Alleged Russian Coup Attempt Leading to Breach of US / European Alliiance

IMG Auteur
Published : March 28th, 2015
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1. Failed US / UK attempt at Russian coup results in fracture of US / Europe ties

Historical background on conflict between Russia and UK.

There is a long history of Rothschild family / UK animosity toward Russia. Rothschild's financed Russian-Japanese war in 1904 - 1905 through Kuhn Loeb Bank in NY by giving $200 million in war financing to Japan which enabled Japan to win the war.

Rothschilds provided financing and coordination to Russian communist revolution through Kuhn Loeb along with Lord Alfred Milner. Research "Schiff's $20 million gold train", also Lord Milner, Kuhn Loeb, and Rothschild. Rothschilds banks also seized Romanov family funds during the revolution. 10s of millions of Russians, Ukrainians, etc. died during the Russian revolution and during the subsequent years of communist rule.

Moving ahead in time to 1994: Mikhail Khodorkovsky Chairman of Yukos after selling to his own company Yukos Russian state oil assets for $310 million, while Khodorkovsky himself managed for Russia the auction of Russian state assets. After Khodorkovsky was jailed by Putin in 2003, Yukos share ownership transferred to Jacob Rothschild through previously unannounced agreement. Putin nationalized these assets valued at $50 billion and kicked Rothschilds and Rothschild proxy George Soros out of Russia when it nationalized Yukos.

Now to the present day

Russian Deputy Evgenii Fedorov alleges that assassination of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was a failed Maidan-style / 'Russian Spring' trigger event to bring chaos to Russia and that Maidan-style Moscow protests were an operation run out of US Embassy: and target="_blank"

Timeline of Recent Events

Feb 2, 2015 - Mikhail Khodorkovsky urges Russians to attend 'Russian Spring' protest in Moscow target="_blank"

Feb 27 Opposition leader Boris Nemstov assassinated in Moscow, two days before 'Russian Spring' protests.

Mar 1 Russian Spring protest marches fail with only 50,000 participants. Attendees below the critical mass to start widespread, destabilizing riots. Khodorkovsky using Russian media incites Muscovites to flock to protests - fails.

Mar 3 Nobel Prize Chairman who nominated Barack Obama for his Nobel Peace Prize is demo target="_blank"ted

Mar 4 Jacob Rothschild warns world seeing "as dangerous geopolitical situation since WW II" due to "Russian aggression" and other f target="_blank"actors

Mar 5 Ned Naylor-Leyland tweets HSBC closing private safe deposit boxes at all 7 vaults in UK with only 60 days notice to their global clientele.

Mar 6 Germany alarmed at NATO "bellicosity" towa target="_blank"rd Russia

Mar 13 UK scrambles to Chinese / BRICS side and announces they are applying to join Chinese led Asian infrastructure deve target="_blank"lopment bank ;

Mar 15 Putin reappears after being 'missing' for 10 days and puts 40,000 troops on target="_blank"readiness alert

Mar 17 Germany, France, and Italy to join Chinese-led Asian Development Bank (followed by Switzerl target="_blank"and and Australia)

Mar 24 Obama refuses to meet with NATO chief. Apparent cooling of US / Europe ties after attempted Russian coup / Chinese dev target="_blank"elopment bank fiasco:

In summary

Allegations of US / UK decapitation attempt on Russian government through Nemtsov murder and organizing 'Russian Spring' protests is act of war and could not be attempted without approval President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron of UK. After failed coup attempt including Rothschild operative Khodorkovsky, Jacob Rothschild warns the world of dangers due to 'Russian aggression'.

UK scampers to support Chinese development bank openly undercutting US.

A coup attempt on Russia would be an act of war and is an illegal and impeachable offence for the US president.

Appears that key allies are turning their backs on the US and UK is trying to side with Russia's ally China (unclear if China will accept UK membership to Asian Development Bank initiative).

Reserve currency status cannot be maintained when allies abandon the issuing country.

2. New Texas initiative for gold / silver legal tender

Critical new initiative by this major oil producing state to bring sound money to target="_blank"Texas

Article: http://thewealthwa...old-revolution/

Gold an target="_blank"d Silver Legal Tender Bill: https://legisca...ext/SB1245/2015

target="_blank"State Bullion Depository Bill: https://legi...text/SB989/2015

Combining oil and gold money have typically led to US / NATO acts of war on host countries (Libya, Iraq, Iran). Texas is a US state - now what?


Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | China | France | Germany | Iran | Iraq | Italy | Japan | Russia | Switzerland | Ukraine | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Australia | China | France | Germany | Iran | Iraq | Italy | Japan | Russia | Switzerland | Ukraine | All
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