially, he is one of the few who is happy to ignore what he's told by officials and do the math himself.

"Now when it comes to gold and China, that takes an incredible amount of hard work. However, when he does that work, the numbers Koos comes up with are quite extraordinary and -- for my money -- likely to be far more accurate than anything coming out of the People's Bank of China."

Williams' new letter is headlined "Thinker, Trader, Holder. Why?" and is posted at the Mauldin Economics Internet site here"

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Chris Powell is the secretary of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) which has been organized to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities.
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