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Ivanhoe Australia's Quarterly and Cash Flow Report for the Three Months Ending 30 June 2011
Published : July 29, 2011
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MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA--(Marketwire - July 29, 2011) - Ivanhoe Australia Limited (TSX:IVA)(TSX: IVA.WT)(News - Market indicators)(ASX:IVAO) -

Key Achievements  

  • Underground development work commenced at Osborne and Kulthor in preparation for quarter 1, 2012 production
  • Preliminary production estimates for copper-gold business 
  • Geophysical modelling of Osborne and Kulthor underground indicate potential extensions to the existing resource
  • Construction of the Merlin decline is on schedule and budget
  • Merlin pre-feasibility study  optimisation work continues
  • Houdini drilling confirms strong copper gold mineralisation
  • Multiple Intersections of high grade molybdenum and rhenium identified over Cloncurry field
  • Appointment of two independent, non-executive directors


Ivanhoe Australia continues to progress its four main projects with the key focus on commencing copper and gold production in quarter 1, 2012.

Underground development work at Osborne and Kulthor commenced during the quarter with the first development blast fired at Kulthor on 1 May.

Preliminary production estimates for the copper-gold business are expected to be:

  • 2012 – tonnes milled in the range of 700,000 to 900,000 with production commencing late quarter 1, 2012;
  • 2013 – tonnes milled in the range of 1.8 – 2 million.

These estimates are expectations and are not definitive. Work to firm up these estimates is continuing, with an NI 43-101 compliant technical report expected to be released during quarter 3, 2011.

Construction of the Merlin decline is on time and on budget. At the end of June the decline face had progressed to 1,097 metres (adjacent to the Little Wizard orebody). It is currently at 1,248 metres (27 July 2011). An access drive into the Little Wizard orebody will be developed in quarter 3, 2011.

The Merlin pre-feasibility study continued during the quarter with further optimisation work required prior to completion of the study. A purpose built processing facility will be constructed for Merlin and the existing Osborne concentrator will be used for the copper-gold business. Merlin is planned to commence production in late 2013.

Exploration results at the Houdini prospect have intersected high grade copper gold mineralisation along a 600 metre strike length and potential exists for further extensions along strike and at depth.

Two new independent, non-executive directors were appointed to the Ivanhoe Australia Board of Directors, Inés Scotland and Jim Askew. Both directors have extensive experience in international resources exploration, studies and development.


Ivanhoe Australia is exploring within the Eastern Succession of the Mount Isa Inlier, located in Queensland, Australia. Its key projects are the Osborne and Starra Line copper-gold projects, the Merlin molybdenum and rhenium project (Merlin), the Mount Elliott copper gold project and the Mount Dore copper SXEW and polymetallic project. All these projects are on granted mining leases.

Ivanhoe Australia also holds significant equity stakes in Exco Resources Limited (ASX:EXS) and Emmerson Resources Limited (ASX:ERM). Ivanhoe Australia has joint venture agreements with both companies.

During the quarter, work focused on construction of the Merlin decline and commencing underground development work at the Osborne and Kulthor resources, optimising the Merlin pre-feasibility study, Mount Elliott and Mount Dore scoping studies.

Project Exploration

Merlin Project

Surface drilling focused on engineering for geotechnical assessment of the southern ventilation raise and sterilisation areas. No significant mineralisation was logged and assay results will be available in quarter 3, 2011.

Mobilisation of an underground Diamond drill contractor has commenced and resource definition drilling from underground is scheduled to commence early in quarter 3, 2011.


An updated block model is nearing completion to confirm and validate the mineral resources at the Osborne underground and open pit and Kulthor underground. Preparation for a Canadian NI 43-101 report is being undertaken by an independent consultant and is expected to be finalised during quarter 3, 2011. This is expected to provide detailed resource models to support the copper-gold study and provide the basis for future production guidance.

Geophysical modelling of Osborne underground and Kulthor underground indicate extensions to the existing resource are possible. A program of underground and surface drilling will be undertaken to test the potential extensions.

Site preparations have commenced for the underground drill cuddies and the drilling contract is expected to be awarded in August 2011. The underground drilling program will include infill resource definition at Kulthor and target resource extensions at Osborne Deeps. Underground drilling is planned to commence in August on the Kulthor resource with an initial emphasis on areas for immediate development and stope delineation. Infill drilling on the high grade south-west zone of the ore body will be undertaken in quarter 1, 2012. The Osborne Deeps drilling to test the depth extensions of the deposit are planned to commence in September, 2011.

