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>Gold is Good Money  - Ron Paul - 

This man could have been our president! A man who has the balls to stand up and defend our right to our own property. The sheep will get the government they deserve, and neither one of these puppet candidates will challenge any of the usurpations of the Constitution being shepherded lovingly by both of the statist parties.

Just see if sound money comes up in the charade "debates".... or bailouts, the NDAA, the second Amendment, or any of the many other issues that are crushing Liberty in this once great nation.

Even if you have the foresight to protect your wealth by holding precious metals, your government will tax you on the "profits" you made from gold going up. Too bad it was their toilet paper fiat currency going down as reams fly out of Ben's chopper into the hands of his banker cronies. So you will be taxed on the intentional loss of value on their worthless paper!

Ron Paul's bill is the only way to take back the rights to your property from the "government" that wants to steal it!

Isn't "democracy" great?

4234 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Last year the Chairman of the Federal Reserve told me that gold is not money, a position which central banks, governments, and mainstream economists have claimed is the consensus for decades. But lately there have been some high-profile defections from that consensus. As Forbes recently reported, the president of the Bundesbank (Germany's central bank) and two highly-respected analysts at Deutsche Bank have praised gold as good money... Read More
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