VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

Published : October 07th, 2015

Edited Transcript of NG.TO earnings conference call or presentation 7-Oct-15 3:00pm GMT

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Edited Transcript of NG.TO earnings conference call or presentation 7-Oct-15 3:00pm GMT

VANCOUVER Oct 7, 2015 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of NovaGold Resources Inc earnings conference call or presentation Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 3:00:00pm GMT

TEXT version of Transcript


Corporate Participants


* Melanie Hennessey

NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - VP Corporate Communications

* Greg Lang


* David Ottewell



Conference Call Participants


* John Bridges

JPMorgan - Analyst

* John Tumazos

John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst




Operator [1]


Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the NOVAGOLD third-quarter 2015 conference call and webcast. (Operator Instructions). As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.

I would now like to turn the call over to your host for today, Ms. Melanie Hennessey. Ma'am, you may begin.


Melanie Hennessey, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - VP Corporate Communications [2]


Thank you, Ben, and good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us on today's third-quarter call and also update on our latest activities. Today I'm joined by Greg Lang, our President and CEO, and also David Ottewell, our Vice President and CFO.

Before we get started, I would just like to remind our listeners that some of the statements will contain forward-looking information and risks that are detailed in our various filings and materials that can be found on SEDAR and EDGAR. But with that, I will pass it over to Greg.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [3]


Thank you, Melanie. Good morning, everyone. We appreciate you taking the time to join our call this morning.

Today we'll be speaking about the activities on the two great assets that we have, the Galore Creek Project, which we co-own with Teck in British Columbia, and the Donlin Gold Project, which is well into permitting. Barrick is our partner in this project.

We are very much a permitting-focused group this year. The preliminary draft EIS was finalized. We are taking all of those comments from the various agencies and stakeholder groups and incorporating them into the draft EIS. This is probably the most comprehensive permitting process I have ever undertaken in my career and we're really pleased with how it is going. By year-end, we anticipate the draft EIS will be published for a final round of public comments.

Other activities underway this year are really still focused on permitting. We have added a little bit to the permitting staff up in Alaska as we are at the stage in the process where decisions are made every day and there is tremendous communications with all the agencies to get the draft done this year.

At Galore Creek, we had site visits and we are continuing to work to optimize mining and waste management systems, and we're doing additional work on the tunnel through the Galore Valley. We are proceeding with this project at a fairly measured pace, given the copper markets. When the time is right, we still intend to sell the Galore Creek project.

Turning to slide 7, community outreach is an important part of the permitting process. We have been diligent in visiting the villages throughout the Y-K region. We've sponsored various programs in the communities at both of our projects.

I will now pass it over to Dave to review the third-quarter financial results.




Thank you, Greg. As Greg discussed, activities at Donlin Gold are focused on advancing the draft EIS, permitting, and community engagement in the Y-K region. At Galore Creek, technical studies focused on optimizing mine planning and design are underway.

Our share of project cash funding year to date was well under budget at $9.2 million, with $8.7 million at Donlin Gold and $0.5 million at Galore Creek.

We have lowered our total 2015 forecast project spending for Donlin Gold and Galore Creek from $14.2 million to $12 million.

Slide 9 operates -- or highlights our operating performance. Our third-quarter operating loss of $6.6 million was approximately 39% lower and the first nine months' loss of $25.1 million was 17% lower than the prior-year periods. General and administrative expenses were lower due to lower professional fees and favorable foreign exchange translation of expenses incurred in Canadian dollars.

Year to date, our share of losses at Donlin Gold were $2.5 million lower than last year as 2015 activities continue to focus on permitting. At Galore Creek, our share of losses was offset by a $639,000 gain on the sale of surplus equipment.

Moving on to our cash flow on slide 10, we spent $4.7 million during the third quarter. $2.8 million was used to fund our share of the Donlin Gold and Galore Creek projects and $1.7 million was used in operating activities, primarily for operating -- administrative costs.

We ended the quarter with cash and term deposits totaling $130 million. Based on spending to date of $35.5 million, the full-year 2015 spending forecast has been reduced from $44.8 million to $41.3 million.

Greg, back to you.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [5]


Thank you, Dave. Turning to slide 11, Donlin is one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the industry.

Right now, everybody is focused on hunkering down and cutting costs and no new investment. We are two years away from a construction decision, and when sentiment changes, mines like Donlin will be needed to sustain the gold industry.