A surface drilling program will commence in quarter 1, 2012 to test potential southern extensions of mineralisation at the Kulthor deposit.

Geophysical analysis has also identified Avalon, a 5 km long magnetic target 4km west of Osborne. (Refer to Figure 1). Limited shallow drilling has previously been undertaken around Avalon. A drilling program will commence targeting the Avalon anomaly in quarter 3, 2011.

Starra 276

Starra 276 is one of the potential ore sources being assessed as part of the copper-gold study. The existing decline into the Starra 276 resource has been assessed to be in good condition and could support an annual operating capacity of 1Mt.

The drilling program currently being undertaken on Starra 276 includes infill drilling to further delineate the existing Mineral Resource, drilling to upgrade the inferred portion of the resource and drilling to target expansions of both the Indicated (13 Mt @ 1.1% Cu, 0.8 g/t Au) and Inferred (4.3 Mt @ 1.2% Cu, 1.0 g/t Au) Mineral Resources. The planned 31 hole Diamond drilling program is being conducted on a 50 by 100 metre spacing. An updated Mineral Resource incorporating results from 6 of the holes drilled under this program is expected to be finalised during quarter 3, 2011. A further updated Mineral Resource incorporating results from the remaining holes is expected to be finalised in quarter 1, 2012.

Geophysical results from down hole electromagnetic and magnetic surveys conducted on Starra 276 suggest the system remains open at depth and along strike to the south of the existing resource. Drilling on this target will be undertaken in quarter 4, 2011.

At the end of the quarter, four drill rigs were operating on this programme with 16 holes out of the planned 31 completed. Significant results of the drilling program include:

Hole ID From
STQ1045 42 49.9 7.9 1.25 3.16
STQ1046 49 67 18 0.34 3.54
STQ1049 421 438 17 1.71 0.58
STQ1050 442.7 445.6 2.9 1.65 1.99
STQ1050 450 452.15 2.15 1.25 0.38
STQ1050 456 466 10 1.03 0.85
STQ1050 471 492 21 1.43 0.2
STQ1050 493 495 2 0.48 0.91
STQ1050 499 501 2 0.45 1.57
STQ1051 718 720 2 1.27 0.14
STQ1052 279.6 307 27.4 0.68 0.81
STQ1053 307 353.15 46.15 0.74 0.66
STQ1055 704 706 2 0.98 0.34
STQ1056 327 369 42 1.43 0.59
STQ1059 353 355 2 0.52 3.18
STQ1063 469.55 486 16.45 0.44 0.13
STQ1065 514.57 523 8.43 0.62 2.12
STQ1067 431 440 9 1.01 0.37



Key projects being studied and developed are:

  • Copper and Gold projects at Osborne-Kulthor and the Starra Line;
  • Merlin molybdenum and rhenium;
  • Mount Dore heap leach and SXEW; and
  • Mount Elliott copper gold.

Project development this quarter focussed on commencing underground development work at the Osborne and Kulthor resources, the copper-gold study, the Merlin pre-feasibility study, progressing the Merlin decline and advancing the Mount Dore heap leach scoping study. The scoping study on Mount Elliott also continued.

Copper-Gold Study

The copper-gold study to identify potential ore feed for the Osborne concentrator from Kulthor, and Osborne underground, Osborne open pit and Starra 276 continued. The study focused on assessing these near-term production opportunities including mining and processing production rates and capital and operating cost profiles.

Preliminary results of the study estimate that tonnes milled are expected to be in the range of 700,000 to 900,000 tonnes in 2012 with production commencing late quarter 1, 2012. A portion of the 2012 production ore is expected to be sourced from the Osborne open pit which is subject to the Board approving an additional $25 - $35 million in capital expenditure to commence the open pit extension.

The copper-gold study is also investigating the recommencement of mill production from Starra 276 in 2013. Starra 276 production is expected to be trucked along the proposed Merlin-Osborne haul road to the Osborne plant. Work is progressing to assess capital expenditures for both of these projects.

Preliminary studies indicate that the recommencement of the Starra 276 mine, together with production from Osborne underground, Kulthor underground and Osborne open pit, will enable the combined tonnes milled through the Osborne concentrator to increase to 1.8-2 million tonnes in 2013.

These estimates are expectations and are not definitive. Work to firm up these estimates is continuing with the Preliminary Economic Assessment (Canadian NI 43-101 compliant report) expected to be finalised during quarter 3, 2011 which will confirm the initial copper and gold resource inventory, production and cost profiles.

