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Published : June 11th, 2015

Edited Transcript of K.TO earnings conference call or presentation 6-May-15 11:45am GMT

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Edited Transcript of K.TO earnings conference call or presentation 6-May-15 11:45am GMT

Toronto Jun 10, 2015 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of Kinross Gold Corp earnings conference call or presentation Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 11:45:00am GMT

TEXT version of Transcript


Corporate Participants


* Tom Elliott

Kinross Gold Corporation - VP of IR

* Paul Rollinson

Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO

* Tony Giardini

Kinross Gold Corporation - CFO

* Warwick Morley-Jepson

Kinross Gold Corporation - COO


Conference Call Participants


* Patrick Chidley

HSBC Securities - Analyst

* John Bridges

JPMorgan - Analyst

* Greg Barnes

TD Securities - Analyst

* Phil Russo

Raymond James Limited - Analyst

* Jorge Beristain

Deutsche Bank - Analyst




Operator [1]


Welcome to the Kinross Gold Corporation first-quarter 2015 financial results conference call. As a reminder, all participants are in listen-only mode and the conference is being recorded.

(Operator Instructions)

At this time I'd like to turn the conference over to Mr. Tom Elliott, Vice President of Investor Relations. Please go ahead, Mr. Elliott.


Tom Elliott, Kinross Gold Corporation - VP of IR [2]


Thank you. And good morning. With us today we have Paul Rollinson, Chief Executive Officer; Tony Giardini, Chief Financial Officer; and Warwick Morley-Jepson, Chief Operating Officer.

Before we begin, I'd like to bring to your attention the fact that we will be making forward-looking statements during this presentation. For a complete discussion of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions which may lead to actual financial results and performance being different from estimates contained in our forward-looking information, please refer to page 2 of this presentation, our news release dated May 5, 2015, the MD&A for the period ended March 31, 2015, and our most recently filed AIF, all of which are available on our website.

I will now turn the call over to Paul.


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [3]


Thanks, Tom. Thank you all for joining us today. As you can see from our results, we have continued our strong performance in 2014 and a solid start to 2015. In Q1, Kinross produced approximately 630,000 ounces, putting us firmly in the middle of the guidance range for 2015.

On the cost side, we are actually tracking below guidance- Cost of sales for the quarter was $709 per gold equivalent ounce, which is down from last quarter as well as compared to full-year 2014.

All-in sustaining costs of $964 costs per gold equivalent ounce for Q1 is also lower quarter over quarter and compared to full year 2014. The lower costs in large part can be attributed to the benefits of lower power and fuel costs as well as to favorable foreign currency exchange rates. While these factors have benefited the Company as a whole, they have had particularly positive impact at Kupol where cost of sales of $476 per gold equivalent ounce was the lowest since Q4 2012, and at Paracatu where cost of sales declined for the third consecutive quarter to $752 per gold equivalent ounce.

Meeting guidance, as many of you know, is a commitment we take very seriously here at Kinross. And while it's still early in the year, I'm very proud of the fact that we have hit our targets for the 11th consecutive quarter.

I'd like to now provide you with an update on the status of Maricunga and then turn to some new organic production opportunities that are underway. Warwick will provide greater detail in all these areas, but to start, as noted in the press release yesterday, we expect mining and crushing operations at Maricunga to restart in June, using an additional backup power plant which is currently being assembled.

While the mine facilities did not sustain any damage, heavy rains and the resulting mudslides in Chile's Atacama region in late March severely damaged roads and power lines. As a result, it has taken time to establish alternate routes to the mine which is located at an altitude of 4,600 meters.

I would like to point out that our team has done an incredible job working around the clock to normalize operations. The temporary suspension of mining and crushing, however, will inevitably impact production and costs at Maricunga. But the good news is we do not anticipate an impact to regional guidance for the year.

As you can appreciate, we operate nine mines in different jurisdictions and geographies. And due to the variable nature of the business, it's our job to manage the puts and takes specific to each site in order to meet our overall targets. In the case of Maricunga, any reduction in ounces is expected to be largely offset by Paracatu where new developments have led to an upward revision in our production forecast there.

I'd like to now turn to two new organic production opportunities that we are currently developing. The first initiative is expected to begin reprocessing tailings from Paracatu's Santo Antonio tailings facility starting in the fourth quarter of this year.

