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Gold Prices Track Rising US Bond Yields Closest Since 1987 as Government Shutdown Looms

IMG Auteur
Published : January 19th, 2018
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Category : GoldWire
GOLD PRICES rose against the falling Dollar but held flat or fell versus other major currencies on Friday as the US faced a possible government shutdown over lawmakers' failure to agree a 2018 budget.
Asian and European stock markets shrugged off last night's drop in New York stocks but major government bond prices slipped as the emergency US funding bill – needed to avert a government shutdown in Washington – passed the House only to face Democrat opposition in the Senate.
Euro and Japanese Yen gold prices both held 0.6% down for the week.
The UK gold price in Pounds per ounce bounced off last night's near 3-week low but held 1.2% down from last Friday at £962.
"Democrats are needed...but they want illegal immigration and weak borders," tweeted US President Donald Trump this morning after Congress granted 3 temporary extensions to the 2017 budget following 1st October's missed deadline.
"Shutdown coming? We need more Republican victories in 2018!"
With bond prices falling, the annual yield offered by 10-year US Treasury debt was pushed up yesterday to 2.62%, its highest close since September 2014.
Two-year yields today neared 2.05%, their highest level since Sept 2008's global financial banking crash.
On a rolling 1-month basis, gold's daily correlation with 2-year Treasury yields has risen to +0.95 this week.
That figure would read +1.00 if gold and US bond yields moved exactly in lockstep with each other. It has averaged -0.46 over the last 5 years, with a median reading of -0.12 across the last four decades.
This week's reading is the strongest positive correlation between gold and short-term US yields since May 1987, and was only beaten once before that, in September 1979.
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"Gold [is] ignoring many usual headwinds," said a note earlier this week from George Gero at Canadian wealth managers RBC, "looking for next direction [amid] possible looming government shutdown and other geopolitical and political worries."
"Any government shutdown that persisted into [next] week would breed the type of uncertainty that can rattle investors' confidence," reckons Greg McBride, head analyst at US personal finance site
"Markets have done nothing but go up lately [but this] could reintroduce investors to the fact that markets go down as well."
Against the Dollar the Euro today held little changed at this week's 3-year highs around $1.225, while the Chinese currency jumped to 2-year highs both on the domestic and international markets.
That helped cut the gold price in Shanghai to a 2-week low even as the global price rose back to last week's closing level at $1337 per ounce in late Asian trade.
Accounting for the Dollar-Yuan exchange rate, bullion already landed in Shanghai – the official entry point for all gold into the world's No.1 consumer market – rose to a $9.50 per ounce premium to London quotes.
That was the first time so far in 2018 that the incentive for new imports of gold into China edged above its typical $9 level.
"Signs of positive physical demand in China continue to provide some support for prices," says a note from Australian financial group ANZ.
One of the first foreign banks to join the Shanghai Gold Exchange a decade ago, and now a market-maker in the city's daily benchmarking, "Reports from Chinese jewelers suggest demand leading into this year's Lunar New Year is strong," says ANZ.
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