Underground development work at Osborne and Kulthor commenced during the quarter with Pybar Mining Services mobilised to site in late April 2011. The first development blast at Kulthor was fired on 1 May with all mining faces at both Kulthor and Osborne established and advancing by the end of the quarter. At the end of June 2011 a total of 296 metres were advanced on both resources with the Kulthor decline only 103 metres from the orebody. The decline is currently 50 metres from the orebody with access to Kulthor expected by the end of August.

A raisebore was mobilised to Kulthor in June to bore the surface primary ventilation rise. The raise had advanced 78 metres by end of June.

The contract to convert the Osborne power station to dual diesel/gas is expected to be awarded late in quarter 3, 2011. The conversion will permit the power station to operate on up to 99% gas usage resulting in significant savings in future energy costs.

Minor refurbishment work continued on the Osborne concentrator and shaft area, with shaft hoisting of development waste recommencing in the last week of June.


Construction of the Merlin decline is on time and on budget. At the end of June, the decline face had progressed to 1,097 metres and was adjacent to the Little Wizard ore body. The decline is currently at 1,248 metres (27 July 2011) (see Figure 2). An access drive into the Little Wizard orebody will be developed in quarter 3 to undertake drilling to expand the resource, obtain bulk samples for metallurgical and roaster test work and understand the geotechnical aspects of the orebody which may relate to the Merlin orebody.

Work continued on the Merlin pre-feasibility study during the quarter with the following work undertaken:

  • A review of other operations which use mining methods similar to those proposed for Merlin, with the objective of optimising the mining method and benchmarking costs.
  • Examination of potential offshore locations for the roaster as an alternative to constructing a dedicated molybdenum and rhenium concentrate roaster at Osborne and which could result in a significant reduction in roaster capital.
  • The design and cost of the 53km-long haul road between Mount Dore and Osborne. Lower costs are anticipated compared to the original estimate.
  • The appointment of a lead consultant to continue the refinement and engineering for the processing plant and roaster.
  • Continued dewatering of the Mount Dore aquifer to reduce the water table ahead of further decline progress. Water cover holes will be drilled in July, to determine the extent of the water table and for further geo-technical analysis of ground conditions.
  • Preparation and submissions to Government authorities responsible for permitting the road access corridor and processing Merlin ore at the Osborne site.

Preliminary results from the pre-feasibility study work indicate that mining costs will be significantly higher than those forecast in the scoping study, due to increased ground support requirements. This increase is partially offset by the treatment of higher grade ore, as the updated Merlin Mineral Resource, now incorporating Little Wizard, has been used in the analysis.

The various studies undertaken to date indicate that the economics of Merlin and the other copper-gold development projects will be maximised by utilising separate copper-gold and molybdenum-rhenium circuits at the Osborne facility. As a result, the capital savings that were estimated for the Merlin project at the time of the Osborne purchase will not be fully realised within the Merlin project, due to the expected utilisation of the Osborne concentrator in the copper-gold business. There remains, however significant synergies and cost savings to be achieved by locating the Merlin processing facilities adjacent to the existing Osborne facilities. Refer to Figure 3 showing a digital image of the proposed location of the new molybdenum and rhenium processing circuit.

The pre-feasibility work to date has identified new opportunities to enhance the project economics:

  • Further mining design optimisation with the objective to reduce mining costs;
  • A further review of the flotation circuit design to identify capital reductions and operational performance improvements;
  • A further review of the roaster design to reduce capital;
  • An investigation into the potential to produce higher value product streams for molybdenum and rhenium to reduce capital and increase revenue;
  • Undertaking further work on the short-listed offshore roaster and downstream processing locations to assess potential capital and operating reductions.

The assessment on the timing to complete the optimisation work is currently under review to determine what elements of the scope should form part of the pre-feasibility study.

The requirement for further studies will result in the forecast for commencement of Merlin production in late 2013.

During the quarter the Company had preliminary funding discussions with third parties interested in partial or full funding of the roaster in exchange for an offtake/marketing agreement of the molybdenum products. The Company also held discussions with a number of parties regarding their interest in the Company's copper-gold projects.

Mount Dore

A scoping study1 for the Mount Dore copper leach project will be completed in the quarter 3, 2011.

1 Under the Canadian reporting regime this report is termed a Preliminary Economic Assessment NI43-101.

Mount Elliott

Mount Elliott is recognised as one of the largest copper-gold mineralised systems discovered in Australia and is Ivanhoe Australia's flagship project with the potential to provide Ivanhoe Australia with a long life production base.