The project is expected to increase annual production by approximately 34,000 ounces at a production cost of sales of $400 per ounce, over a minimum of nine years. With a capital cost of approximately $20 million, which is expected to be paid back in the second year, the Paracatu tailings reprocessing initiative is a great example of how our focus on continuous improvement allows us to add value and optimize our operations.

This brings me to the second organic initiative which I'd like to highlight. At Chirano, we are moving forward with plans to extend mine life by one year to 2020 by adding ounces from two deposits, Paboase, which is already in production and ramping up, and Akoti, which will become the third underground mine at the site.

Chirano is one of our lowest-cost assets and is also located in a highly prospective area where, as of year end, we'd added approximately 240,000 ounces of measured and indicated resources. The extension gives us another year of low-cost mining while at the same time provides us with more time to explore for additional resources.

These initiatives at Chirano and Paracatu are in addition to our plans to complete the La Coipa phase 7 pre-feasibility study later in the year. And it's important to remember that we have nine million ounces of proven and probable reserves at Tasiast which has the potential to be a significant contributor in the future.

So, to conclude, we have several new initiatives underway to organically add ounces. And while we'll be focused on getting Maricunga back on track, I have no doubt the team will rise to the occasion, as they did turning around the operation in 2014. In the meantime I would like to reiterate that we remain firmly on track to meet our guidance this year, thanks to solid operational performance at all of our mines.

Warwick will be walking you through Kinross' operational results for the quarter in a few moments, but, first, I'll turn the call over to Tony for a review of our financial results.


Tony Giardini, Kinross Gold Corporation - CFO [4]


Thank you, Paul. During the first quarter our balance sheet continued to strengthen. While the average realized gold price declined year over year, our financial results benefited from our continued focus on disciplined capital spending and lower cost.

We added approximately $27 million of cash to the balance sheet and repaid $30 million of debt associated with the Kupol loan. This has increased our cash position to more than $1 billion while also reducing our net debt position to under $1 billion. As a result our net debt to EBITDA ratio at March 31 of 1.16 decreased for the second consecutive quarter.

Turning now to our financial results, production costs of sales were lower year over year and quarter over quarter as a result of lower fuel prices and favorable foreign exchange rates. Our biggest sensitivities are the ruble, which averaged [RUB]63 versus the US dollar, and oil which was $49 a barrel during the first quarter, compared to our budget assumptions of RUB40 and $90 oil. Taken together, foreign exchange and lower oil prices resulted in an estimated benefit of approximately $40 per ounce to our cost of sales.

We maintained our focus on capital discipline, reducing capital expenditures by 11% compared with the same quarter last year. We are on track to meet our full-year guidance of $725 million.

While we continue to deliver on our operational targets, our financial results were impacted by lower gold prices. Our average realized gold price during Q1 was $1,218 per ounce versus $1,299 per ounce during the same quarter last year.

Adjusted operating cash flow for the quarter was $215 million or $0.19 per share compared with $242 million or $0.21 per share last year. First-quarter adjusted net earnings were $15 million compared to adjusted net earnings of $34 million in the same quarter last year.

Overall, we added to our strong financial position in the first quarter- Our focus on maintaining the strength of our balance sheet and our financial flexibility will continue to be priorities as we move forward.

I'll now turn the call over to Warwick.


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [5]


Thank you, Tony. With good production and strong cost performance during the first quarter, we are off to a solid start to the year. I'll be providing an update for each of our regions as well as providing more detail on the new organic opportunity at Paracatu that Paul mentioned earlier.

Our Americas region performed well in the first quarter, producing 329,000 gold equivalent ounces at a cost of sales of $814 per ounce. First-quarter production at Round Mountain was slightly lower year on year as more operations were suspended following a fire in October of last year. While [Samoa] was down, production from the heap leach, which accounts for approximately 75% of production, continued. More repairs completed in March and the facility is now operating at full capacity.

As Paul mentioned, heavy rains in northern Chile near the end of the quarter damaged the main access roads and power lines to the Maricunga mine. As a result, we temporarily suspended mining and crushing and reduced operations at the ADR plant to 80% of its capacity. We now have established alternative routes to the mine and have restarted employee rotations. Repairs to primary roads are continuing.

