Impeach Trump Talk Rattles Markets; Comey Gets a Golden Parachute? – Welcome to Dystopia

IMG Auteur
Published : May 19th, 2017
513 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
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Category : Crisis Watch

Will the ‘Deep State’ war on Trump end up creating a confidence crisis that takes down the stock market?  Jason Burack and Eric Dubin assess the upcoming ‘dog days of summer.’  It’s getting pretty hot in Washington, D.C.

TND Podcast Exclusive:  Welcome to Dystopia #35

Jason and Eric start the show discussing gold and silver prices as well as the price spikes in Bitcoin, Ethereum and alt coins.

Eric talks about evidence of supply problems in silver appearing now. For the first time in 14 years, annual global silver supply has fallen according to the Silver Institute!…

What does this mean for the silver market? It means years of low silver miners are stopping new supply from coming online and also current supply is being rapidly depleted.

Eric then talks about the multi trillion private wealth management crisis in China. Jason and Eric also discuss how politicians and central bankers are already constantly changing the rules about bailouts like not calling in loans.

China crisis articles:

IMF says US corporations over-leveraged:…

Next, Jason and Eric discuss President Trump firing former FBI Director James Comey and whether this is a good first step to bringing rule of law back to the US?

Jason also talks about whether an extremely large global oil bust is coming in the next 18-24 months?

With news stories like these coming out the odds of a major oil bust are increasing!:

Scumbag Nominees:
1) Un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels demand $110 Billion (YIKES!) Brexit fee! That’s a very expensive divorce!
2) Pope’s comments on Libertarians…
3) Perennial scumbag Jon Corzine (after committing fraud at MF Global and getting away with it) wants to raise $$ for a hedge fund

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Mr. Dubin is the Managing Editor of He has 25 years of experience as an independent buyside securities and global macro analyst. He has well over a decade of experience as a financial journalist, editor and political analyst. He’s primarily an autodidact, but his formal education includes degrees in economics, international relations and MBA. He welcomes feedback on his articles and will make an effort to respond to comments. Email Eric by sending to “Eric” and then He can also be “followed” on Facebook:

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24hGold - Impeach Trump Talk R...About Wall Street For Main Street

We provide in depth content from many investing experts all over the globe. Over 250 interviews with many top experts including Jim Rogers, Doug Casey, Dr. Marc Faber and Jim Rickards! Over half a dozen billionaires interviewed! Unique, in depth round table discussions with experts on interesting investing topics about different asset classes and sectors of the economy.  Wall St For Main St, LLC was founded by Jason Burack from and Mo Dawoud from Momoney Blog in 2009.  We are a unique investor education and financial education start-up company out of the DC/Northern Virginia area with a mission to revolutionize the way people learn how to invest.  Visit our website (click here) and our YouTube channel (click here).


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Mr. Dubin co-produces the Weekly Metals & Markets Wrap radio program and serves as the Managing Editor of their sister site, TND is dedicated to bringing the best news from around the web and pairing it with exclusive, insightful and decidedly non-mainstream news and analysis. Mr. Dubin has over 15 years of experience as a financial journalist. He's an independent buy-side analyst and portfolio manager with 24 years experience. He managed the "Tech Stalker" "Strategy Lab" portfolio for MSN Money for over two years, and served as the lead communications and end markets analyst and managing editor for INFRASTRUCTURE, the first technology-focused financial securities letter published on the internet. He welcomes feedback on his articles and will make an effort to respond to comments. He can also be contacted, followed and encourages "friend" requests on his Facebook page:
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