The Mount Elliott Mineral Resource (cut off of 0.3% eCu) comprises an Indicated Resource of 210Mt @ 0.52% Cu and 0.32g/t Au and Inferred Resource of 360Mt @ 0.40% Cu and 0.26g/t Au. The higher grade SWAN portion of the resource (0.8% eCu shell) contains an Indicated Resource of 65Mt @ 0.90% Cu and 0.52g/t Au and Inferred Resource of 47Mt @ 0.74% Cu and 0.44g/t Au.

The scoping study for Mount Elliott continued during the quarter with AMC Consultants awarded the contract to deliver the study by quarter 1, 2012. The study is to evaluate all mining options for the large tonnage orebody including the potential to extract copper-gold ore from the high grade SWAN zone for processing at Osborne. Key work being undertaken by AMC includes:

  • Evaluating the optimal mining method;
  • Conducting metallurgical test work on drill core; and
  • Infrastructure studies on power, water, camp and airstrip requirements

The scoping study will identify the future development path for the project including additional resource drilling, metallurgical test work, and infrastructure requirements.

Regional Exploration

Exploration on the Cloncurry Project (see Figure 4) is focussed on defining sufficient resources for processing in the 2 Mtpa Osborne copper-gold plant as well as exploring for world class IOCG deposits. Exploration is also targeting further Molybdenum-Rhenium resources; with Molybdenum-Rhenium drill intercepts and anomalous rock-chip geochemical results to be followed up at six prospects over a 70 km long region from Lanham's Shaft (45 km northeast of Mount Dore) to Victoria West (15 km south of Mt Dore). High-grade Molybdenum-Rhenium drill intercepts highlight the potential to increase Molybdenum-Rhenium resources on the Cloncurry Project.

Work in the second quarter focussed on drilling copper-gold targets at Houdini, Trekelano and along the Mount Dore trend. This drilling included 12,133 m of Diamond drilling and 654 m of RC drilling.

Ivanhoe Australia holds 22 Exploration Permits for Minerals (EPMs) covering a total of 2,862 km2 and 28 Mining Leases (MLs) covering a total of 104.8 km2. Ivanhoe Australia also has 21 EPM applications in process, covering 3,205 km2; and three ML applications in process, covering 10.6 km2. Exco joint venture EPMs total 563 km2, and the Goldminco joint venture EPM covers 16 km2.

Osborne Area Exploration

Mineralisation at Houdini is associated with a north-trending, east-dipping shear zone and consists of chalcocite in the upper parts and chalcopyrite in the lower parts of the mineralised zone.

Houdini is approximately 20 km north of the Osborne Mill and 30 km south of Mount Dore and within 2 km of the proposed Osborne-Merlin haul road.

Houdini has been drilled along an 800 metre strike length, with high-grade equivalent copper (over 1% equivalent copper) intersected along 600 metres of strike length (and at depths between 50 and 350 metres from surface. There has not been a significant amount of drilling beneath this zone and the deposit remains open at depth. The nature of the mineralisation suggests strong potential for continuity with depth. This is supported by the results of Down-Hole Electromagnetic surveys (DHEM).

Drilling during the quarter totalled 7,337 m of Diamond drilling on six 100 m spaced sections to the north and south of initial section, as well as four 50 m spaced infill sections. In this quarter, mineralisation was intersected in 25 of 28 Diamond drill holes. Recent results include:

Hole ID From To Inter
HOD0040 280 306 26 0.76 0.13
HOD0041 381 400 19 0.5 0.05
HOD0042 123 129 6 1.09 0.09
HOD0043 232 236 4 0.51 0.035
HOD0044A 340 344 4 0.51 0.06
HOD0045 104 126 22 0.7 0.09
HOD0049 280 306 26 1.27 0.28
HOD0050 176 187 11 2.06 0.24
Incl. 186 187 1 9.51 0.72
HOD0051 113 117 4 6.57 0.20
Incl. 113 115 2 12.1 0.38
HOD0052 330 346 16 0.57 0.09
HOD0058 80 107 27 0.58 0.09
HOD0053 112.8 123 10.2 0.77 0.14
Incl. 114 116 2 1.69 0.55
HOD0058A 168 174 6 0.92 0.17
HOD0059 356 357 1 2.06 0.04
HOD0061 57.7 73 15.3 1.08 0.13
HOD0064 100 110 10 0.42 0.05
And 182 188 6 0.55 0.08
HOD0065 105.4 112 6.6 0.59 0.06
HOD0066 194 232 38 1.46 0.12
Incl. 217 231 14 2.51 0.17
HOD0067 200 206 6 0.38 0.06
And 308 330 22 1.30 0.18
HOD0069 117 144 27 1.62 0.30
HOD0070 342 390 48 1.35 0.15
Incl. 365 385 20 2.32 0.25
HOD0072 96 142 46 1.12 0.14