We expect to restart mining and crushing operations in June with the use of additional backup power plants. The main power lines are expected to be restored by September of this year. As a result, we expect there to be an impact to Maricunga's production and costs for the year, particularly in the third quarter. However, as Paul highlighted a few moments ago, we expect this to be largely offset by positive developments at our Paracatu mine in Brazil.

You will recall that we began processing a blend of two ore types to both plants at Paracatu in the latter half of 2014, an innovation which helped the mine to deliver record production last year. We continued to see this benefit in the first quarter with strong production of 125,000 ounces. And the cost of sales declined for the third consecutive year.

Foreign exchange rates and lower power prices have also benefited Paracatu's costs in quarter one. The strong focus on CIS continued and I'm pleased to share some additional details on our plan to begin reprocessing tailings from the San Antonio dam through plant one.

We expect this initiative to deliver low-cost, incremental ounces, as Paul previously highlighted, as a result of several factors, which include the enriched grades near the tailings discharge portion of the dam, utilization of excess throughput capacity which was the result of the oil blend strategy, and a lower energy consumption as no crushing or grinding is required. We expect this initiative to come online in the fourth quarter and produce approximately 11,000 ounces this year.

Another positive development for Paracatu is that we are now expecting potentially less power rationing in Brazil. The country has been experiencing a lengthy drought and we had therefore factored in a production loss due to potential power rationing in our 2015 guidance for the Americas.

While the risk still remains, a better than expected rainy season has helped to replenish water levels to some degree. As such, we estimate that the impact to Paracatu's production will not be as significant as initially anticipated. As a result of these two factors -- one, a lower than anticipated impact on production from power rationing, and, two, the expected addition of 11,000 ounces from the tailings reprocessing -- we do not anticipate any changes to our Americas' regional guidance.

Our Russia region continues to deliver excellent performance, producing 186,000 ounces at the cost of sales of $476 per ounce in the first quarter. During the quarter we began to increase the proportion of higher grade Dvoinoye material going through the mill. Looking forward, we expect to process approximately 1,200 tons of Dvoinoye ore per day, which represents in the order of 25% of the total throughput, thereby increasing the overall grade to the plant.

Our West Africa region produced 115,000 ounces at a production cost of sales of $800 per ounce. We continue to focus on optimizing our operations at Tasiast and have redoubled our efforts on increasing efficiencies and reducing costs. Since September of 2013 the site has identified approximately $150 million worth of continuous improvements and cost saving opportunities, ranging from the move to self-performing mobile maintenance to the closure of contractor camps and the introduction of lower-cost power supply.

There have also been notable efficiency gains at our pit operations where, for example, productivity of our shovel operators are approaching best in class. Nevertheless, while these efforts help bring costs down, we recognize that more needs to be done. We are assessing a number of initiatives at this time. A further number of CR projects are already underway.

Three small examples include -- first, our plans to replace the gen sets that are currently power the water pumping station with a transmission line to phase 1B power station. This is expected to reduce power costs in this area by approximately 80%.

Second, an upgrade to the elution circuit by increasing the size of the tanks and improving the heating circuit, we expect to generate an estimated annualized saving of $5 million. And, third, we are focused on improving the reliability and efficiency of the comminution circuit in order to increase small throughput and offset the impact of the harder ore.

With respect to Chirano, power rationing in Ghana, which began in December last year, continued through the first quarter, with government increasing load channeling requirements to 33% from the initial 25%. We were able to mitigate the impact by reducing power usage in non-critical areas, prioritizing mining and milling operations, and utilizing backup generators. As a result, production in the first quarter was largely on plan. However, the use of backup power has increased our diesel consumption by approximately 50%.

We have procured further generators in order to provide more flexibility and security to our power supply going forward, which we expect to be installed on site by the end of the second quarter. To wrap up on operations, the first quarter was overall a solid start to the year and we all remain focused on continuing to deliver on our commitments for the remainder of this year.

I will now turn the call back over to Paul.


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [6]


Thanks, Warwick. As you heard from both Tony and Warwick, this has been another good quarter for Kinross both operationally and in terms of the balance sheet. We are continuing to deliver on our strategy which we clearly set out in 2012.