Turning to slide 12, Donlin's size and production profile clearly distinguish it from the other undeveloped gold deposits. It is far and away the largest and better than twice the annual production of the nearest competitor.

On slide 13, we compare Donlin's grade to the industry averages. It is better than twice the average grade of the industry, which will contribute to its low operating costs.

Donlin is already a large deposit, but as illustrated on slide 14, we have only explored less than half of the gold bearing system. When the time is right, the owners will resume exploration. It's certainly a very prospective piece of ground.

On slide 15, we look at what's been happening in the gold industry. Exploration spending is significantly down and there hasn't been a major discovery in over four years. Gold production has peaked and it will continue to decline in the coming years. Without major gold deposits like Donlin, the industry cannot sustain itself.

We think our timing to complete permitting will happen at a time of rising gold prices.

On slide 16, one of the very appealing aspects of the Donlin project is the leverage that we have to rising gold prices. And over its 27-year mine life, one would anticipate that it would capture many up markets.

We also have very strong partnerships from our partners in Teck and Barrick to our Native Corporation partners in Alaska and British Columbia. These partnerships are key to a successful development in today's industry. And these relationships at Donlin have spanned over 20 years. Both TKC and Calista have a strong interest in seeing this project go forward. We're also working with The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation on conservation projects in the region around Donlin.

So what has our focus been this year? We are going to advance the Donlin Gold Project to a construction decision. Neither owner has a build-at-any-price mentality. When the market is right, we will go forward with this project. And while we are doing this, we will keep our relationships and stakeholders fully engaged.

We will also safeguard our strong financial position. As Dave noted, we have continued to reduce our expenditures.

In closing, the Company is well financed to advance the Donlin Gold Project. In less than two years, we will have a permitted project and still a strong cash balance. We really are a standout in the space in terms of our financial strength and the quality of our assets.

Operator, we are now ready to open the line for questions.


Questions and Answers


Operator [1]


(Operator Instructions). John Bridges, JPMorgan.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [2]


I was just wondering. Once you finish this process, are you going to become Dr. Lang for your thesis on Donlin or maybe, given the size, you perhaps should be a professor? Or maybe Tom will take the professorship.

Originally, the next step at Donlin was very simple and that was that either Barrick was going to buy you out or you and Barrick together were going to develop the mine. But now with all the changes in the industry, there must be a number of different scenarios out there. You are just back from meetings at Denver. I just wondered if you could lay out a few scenarios as to how the project is likely to go forward. What possibilities are there?


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [3]


Well, John, I think we are really focused on our permitting activities with Barrick. We have been really pleased with how constructive all the agency comments have been, and that gives both owners confidence that we will get the permitting successfully completed in about two years.

And while we're working on the permitting, we are also looking at what makes the most sense for the scale of the operation. And this feasibility study was conceived at a different time in the gold industry. Bigger was better. Everybody was growth focused and had lot stronger balance sheets and access to capital than they do today.

But we think that's going to be a different world in two years' time and that working with our partner, we are both looking at options to see what makes the most sense. And I think the scenario that is very likely is that as we are wrapping up the permitting in 2016, the owners will update the feasibility study. By then, it will be about five years old and a lot has changed since then, both in terms of inputs and energy costs.

So a little over a year from now, we will update that and the owners will decide which path makes the most sense, and that could be anywhere from, if prices are strong, building it as big as you can and as fast as you can. If markets are weak, we will go slowly. So I think there is so much at play with the gold price that we are -- both owners want to keep all of their options open.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [4]


Yes, I keep on reading about a production cliff, so your asset could be very attractive to a number of different players who are looking at that cliff and would like to take a share in the project.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [5]


I think assets like this do draw a lot of interest. We have really had the view that a fully permitted project is of much greater value than one that is going through the permitting process. That removes the last bit of risk from the equation.

And we have read a lot of different reports on production going out five years and you see it dropping anywhere from 12 million ounces or in the neighborhood of 15%. And with the lack of investment in discoveries in recent years, the industry will need projects like this one.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [6]


Okay. Thanks, professor. Best of luck.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [7]


(laughter). Thank you for joining the call, John.


Operator [8]


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [9]


Presumably your reserves or resources will be the same as Barrick and Teck calculate in their next filings. Probably the drilling will be the same, but the price coordinates could be lower for gold or copper. If Barrick or Teck were to take a financial impairment on their investments in Donlin or Galore Creek, do you think your auditors will use the same financial tests and force you to do the same?