Drilling continues on 100 m spaced step backs to the east of the known mineralisation. A 3,000 m program commenced at end-June. An RC drilling program, totalling 6,000 m on 200 m spaced sections to the north and south of the known mineralisation, is testing the projected strike extensions of the mineralised shear zone. The program commenced in early July.

Starra Line Exploration

Exploration drilling at Starra Line recommenced in May.

Two Diamond holes totalling 903 m were drilled at Starra 276NE, located between Starra 276 and Mount Dore. Drill holes targeted a 300 x 900 m north trending magnetic anomaly splaying off from the main Starra ironstone and overlapped on a strong conductive Natural Source Audio Magnetic Tellurics (NSAMT) anomaly. No significant mineralisation was intersected.

A 3 Diamond-drill-hole program totalling 530 m has commenced at Starra 286 targeting potential northern extensions of Cu-Au mineralisation from pre-IAL drilling in the prospect.

The Starra ground gravity program will infill areas not covered by the survey in 2008; it will commence in early quarter 3, 2011.

Analysis of NSAMT survey line conducted in 2010 shows a strong conductive (TM and Tensor) anomaly dipping to the east under the Mount Dore granite at the Marilyn prospect. Coincident northwest trending lineations derived from magnetic intensity and density inversion data suggest a significant regional structure. A 1,250 metre drill program on this target started in June and is still in progress.

Mount Dore District Exploration

Exploration on the Mount Dore Trend during the second quarter focussed on Diamond drilling at Victoria West, Little Arch, North Gorge, Marilyn and Metal Ridge West. Mapping and sampling programs were undertaken at Victoria, North Stuart, Mount Cobalt, Groups 82, 84, 85 and 87, Midway, Little Arch to North Gorge, Lady Ella West and Confucius.

Three Diamond drill holes totalling 697 m were completed at Victoria West (a 700 m long gossan located 200 metres west of Victoria North open-pit) this quarter. Drilling targeted the southern extension of Mo-Cu mineralisation intersected in VCD0004 (1 m at 0.93% Mo and 14.8 g/t Re, from 110.5 m) and VCD0003 completed in the first quarter. Mineralisation has been intercepted over a strike length of approximately 300 m. Drilling also intercepted moderate to strong Cu-Au and Mo-Re at depth. Cu and Mo mineralisation occurs as chalcopyrite, chalcocite and molybdenite hosted within sheared and brecciated metapelites. Other gossans to the west of Victoria West have yet to be drilled. The prospect has very limited drilling and whilst Mo-Re intercepts to date are narrow there is potential for Merlin-style Mo-Re mineralisation; the lithologies and stratigraphy similar to that at Merlin.

Assay results have been received for drilling completed in the first and second quarters. Significant intercepts are outlined below.

Hole ID Fr To Int
VCD0005 40 47 7 0.37 0.03 - -
VCD0006 69 70.85 1.85 0.31 0.04 0.03 0.54
VCD0006 238 242 4 0.53 0.12 0.01 0.1
VCD0006 253 267 14 0.33 0.1 0.01  
VCD0007 74 75 1 0.33 0.27 0.08 1.07
VCD0007 241 244 3 0.92 0.41 0.01 0.06
VCD0007 256.7 258.2 1.5 8.66 3.03 0.11 0.23
Incl. 257.7 258.2 0.5 15.15 5.86 0.15 0.41
VCD0007 270 271 1 0.27 0.09 0.48 3.06

Assay results for the final hole (MID0010) drilled in Midway (1km south of Mount Elliott) during the first quarter, showed moderate-strong Cu as vein and disseminated chalcopyrite in silicified and albitised carbonaceous metapelite. A significant intercept from MID0010 includes:

HoleID From
MID0010 149 158 9 0.37 0.09 0.53
incl. 167 170 3 1.24 0.14 0.67
and 227 228 1 2.44 0.14 17.9

Drilling resumed at Little Arch-North Gorge this quarter with 348 m RC drilling (LGD0003, LGD0004) and 766 m of Diamond drilling in (LGD0005, LGD0006, LGD0007). Assay results from LGD0003 showed weak Mo mineralisation with an intercept of:

  • 46 m @ 0.015% Mo from 126 m

Hole LGD0005 mineralisation hosted in carbonaceous metapelite proximal to amphibolite included:

HoleID From
LGD0005 203 212.8 9.8 0.68 0.16 2
Incl. 203 207 4 1.08 0.22 3.5

A ground magnetic survey on Group 82 highlighted a northeast trending magnetic anomaly around Dolly Lopez with several inferred northwest-southeast trending structures.