That strategy -- focusing on operational excellence, the pursuit of quality high-margin ounces, disciplined capital allocation and balance sheet strength, has positioned us well in the current gold price environment. Going forward, we believe the financial flexibility and strong operational foundation that our strategy has established will continue to serve us well.

With that, operator, I'd now like to open up the call to questions. Thank you.


Questions and Answers


Operator [1]


(Operator Instructions)

The first question today is from Patrick Chidley with HSBC. Please go ahead.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [2]


Good morning, Paul, everybody. Just a couple of quick questions. Firstly, on Ghana, I just wanted to get a better view on your power situation there. Do you have a power station there or are you investing in new power-generating facilities there?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [3]


Patrick, I'm happy to answer that question. At the moment we are fed by the local utility, ECG, and we do have on-site power-generating facilities, primarily focused at our metallurgical plant, and to a lesser extent units that are located closer to our mining operation, specifically underground mining operations. They are sufficient to take care of the critical production requirements. However, as I said in my talk, we are procuring further generating facilities so that we have greater flexibility.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [4]


Thanks. I just had the impression that maybe there was a coal-fired power station being built. Maybe I'm wrong on that.


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [5]


There is a company by the name of GENSA that has been constructing a facility close to our operations. They've had mixed success in their construction process. And to date they haven't yet been able to fire up and that's still the current situation.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [6]


Okay. Thanks. And just a quick one on the outlook for costs later in the year, can you give us some comfort or some guidance on, was this supposed to be the best quarter in costs or do you think that's going to be fairly steady through the year here?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [7]


As far as West Africa is concerned, there is a slight increase to costs. As you know, the gold production in Africa in terms of our guidance in comparison to 2014 had reduced. But I wouldn't see there being a significant change to where we currently are specifically in Africa.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [8]




Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [9]


As far as production is concerned, we do pick up in the second quarter. As far as the third quarter is concerned, there's a decrease and that is where we see some of the impact of the losses associated with the heap leach process at Maricunga. But further to that we really are happy to stay with our guidance.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [10]


Okay. So, you don't see any sudden increase in the next few quarters just because that was always the plan, just to make sure that you haven't stacked the costs later in the year deliberately.


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [11]


I'd suggest that the second quarter certainly will be a little better in terms of gold production than what you've seen this quarter, primarily because of the ounce production that comes from Fort Knox. Fort Knox in the first quarter typically is a difficult quarter for us because of the extreme winter conditions.

We also have the Round Mountain plant that is now recommissioned at its full capacity. So there are two contributing factors to see a slightly better second quarter for this year.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [12]


Thank you. And last question on La Coipa, you mentioned that there's some metallurgical work having been undertaken. You are still working on the plans for the feasibility study for Q3.

Based on what kind of ore is that, is that oxide or is it oxide in transition? Could you fill out what the plan is a little bit more?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [13]


We have materials that could be derived from two different locations. The area of the [Purin] operation which was mined in the past is a material type that has got clay content. And that gives reference or the cause to give reference to the metallurgical test work that we continue to do.

The materials that we are going to be processing, and certainly the focus of this study, are oxides and transitions from the operations. The sulfides, which we are hoping to pursue, we had established a scoping study to focus on those, primarily driven by metallurgical test work, and that really has proven to be not viable, really because of the significant capital that we would need to put into the plant to deal with the processing requirements of the sulfides.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [14]


Right. And so the Purin area is one area and then the other area you mentioned that would be in the study?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [15]


Pompeya is the other area. And that is the area where we've been drilling ever since we closed the operation in 2013 into 2014. And we have had good success in that area. And that's really what's given rise to the improved situation we have. We call it, as Paul just mentioned, phase 7 of Pompeya.


Patrick Chidley, HSBC Securities - Analyst [16]


Okay. Great. Thanks very much and well done on the quarter.


Operator [17]


(Operator Instructions)

The next question comes from John Bridges with JPMorgan. Please go ahead.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [18]


Thanks, everybody. Well done on the results. I was just wondering technically, your plan to put the recycle through plant number one, is that going to be blended with the fresh ore, as well or are you going to dedicate just that to the trailings?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [19]


John, thanks for the question. I'll take this one. We will continue to operate plant one as it currently is. It is a blended mix of both the oxides and the sulfide. But in total it processes about 20% of the total throughput of the operation.

