28 November 2014
As required by section 251AA(2) of the Corporations Act the following statistics are provided in respect of each motion on the agenda. In respect to each motion the total number of votes exercisable by all validly appointed proxies is:
Adoption of Remuneration Report
Votes where the proxy directed to vote "for" the motion 49,041,905
Votes where the proxy was directed to vote "against" the motion 1,931,112
Votes where the proxy may exercise a discretion how to vote 1,232,531
In addition, the number of votes where the proxy was directed to abstain from voting on the motion was 320,549 and 2,950,000 were excluded.
The motion was carried on a show of hands as an ordinary resolution.
Re-election of Mr Derek Carter as Director
Votes where the proxy directed to vote "for" the motion
Votes where the proxy was directed to vote "against" the motion
Votes where the proxy may exercise a discretion how to vote
In addition, the number of votes where the proxy was directed to abstain from voting on the motion was 60,000.
The motion was carried on a show of hands as an ordinary resolution.
Re-election of Mr Donald Stephens as Director
Votes where the proxy directed to vote "for" the motion
Votes where the proxy was directed to vote "against" the motion
Votes where the proxy may exercise a discretion how to vote
In addition, the number of votes where the proxy was directed to abstain from voting on the motion was 60,000.
The motion was carried on a show of hands as an ordinary resolution.
58 King William Road, Goodwood, South Australia 5034
Telephone: (61 8) 8378 8200 Fax: (61 8) 8378 8299
Web: www.mithrilresources.com.au Email: [email protected]
ABN: 30 099 883 922
Subsequent Approval of the Issue of 37,844,255 Shares
Votes where the proxy directed to vote "for" the motion
Votes where the proxy was directed to vote "against" the motion
Votes where the proxy may exercise a discretion how to vote
In addition, the number of votes where the proxy was directed to abstain from voting on the motion was 45,000.
The motion was carried on a show of hands as an ordinary resolution.
Approval of 10% Placement Facility
Votes where the proxy directed to vote "for" the motion
Votes where the proxy was directed to vote "against" the motion
Votes where the proxy may exercise a discretion how to vote
In addition, the number of votes where the proxy was directed to abstain from voting on the motion was 68,000.
The motion was carried on a show of hands as a special resolution. Yours faithfully,
58 King William Road, Goodwood, South Australia 5034
Telephone: (61 8) 8378 8200 Fax: (61 8) 8378 8299
Web: www.mithrilresources.com.au Email: [email protected]
ABN: 30 099 883 922