Microsoft Word - 20150310 ORN ASX Key Exploration Programs Commence v5.docx
ASX Announcement / Media Release
10 March 2015
ASX Code:ORNIssued Capital:
Key Exploration Programs Resume in
Queensland and Fraser Range
Gold drilling underway at Connors Arc (QLD); Nickel exploration resumes in Fraser Range (WA)
Ordinary Shares: 306M Options: 89M
Errol Smart
Managing Director, CEO
Bill Oliver
Technical Director
Alexander Haller
Non-Executive Director
Company Secretary
Martin Bouwmeester
Business Development Manager
Suite 2
64 Thomas Street
West Perth WA 6005
ABN 76 098 939 274
T: +61 8 9485 2685
E: [email protected]
• Drilling re-commences at Connors Arc Epithermal Gold-Silver Project in Queensland to follow up recent encouraging results from hole AFRCD012.
• Drilling will also test another vein swarm, where historical shallow drilling intersected sizeable quartz veining.
• Geophysical crew mobilising to Fraser Range Project in WA this week to commence a ground electromagnetic survey following up anomalies detected in recent survey.
Orion Gold NL (ASX: ORN) is pleased to advise that it has commenced key exploration programs at its flagship projects in Queensland and Western Australia.
Connors Arc Epithermal Gold-Silver Project (Queensland)
Drilling has resumed at the Aurora Flats Prospect within its 100%-owned Connors Arc Epithermal Gold-Silver Project in Central Queensland following the encouraging results returned in the Company's maiden drill program (refer ASX Release 17 February 2015).
The new phase of drilling will test the epithermal system down-dip and along strike from hole AFRCD012 (Figure 1), which returned 9m at 0.45g/t Au & 28g/t Ag from 229m (including 3m at 1.10g/t Au and 59g/t Ag including 1m at
1.92g/t Au and 92g/t Ag). Based on the metal content returned and the epithermal textures seen within the vein and associated breccia, the Company considers follow-up drilling at this prospect to be high priority.
Drilling will also test a zone of veining to the north of the Aurora Flats prospect where AFRC002 intersected quartz veining with similar geochemistry to that observed in AFRC001 (refer ASX Release 15 July 2013 and 21 January 2015). In the ASX release of 17 February 2015 the Company noted an apparent trend of increasing metal content from south to north. Given this hypothesis and the results from drilling beneath AFRC001, the Company considers that testing of the epithermal system down-dip from AFRC002 to be a high priority target.
Initial assay results from the drilling are anticipated to be received during April
2015. The Company looks forward to updating shareholders and the market with drill results from the numerous targets being tested within the highly prospective Connors Arc epithermal gold-silver project.
Figure 1. Cross section showing planned drilling below AFRCD012, Connors Arc.
Fraser Range Nickel-Copper Project (Western Australia)
In addition, the Company is pleased to advise that a new program of geophysical surveying will start this week at its Fraser Range Nickel-Copper Project in Western Australia.
A high-powered fixed-loop ground electromagnetic (EM) survey is being carried out to confirm and refine late channel anomalies detected in the recent high powered moving loop EM survey in an area where drilling has provided strong geological and geochemical indicators (refer ASX Release 18 February 2015).
Errol Smart
Managing Director and CEO
Company Enquiries:
Errol Smart - Managing Director and CEO Denis Waddell - Chairman
T: +61 8 9485 2685
E: [email protected]
About Orion
Orion Gold is focused on acquiring, exploring and developing large tenement holdings or regional scale mineral opportunities in world-class mineral provinces. The Company has acquired quality projects in proven mineral provinces, including a substantial tenement holding in the Albany-Fraser Belt, host to Australia's two most significant discoveries of the last decade (the Tropicana Gold Deposit and the Nova Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Deposit). Part of this tenement holding was acquired from entities associated with Mark Creasy who is now a significant shareholder in Orion. The project area was previously explored by Western Areas Ltd who identified mafic-ultramafic intrusives within the project area as well as nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE anomalies. Orion's intensive, systematic exploration programs have successfully defined 23 targets to date by a combination of geological, geochemical and geophysical methods.
The Company has also secured a large tenement package on the Connors Arc in Queensland, where a significant intermediate sulphidation, epithermal gold and silver system has been identified at Aurora Flats. The project lies between the well known Cracow and Mt Carlton epithermal deposits. The Company is increasing its focus on this project, following promising reports from expert consultants.
Additionally, the Company has an interest in the Walhalla Project located in Victoria, where it is focusing on exploration for Copper-PGE and has entered into an agreement with A1 Mining regarding the gold rights on the tenements.
The Company has an experienced management team with a proven track record in exploration, development and adding shareholder value.
This release may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward-looking statements inherently involve subjective judgement and analysis and are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Orion Gold NL. Actual results and developments may vary materially from those expressed in this release. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Orion Gold NL makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.