As a result of the blended ore initiative that we put together in 2014, there is some spare capacity in that plant. We are taking advantage of that by bringing in the reprocessed tailings and putting that downstream of the crushing circuit into the floatation process, and thereby blending that together with what comes through the mill from the put.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [20]


Yes. Are you comfortable -- you've done lots of tests to see that you're not going to lose value into the tailing stuff. There have been problems before when miners have used this method and those guys have not had the benefits they expected. Are you comfortable -- have you done enough test work on that?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [21]


We certainly are aware of the problems that you are talking about, John, and we have done extensive metallurgical test work and we are happy that we are able to bring this information to you.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [22]


Okay. What is the grade of the tailings?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [23]


It's pretty low and it varies, as you would expect. The further you go from the point of deposition out into the dam, there's quite a variation. But we've given it an overall average grade of 0.2.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [24]


Okay. What was the problem before that led to that value going out there? Was it just not enough treatment capacity or what's different now for the treatment process?


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [25]


It's not that at all. It's rather a function of deposition. The dam dates back maybe 10, 15 years. For much of that period the deposition into the dam was in one area.

And there's a characteristic of gold, as you would understand, with the specific gravity of gold we have found that the free gold that still remains in the very low-grade tailings started to accumulate at that point of deposition. And we started to do some sampling in that area to find that if we turned that back into the plant there would be some financial gain. It's not something that is common throughout the entire dam, but, rather, at the point of deposition.


John Bridges, JPMorgan - Analyst [26]


Fascinating. Okay. Thanks a lot, guys. Well done. Good luck.


Operator [27]


The next question is from Greg Barnes with TD Securities. Please go ahead.


Greg Barnes, TD Securities - Analyst [28]


Yes, thank you. Warwick or Paul, can you give us some idea or concept of what you are thinking at La Coipa in the pre-feas what scale you're looking at, timing, any kind of guidance on where you're going?


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [29]


I'll lead off, Greg. All we've been comfortable to say at this point is we are working on that pre-feas. I would say, keep in mind it is a pre-feas related to a new ore body with a plant that's already in existence.

Again, we want to finish that work before we come out and definitively tell you guys what we think, and we're targeting towards the back end of the year for that. But, Warwick, maybe you want to --.


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [30]


Yes, thank you, Paul. Greg, our focus is to restart the existing plant with potentially some upgrades of certain areas. And, so, we would revert back to the original size of that plant which was 15,000 tons per day. That is the prime focus.

We are on track for the completion of the pre-feasibility study in quarter three, as we had indicated. The results today are premature. I have got nothing to suggest that it's not going well, so look forward to quarter three.


Greg Barnes, TD Securities - Analyst [31]


Okay. Thank you.


Operator [32]


The next question is from Phil Russo with Raymond James. Please go ahead.


Phil Russo, Raymond James Limited - Analyst [33]


Yes, thanks. Good morning, guys. Just one question here. Your working capital or your cash position grew over $1 billion in the quarter. And I know you got Tasiast to third here. What do you guys consider is a sustainable working capital position going forward? What's surplus here this cash that you might be able to put to work?


Tony Giardini, Kinross Gold Corporation - CFO [34]


Phil, it's Tony Giardini. I'll take this. When we look at our cash position, typically we look around $250 million to $300 million as the amount of cash that we would like to have available from a working capital perspective. And that's largely driven by really our ability to repatriate cash from the various jurisdictions in which we operate.

I would point out, though, that whether it's cash or actual liquidity, it really doesn't matter. The position that we're in right now is we've got $1 billion -- in excess of $1 billion -- in cash, we've got $1.5 billion of undrawn capacity on our revolver with roughly four years left to run on that. So we're in an extremely strong position from a financial perspective in terms of liquidity and on a working capital basis, as I said, looking at $250 million as the number.

The other thing that I would point out for the quarter is what you're seeing is actually some working capital improvements. Even though we paid down a reasonable amount of payables during the quarter with interest expense being somewhat front-end loaded, we're still in an extremely strong position. And as we noted in our comments, we did pay down a further $30 million of debt during the quarter with an additional $30 million due later this year, $250 million in debentures due next year.

So, I think we're in a strong position. We've got lots of flexibility going forward. A quick answer was roughly $250 million to $300 million on cash.