A Sub-Audio Magnetic (SAM) survey completed over the Mount Cobalt prospect indicates a moderately conductive fault-bounded target in carbonaceous metapelite coincident with a strong magnetic anomaly. Conductivity proximal to an amphibolite unit increases northwards, coincident with mapped east-west trending Au-bearing carbonate veins.

A 1400 m drill program at Metal Ridge West is testing coincident geochemical and geophysical targets.

Mount Elliott-Tip Top Exploration

Reconnaissance mapping of the Tip Top Trend (the area northwest along strike from Mount Elliott) has led to the re-discovery of undocumented historic workings north of Tip Top prospect; the prospect has been named Schiller. Encouraging preliminary rock-chip Cu-Au analyses have initiated a field campaign of geological mapping, geochemical surveys and ground geophysics which is currently underway.

Trekelano Area Exploration

Drilling at Trekelano Mine began in May with 997 m of Diamond core this quarter. Trekelano is located approximately 100 km northwest of the Osborne mill and 75 km west-northwest of Mount Dore. The Trekelano Mining Lease hosts 3 high-grade sulphide deposits that have been previously mined, however a significant amount of ore still remains. Two holes were completed in this quarter, on extensions of the historic Trekelano Mine. Mineralisation is characterised as narrow lenses of chalcopyrite and breccia veins. Assays results have been returned for one of these two holes.

Hole ID From To Inter
TKD0174 177 189 12 1.74 0.17
Incl. 184 188 4 4.49 0.39

Exploration within the EXCO JV

There has been no significant fieldwork on the EXCO JV tenements this quarter.

On 20 April 2011, Exco announced the sale of its Cloncurry Copper Project to Xstrata Copper for $175 million. On 3 June 2011, Exco announced upon the successful completion of the sale it intends to distribute $135 million of the proceeds to its shareholders by the end of October 2011. Ivanhoe Australia will be entitled to approximately $30 million of the distribution to be paid by Exco.


Appointment of Two Independent, Non-executive directors

Two independent, non-executive directors were appointed to the Ivanhoe Australia Board of Directors, Inés Scotland and Jim Askew. Inés Scotland is the former Managing Director of Citadel Resources Group and Jim Askew has 35 years experience leading both mining service and mining companies. Both directors have extensive international resources sector experience in exploration, studies, development and international equity markets. Their experience and skills will be invaluable during Ivanhoe Australia's current project development phase.

Corporate Office Relocation

During the quarter Ivanhoe Australia relocated the corporate office to Level 13, 484 St Kilda Road, Melbourne.

To view the accompanying Figures and Tables, visit the following link:

Corporate Information

Board Members    
Robert Friedland   Chairman & Non Executive Director
Peter Reeve   CEO & Managing Director
Sam Riggall   Non Executive Director
John Macken   Non Executive Director
Peter Meredith   Non Executive Director
Douglas Kirwin   Non Executive Director
Ian Plimer   Independent Non Executive Director (Lead)
Kyle Wightman   Independent Non Executive Director
Inés Scotland   Independent Non Executive Director
Jim Askew   Independent Non-Executive Director
Forward Shareholder Enquiries to
Computershare Investor Services 
Yarra Falls 
452 Johnston Street 
Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia 3067 
Telephone: +61 3 9415 4000
Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500
Registered & Principal Office 
Level 13, 484 St Kilda Road 
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3004 
Telephone: +61 3 9090 8800
Facsimile: +61 3 9090 8899

Issued Share Capital

At 30 June 2011 issued capital was 418.4 million ordinary shares and market capitalisation was $1.0 billion.

ASX Stock Codes: IVA / IVAO
TSX Stock Codes: IVA / IVAO.WT

Quarterly Share Price Activity
  High Low Last
  $ $ $
April – June 2011 3.49 2.09 2.40

Ivanhoe Australia's parent company Ivanhoe Mines trades on the NYSE, NASDAQ & TSX: Code: IVN.