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [10]


I think I will turn that question over to Dave Ottewell, our Chief Financial Officer.


David Ottewell, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - VP, CFO [11]


Hi, John. First of all, at Donlin, we only have $1.5 million on the books for Donlin, so there -- and that basically represents the unspent cash, our share of that at Donlin, so there is no risk of any impairment at Donlin.

At Galore Creek, we currently have about $250 million on the balance sheet in US dollars, and we will be looking at any triggering events for an impairment, together with Teck. And anything that they do under their IFRS rules would likely be very similar to what we would have under US GAAP.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [12]


And to your question on the reserves, John, both -- the reserves at Donlin, the feasibility study was completed in 2011 and the trailing average gold price back then was significantly lower than it is today. So we wouldn't anticipate any changes at the current price levels.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [13]


Concerning Galore, subsequent to the initial development at Galore, Teck did other things, including the investment in the Copper Fox Schaft Creek Project. Is there any common assets, common infrastructure, or ways that you could somehow maneuver that all those assets could be unitized into one in the district where your participation would also be in the Schaft Creek as in a merged asset, so to speak?

You know, the lay of the land is very nice at Schaft Creek. There is an airstrip right below the mountain and there is no 100-kilometer road tunneling through mountains, et cetera.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [14]


John, I think you raised a very good point, and clearly Teck takes a long-term districtwide view of Galore and the other projects around it.

We are sellers, so I don't think any transaction of that type we would participate in, but it would certainly make our interest in Galore more attractive to any group that did pull together a large land position such as you describe.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [15]


Finally, roughly three years from now, your cash balances at current spending rates could be drawn down. Do you think your strategy might evolve to do a new equity financing three years from now, or sellout, or there is other gold or copper companies that are very undervalued with development properties, merge and add a new development property or something else?


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [16]


Well, John, I think as Dave articulated, our expenditures -- the demands on our cash have been steadily dropping over the coming years. If you moved the clock forward two years from now and if our burn rate remained the same, we would have a permitted project in somewhere between $90 million and $100 million cash and that's assuming we don't sell Galore.

Once we get the permitting completed, the demands on our cash would drop even further, so I think we could sit there and maintain ourselves for seven, eight years without substantially changing the structure of this Company. And philosophically, we don't do down rounds. We will not raise equity at a share price less than our last (inaudible) at [$9.50], so we will -- we are patient people. Our major shareholders look at us as an unexpiring warrant on an ounce of gold, and they take a very long-term view.

So we're not really compelled to do anything other than focus on permitting and get Donlin ready for a construction decision.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [17]


So, if anything, you're just going to be a little leaner?


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [18]


A little leaner. We are not that big a company today, John.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [19]


I know. It's those big partners that spend 50% and don't watch the nickels you got to watch out for.


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [20]


We're in a very -- we feel very fortunate to be in the financial situation we're in.


John Tumazos, John Tumazos Very Independent Research, LLC - Analyst [21]


Thank you and good luck.


Operator [22]


(Operator Instructions).


Greg Lang, NOVAGOLD RESOURCES INC. - President, CEO [23]


Well, everyone (multiple speakers) are no further questions, so that concludes our call this morning. Thank you for joining us.


Operator [24]


Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your participation in today's conference. This does conclude the program and you may all disconnect. Have a great rest of your day.

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VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

ISIN : CA66987E2069
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NovaGold Res. is a gold development stage company based in Canada.

NovaGold Res. develops gold, copper and silver in Canada, and holds various exploration projects in Argentina and in Canada.

Its main asset in production is ABO in Canada, its main assets in development are ROCK CREEK (NOME) and GALORE CREEK in Canada and its main exploration properties are SEVERANCE, GALORE CREEK - COPPER CANYON and SADDLE in Canada and DONLIN CREEK, AMBLER, BIG HURRAH and SAN ROQUE in Argentina.

NovaGold Res. is listed in Canada, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is 273.3 millions as of today (US$ 201.6 millions, € 181.3 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on March 02, 2001 at 0.13, and its highest recent level on April 01, 2022 at 9.99.

NovaGold Res. has 47 442 200 shares outstanding.

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7/16/2008Quarterly Call Rescheduled to July 24
3/29/2007Exercises Option to Purchase Mining Claims at Galore Creek
2/26/2007Reports Further Results from 2006 Drill Campaign at Donlin C...
2/23/2007Receives Galore Creek Project Environmental Certificate Appr...
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