Phil Russo, Raymond James Limited - Analyst [35]


Thanks, Tony. Thanks for the color. That's great.


Operator [36]


The next question is from Jorge Beristain with Deutsche Bank. Please go ahead.


Jorge Beristain, Deutsche Bank - Analyst [37]


Hi. Good morning, guys. I was just following up on a year-end analysis I did of all of the reserves of the majors, and you guys have had some of the strongest drops in your life of mine over the last three years. And I was just wondering if you could just talk about, by region or by project where you actually see a replenishment of your reserve base starting to come from in the next few years given that you appear to have about 13 years of life of mine left at this point, and dropped about two years just in the last period. So, I just want to know where you see the big buckets of growth, net growth and reserves coming from in the future. Thanks.


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [38]


Sure. I'll lead off, Jorge. I'd say a couple things just at a high level. I come back to our four guiding principles that we articulated back in 2012, really our strategy.

One of those principles that we are articulated was quality over quantity. And what that meant is we're not here to recreationally mine.

And, as a result, I think we're one of the few companies that chose to recategorize our resources. And in some cases what that meant was our resource or our reserve number went down, but our grade went up and our margins went up and our MPV went up.

In a lot of situations the ounces are still in the ground. Those were decisions we made in the context of the current gold price to run our business in a way that we continue to make money. So, that's point one, that is being an articulated strategy and probably a little different.

Another thing we did, which I think is on the spectrum that trues up with that strategy, is we're one of the few companies, that I'm aware of, that fully loaded the costing on our reserves. And as you know, what constitutes an economic reserve is you make a penny, but that does not at all take into affect the true cost of mining.

When we put out our guidance and when we do our mine planning, we want to make sure that we're going to make money. So we took an extra step of fully loading the costs on those reserves. And, again, what that does is it recategorizes, it tightens up your resource number. Ounces are still in the ground, but we're focused on where we'll make money.

The third thing I'd say is, other than Kettle River-Buckhorn, which we have communicated to the market will be winding down in 2016, we do have activities under way at all of our operations to extend mine life. And an example of that, that I don't think the market's really picked up on, is last year, for example, at Kupol, with underground drilling, we replaced what we mined in the previous year. Now, you're sometimes limited in how far you can look ahead on those sorts of things, but there's always things going on at all sites.

We've touched on some of the new organic, we've talked about La Coipa, we've talked about Chirano. We've added exploration ounces. All of that organic activity will continue really across the board. I don't think I left anything there.


Warwick Morley-Jepson, Kinross Gold Corporation - COO [39]


I think in terms of areas of greatest interest, those areas, certainly we have a lot of land positions in and around La Coipa, Chirano and the Kupol Dvoinoye area. And we also have in comparison to our competitors, I believe, a relatively large exploration budget. That budget has been very healthy over the last number of years, and we see it continuing, given the prospectivity we have around those operations.


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [40]


And I would just add one other comment, as well. A big part, if you're looking at it on a total aggregate basis, a big skew there at year end would have been the reclassification of 2P Lobo-Marte, 2M and I. Again, that's really a technical point which related to us pulling a permit -- that we recategorized, we did not reduce. And that was about 6 million ounces.


Jorge Beristain, Deutsche Bank - Analyst [41]


Thank you. And just another question I had was, in terms of your run rate on CapEx, you've provided a good breakdown in your PowerPoint on page 34 between the difference of sustaining and non-sustaining. But just if we were to think of your Company in a steady state out towards 2016, rough numbers, how much do you think is your sustaining CapEx? Is that $500 million a good baseline number, is the question?

And, secondly, of the amount that's in West Africa, which still seems to be pretty large relative to the overall budget, how much of that is related specifically to Tasiast? And could you see a wind-down in that CapEx spend going forward?


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [42]


Sure. I'll lead off and maybe hand off to Tony or Warwick just to add more. What we've said historically is a rule of thumb. Well, let me back up.

What we have said is all of our assets are well maintained and have been for many years, and there's no issues with respect to holding back on capital. That's point one.

Point two, a good run rate assumption for us -- and you can go back and pick it out in the historicals -- is for us sustaining about $400 million a year is a good number. Now, having said that, we did go up to $500 this year. That was not because we didn't spend money in the past; we're just at a point in the life cycle where we had some additional spending.