To view accompanying Cash Flow Report, visit the following link:

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this Report that relates to Ivanhoe Australia's exploration results for prospects and projects other than Osborne, Starra 222 and 276, Mount Elliott and Merlin is based on information compiled by Paul Carter, General Manager Exploration for Ivanhoe Australia.

The information in this announcement that relates to exploration results for Starra 222 and 276, Mount Elliott and the Merlin Project, is based on information compiled by Geoff Phillips, Manager Mine Geology for Ivanhoe Australia.

Paul Carter,,is a full time employee of Ivanhoe Australia and a member of The South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, a 'Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation' included in the current list of such organisations promulgated by ASX; and a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101. Paul Carter has sufficient experience which is relevant to the styles of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the 2004 edition of the 'Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Paul Carter consents to the inclusion in the Report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Geoff Phillips, is a full time employee of Ivanhoe Australia and a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Geoff Phillips has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the 2004 edition of the 'Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Geoff Phillips consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this announcement that relates to Ivanhoe Australia's mineral resource estimates for the Starra 276, is based on information compiled by Mike Job, who is a full time employee of Quantitative Group and a Fellowof the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mike Job has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the JORC code. Mike Job consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this announcement that relates to Ivanhoe Australia's mineral resource estimates for Mount Elliott, is based on information compiled by Rod Webster, who is a full time employee of AMC Consultants Pty Ltd and a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Rod Webster has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the JORC code. Rod Webster is also an independent qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101. Rod Webster consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.

Quality Control and Qualified Person Statement

Quality control and quality assurance (QAQC) programs are implemented in line with the standards of National Instrument 43-101. These QAQC programs have been overseen and supervised by Mr Carter and Mr Phillips on their respective areas of responsibility as defined above. As qualified persons they are responsible for the QAQC information contained in this report.

QAQC Statement

Ivanhoe Australia's core sampling within mineralised zones is generally taken on continuous one-metre intervals down each drill hole, or on smaller lengths over narrow geological units, for large disseminated or weakly mineralised zones sample lengths may increase to a maximum of two metres. The core is marked with a continuous cutting line along the middle, parallel to the long axis for the purpose of preventing a sampling bias during splitting. Core is cut with a rock saw flushed continually with fresh water and one-half of NQ/HQ core or one-quarter of PQ core is taken for analysis. Reverse circulation (RC) samples are taken on continuous one- or two-metre intervals down each drill hole and collected from a rig-based cone splitter.

Sample dispatches include Certified Reference Materials (CRMs), Field Blanks, Field Duplicates, Crushed Duplicates, and Pulp Duplicates. The CRMs, Field Duplicates, and Field Blanks are randomly inserted during sampling, whereas the Crushed and Pulp Duplicates are inserted at the laboratory. CRMs are certified for gold, copper, molybdenum, and/or rhenium.

Samples are placed in plastic bags, sealed, and collected in large, labelled shipping bags that are secured and sealed with numbered tamper-proof security tags. Samples are shipped to ALS Laboratory Group's Mineral Division at Mount Isa for preparation. Gold, copper, molybdenum, and rhenium assays, and multi-element geochemical analyses are conducted at ALS Mount Isa, Townsville, and Brisbane laboratories. ALS operates in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025.

Reference material assay values are tabulated and compared to those from established Round Robin programs. Values outside of pre-set tolerance limits are rejected and samples subject to re-assay. A reference material assay fails when the value is beyond the 3SD limit and any two consecutive assays fail when the values are beyond the 2SD limit on the same side of the mean. A Field Blank fails if the assay is over a pre-set limit.

Ivanhoe Australia also performs check assays on a regular basis at an independent third party laboratory. Ivanhoe Mines Ltd regularly conducts onsite reviews, internal audits, and laboratory audits to ensure procedural compliance for maintaining industry standard best practices.

Forward-looking statements

Certain statements made herein, including statements relating to matters that are not historical facts and statements of our beliefs, intentions and expectations about developments, results and events which will or may occur in the future, constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking information and statements are typically identified by words such as "anticipate", "could", "should", "expect", "seek", "may", "intend", "likely", "plan", "estimate", "will", "believe" and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. These include, but are not limited to the Company's expectations on the preliminary production estimates from the copper gold business and preliminary results from the Merlin pre-feasibility study and the potential outcomes of the optimisation work being undertaken.

All such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Ivanhoe Australia's management in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements, however, are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information or statements. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements.