In fact, we had some additional stripping at both Fort Knox and Maricunga, and as a result of that for this year only we've gone up to $500. So, I think I would stick with the $400 as a good base case looking forward with the operations we have.

Maybe on the Tasiast point --.


Tony Giardini, Kinross Gold Corporation - CFO [43]


Sure, Paul. Jorge, it's Tony. For West Africa this year, we had had sustaining capital of $70 million anticipated. There was additional capital that we classified as non-sustaining which really relates primarily to West Branch stripping.

In terms of our spend for the quarter, we're a little behind a pro rata rate in terms of where we came in. And we were somewhat unspent, really, across the board, including Africa. But at this point we haven't made any change to our guidance for the year and would be likely looking at that later in the year.

In terms of longer term, other than what Paul has provided on where we see sustaining capital, we haven't provided guidance beyond the current years and we're really not in a position to do that.


Phil Russo, Raymond James Limited - Analyst [44]


Okay. Thank you.


Operator [45]


There are no more questions at this time. I'll turn the call back over to Paul Rollinson for closing comments.


Paul Rollinson, Kinross Gold Corporation - CEO [46]


Thank you, operator. And thank you, everyone, for participating and we look forward to speaking with you next quarter. Thank you.


Operator [47]


This concludes today's conference call. You may disconnect your lines. Thank you for participating and have a pleasant day.

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ISIN : CA4969024047
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Kinross Gold is a gold producing company based in Canada.

Kinross Gold produces gold, silver in Brazil, in Canada, in Chile, in Ghana, in Mauritania, in Russia and in USA, develops copper, gold and silver in Chile, and holds various exploration projects in Canada, in Chile and in Russia.

Its main assets in production are ROUND MOUNTAIN in USA, CRIXÁS, MORRO DO OURO and PARACATU in Brazil, REFUGIO MINE (VERDE AND PANCHO), FORT KNOX, MARICUNGA and LA COIPA in Chile, PORCUPINE and MUSSELWHITE in Canada, CHIRANO in Ghana, TASIAST in Mauritania and KUPOL in Russia, its main assets in development are KETTLE RIVER, GOLD HILL and CERRO CASALE in Chile and its main exploration properties are AHAFO NORTH, BIBIANI NORTH, BOLE, BOLE - BOLGATANGA, AKYEM, RUSSIAN MOUNTAIN, HORN MOUNTAIN, GIL, ENCHI and GOLDBANKS - KINROSS in Ghana, FRUTA DEL NORTE in Ecuador, HAMMOND REEF in Canada, KUBAKA MINE - BIRKACHAN in Russia and LOBO-MARTE in Chile.

Kinross Gold is listed in Canada, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is 601.1 millions as of today (US$ 443.5 millions, € 398.9 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on October 27, 2000 at 1.43, and its highest recent level on September 19, 2024 at 12.67.

Kinross Gold has 47 442 200 shares outstanding.

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Annual reports of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
2007 Annual Report
Financings of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
2/24/2016Announces US$250 Million Bought Deal Financing
8/26/2011Kinross warrants expiring September 7, 2011
8/22/2011Completes US$1 Billion Unsecured Debt Offering
8/16/2011Kinross announces US$1 million for Alaskan mining engineerin...
8/16/2011Kinross announces US$1 billion unsecured debt offering
8/16/2011Announces US$1 Billion Unsecured Debt Offering
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Option Grants of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
8/8/2012Kinross declares dividend
2/17/2012Kinross increases dividend by 33%
2/16/2012Increases Dividend by 33%
8/10/2011Kinross declares dividend increase
8/10/2011Declares Dividend Increase
Nominations of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
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5/13/2013Kinross announces results of vote to elect Board of Director...
5/13/2013Announces Results of Vote to Elect Board of Directors
4/3/2013Kinross announces new appointments to Board of Directors
10/31/2012Kinross announces appointment of new Chief Financial Officer
10/10/2012Kinross announces departure of Chief Financial Officer
8/2/2012Kinross announces appointment of J. Paul Rollinson
8/1/2012Announces Appointment of J. Paul Rollinson as Chief Executiv...
7/14/2011Announces Board Member Departure
3/13/2011Kinross announces appointment of new Chief Financial Officer
Financials of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
7/5/2016to Announce Q2 Financial Results on July 27, 2016
5/10/2016Kinross Reports 2016 First Quarter Results
4/18/2016to Announce Q1 Financial Results on May 10, 2016
2/9/2016Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2015 Results Webcast
10/15/2015Kinross to announce Q3 financial results on November 10=2C 2...
6/24/2015=3A=C2=A0Kinross to announce Q2 financial results on July 29...
4/17/2015=3A=C2=A0Kinross to announce Q1 financial results on May 5=2...
10/3/2012Kinross to announce Q3 financial results on November 7, 2012
6/22/2012Kinross to announce Q2 financial results on August 8, 2012
5/8/2012Reports 2012 First Quarter Results
4/2/2012to announce Q1 financial results on May 8, 2012; Annual Meet...
3/29/2012to Announce Q1 Financial Results on May 8, 2012
2/17/2012Kinross reports 2011 fourth quarter and year-end results
5/4/2011Kinross reports 2011 first quarter results
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Project news of VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
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7/29/2015Gold miner Kinross slides to second-quarter net loss
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8/19/2013(Tasiast)Kinross announces end of strike at Tasiast mine
8/8/2013(Tasiast)Unionized employees strike at Tasiast mine
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4/5/2013Kinross announces investment in Revolution Resources
7/12/2012(Tasiast)Chartered Aircraft Crashes Enroute to Tasiast Mine, Killing ...
6/28/2012(Crixás)Kinross completes sale of Crixás mine interest for $220 mill...
6/11/2012(Tasiast)Kinross announces Tasiast work stoppage ends and production ...
5/29/2012(Crixás)Kinross agrees to sale of Crixás interest for $220 million
3/31/2012(Tasiast)Kinross files updated technical report for existing operati...
6/7/2011(Paracatu)Third Ball Mill Commissioned at Paracatu Mine
5/22/2011(Tasiast)Unionized Workers at Tasiast Return Following Brief Work Sto...
4/5/2011(Kupol)Kinross signs share purchase agreement to acquire 100% of Ku...
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3/21/2007(Cerro Casale)2007 Technical report
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11/13/2013Kinross reports 2013 third-quarter results
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5/7/2013Reports 2013 First-Quarter Results
4/29/2013(Tasiast)Kinross reports results of pre-feasibility study on Tasiast ...
4/23/2013(Tasiast)Kinross to announce results of Tasiast pre-feasibility study...
3/13/2013Kinross announces exercises of put rights by holders of its ...
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2/13/2013Kinross declares dividend
2/13/2013Kinross reports 2012 fourth-quarter and year-end results
2/7/2013Kinross announces filing of Schedule TO with respect to Put ...
1/10/2013Kinross to announce 2012 Q4 and full-year results and 2013 g...
1/10/2013to Announce 2012 Q4 and Full-Year Results and 2013 Guidance ...
11/7/2012Kinross reports 2012 third-quarter results
9/13/2012Kinross named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
9/13/2012Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
9/7/2012Kinross funds one million meals to combat hunger
8/17/2012Kinross announces US$1.0 billion term loan, increases unsecu...
8/9/2012Kinross announces senior management appointments
6/6/2012(Tasiast)Kinross announces unlawful work stoppage at Tasiast
3/9/2012Funds Professorship in Mining Health and Safety at Queen's U...
1/17/2012Kinross provides preliminary 2011 results and 2012 outlook
12/22/2011(Kupol)Closes Term Loan to Fund Increase in Kupol Ownership
12/5/2011(Fruta Del Norte)Reaches Agreement in Principle With Ecuadorian Government on...
11/25/2011Kinross adjusts DD&A guidance
10/3/2011Kinross announces investment in Revolution Resources Corp. *...
9/8/2011Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
7/6/2011Announces Support for Professorship at New Economic School i...
6/14/2011Announces Investment in Edgewater Exploration Ltd.
3/29/2011Kinross West Africa tour highlights growth potential
3/24/2011Kinross sells Harry Winston shares
2/16/2011Kinross declares dividend of $0,05
8/9/2010Shareholder Special Meeting
11/17/2009To Buy Out Teryl's Gold Property
9/26/2007Increases La Coipa Mine Ownership to 100%
2/20/2007and Bema Announce Acquisition Closing Date of February 27, 2...
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Last updated on : 10/29/2010
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