ABN: 107 689 878

Ivanhoe Australia Limited
Peter Reeve
Managing Director & CEO
+61 3 9090 8802
+61 3 9090 8899 (FAX)
Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Australia | All

Ivanhoe Australia Limited

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Ivanhoe Australia is a copper and gold exploration company based in Australia.

Ivanhoe Australia develops copper, gold, molybdenum and rhenium in Australia.

Its main asset in development is MERLIN in Australia and its main exploration property is CLONCURRY/ SWAN - MT ELLIOT in Australia.

Ivanhoe Australia is listed in Australia. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 90.0 millions as of today (US$ 82.1 millions, € 60.5 millions).

Its stock quote reached its highest recent level on December 04, 2009 at AU$ 4.24, and its lowest recent point on June 07, 2013 at AU$ 0.10.

Ivanhoe Australia has 418 410 103 shares outstanding.

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Nominations of Ivanhoe Australia Limited
5/27/2013Chief Executive Officer's Address
1/15/2013Announces Company Secretary Appointment
6/28/2011Appoints Jim Askew as an Independent Non-Executive Director
Financials of Ivanhoe Australia Limited
7/29/2011Quarterly and Cash Flow Report for the Three Months Ending 3...
5/2/2011Quarterly and Cash Flow Report for the Three Months Ending 3...
5/2/2011's Quarterly and Cash Flow Report for the Three Months Endin...
Project news of Ivanhoe Australia Limited
2/24/2011(Cloncurry/ Swan - Mt Elliot)Drilling Continues to Intersect High-Grade Copper and Gold M...
12/8/2008High-Grade Molybdenum and Rhenium Discovery Confirmed by Iva...
Corporate news of Ivanhoe Australia Limited
10/24/2013Inova Resources Limited: Shanxi Donghui Conditional Takeover...
10/17/2013Inova Resources Limited: Shanxi Donghui Receives Chinese NDR...
10/6/2013Inova Resources Limited: Shanxi Donghui Conditional Takeover...
9/27/2013Inova Releases Target's Statement
9/19/2013Inova Resources Limited: Updated Starra 276 Mineral Resource...
9/13/2013Inova Resources Limited: Shanxi Donghui Dispatches Bidder's ...
9/5/2013Inova Resources Limited: Positive Initial Gold Results from ...
8/30/2013Inova Resources Limited: Shanxi Donghui Lodges Bidder's Stat...
8/21/2013Inova Resources Limited: Intended Takeover Offer
7/31/2013Inova Resources Quarterly Report for the Three Months Ending...
7/9/2013Market Update on Inova Resources' Exploration and Drilling P...
6/17/2013Name Changed to Inova Resources Limited
5/22/2013Proposed Company Name Change to Inova Resources Limited
4/23/2013Appoints Highly Experienced Geologist, Mark McGeough, as Gen...
4/11/2013Response to Media Article
3/19/2013Production Successfully Commenced at Starra 276 Underground ...
2/11/2013Revised Share Trading Policy
1/29/2013Pro-Rata Entitlement Issue Shortfall Placement
1/7/2013CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: Ivanhoe Australia Announces New Mana...
10/31/2012Quarterly Report for the Three Months Ending 30 September 20...
9/19/2012Upgrade to Mineral Resource; Over 60% Increase in Contained ...
8/31/2012Sale of Exco Limited Shares
8/23/2012Sale of Exco Resources Limited Shares
8/16/2012Strategic & Business Review Complete
7/30/2012Secures US$50 Million Working Capital Facility
6/26/2012First Phase of Strategic and Business Review
6/15/2012First Shipment of Concentrate From the Osborne Copper-Gold P...
6/8/2012Change of CEO
4/30/2012Significant Drilling Results at Ivanhoe Australia's Kulthor ...
4/12/2012Announces Board Changes
3/8/2012Achieves Producer Status
1/31/2012Accesses Very High Grade Little Wizard Molybdenum & Rhenium ...
1/19/2012Significant High-Grade Copper-Gold Intercepts in Resource De...
1/12/2012Receives $30.1 Million Distribution From Exco Resources' Ass...
10/28/2011Osborne Copper Gold Project on Track to Advance Ivanhoe Aust...
10/13/2011Completes Acquisition of 80% Interest in Exco Joint Venture ...
10/5/2011Foreign Investment Review Board Approval for Ivanhoe Mines t...
9/16/2011to Raise Up to A$150 Million Net Proceeds
4/20/2011Clarifies its Position on Exco Resources Limited's Market Re...
10/30/2009Quarterly Report to 30 September 2009
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