VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

Published : February 19th, 2015

Newmont Reports Reserves and Resources with Notable Additions at Growth Projects

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Newmont Reports Reserves and Resources with Notable Additions at Growth Projects


Newmont Mining Corporation (NEM) (“Newmont” or “the Company”) reported gold reserves of 82.2 million ounces and copper reserves of 7.9 billion pounds for 2014.

Notable gold reserve additions for the year include 0.7 million ounces at Tanami, 0.2 million ounces at Long Canyon and 0.4 million equity ounces at Merian. The Carlin trend continues to show promising upside, as the Carlin Portals and Leeville collectively added 0.7 million ounces. Overall gold reserve grades were unchanged from the prior year; however, combined project reserve additions were at a grade that exceeded our portfolio’s average. Gold resource additions1 include 1.0 million ounces from Tanami, 1.1 million ounces from Carlin Portals and Leeville, 0.9 million ounces from Apensu Underground, and 0.6 million ounces from Long Canyon. (See graphs in photos one and two.)

Newmont reported 82.2 million ounces of attributable gold reserves, 26.7 million ounces of attributable Measured and Indicated gold resources and 16 million ounces attributable Inferred gold resources. Attributable gold reserves were reduced by a net 6.2 million ounces or 7% from the prior year. Of this reduction, 2.5 million ounces or nearly 40% is due to asset divestitures. Depletion of 5.5 million ounces was partially offset by additions of 3.3 million ounces.

Attributable gold resources were reduced by 1.2 million ounces or 3% from the prior year. New additions of 5.7 million ounces were offset by conversions of 3.3 million ounces, revisions due to mine plan changes of 2.6 million ounces and divestments of 1.1 million ounces. Excluding divestments, attributable gold resources were essentially flat year over year. Gold reserves and resources were calculated at $1,300 per ounce, and $1,400 per ounce, respectively, unchanged from 2013.

Newmont also reported 7.9 billion pounds of attributable copper reserves, 7.3 billion pounds of attributable Measured and Indicated copper resources and 1.7 billion pounds attributable Inferred copper resources. Copper reserves were unchanged from 2013 except for depletion and minor positive revisions, while copper resources were reduced from 2013 primarily due to revisions due to mine plan changes at Phoenix. Copper reserves and resources were calculated at $3.00 per pound, and $3.50 per pound, respectively, unchanged from 2013.

Attributable Proven and Probable silver reserves for 2014 were 144 million ounces. Attributable Measured and Indicated silver resources for 2014 were 47 million ounces, with additional Inferred silver resources of 19 million ounces. Silver reserves and resources were calculated using prices of $20.00 and $25.00 per ounce, respectively.

1 Includes measured, indicated and inferred resources

Gold Reserve Sensitivity

A $100 increase in gold price would result in an approximate 4% increase in gold reserves while a $100 decrease in gold price would result in an approximate 13% decrease in gold reserves. (See graph in photo three.)

For additional details on Newmont’s reported Gold, Copper and Silver Mineral Reserves and Resources, please refer to the tables at the end of this release.

Exploration Planned Activity

Newmont’s 2015 attributable exploration budget is $195 million, with about 35% North America and 20% to South America, and the balance split between Asia Pacific, Africa and other locations. Of the total attributable exploration budget approximately 80% is expected to be focused on near mine and brownfields exploration activities, with the balance targeted on greenfields programs.

Reserve and Resource Tables

Proven and Probable reserves are based on extensive drilling, sampling, mine modeling and metallurgical testing from which we determine economic feasibility. Metal price assumptions follow SEC guidance not to exceed a three year trailing average. The price sensitivity of reserves depends upon several factors including grade, metallurgical recovery, operating cost, waste-to-ore ratio and ore type. Metallurgical recovery rates vary depending on the metallurgical properties of each deposit and the production process used. The reserve tables included in this release list the average metallurgical recovery rate for each deposit, which takes into account the assumed processing methods. The cut-off grade, or lowest grade of mineralized material considered economic to process, varies with material type, price, metallurgical recoveries, operating costs and co- or by-product credits. The Proven and Probable reserve figures presented herein are estimates based on information available at the time of calculation. No assurance can be given that the indicated levels of recovery of gold and copper will be realized. Ounces of gold and silver or pounds of copper included in the proven and probable reserves are those contained prior to losses during metallurgical treatment. Reserve estimates may require revision based on actual production. Market fluctuations in the price of gold or copper, as well as increased production costs or reduced metallurgical recovery rates, could render certain proven and probable reserves containing relatively lower grades of mineralization uneconomic to exploit and might result in a reduction of reserves.

The Measured, Indicated, and Inferred resource figures presented herein are estimates based on information available at the time of calculation and are exclusive of reserves. A “Mineral Resource” is a concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form, grade, or quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge, including sampling. Mineral Resources are sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories. Ounces of gold and silver or pounds of copper included in the Measured, Indicated and Inferred resources are those contained prior to losses during metallurgical treatment. Market fluctuations in the price of gold and copper, as well as increased production costs or reduced metallurgical recovery rates, could change future estimates of resources. Please refer to the reserves and resources note at the end of the release.

We publish reserves and resources annually, and will recalculate reserves and resources at year-end 2015, taking into account metal prices, changes, if any, in future production and capital costs, mine designs, model changes, divestments and depletion as well as any acquisitions and additions during 2015.


Attributable Proven, Probable, and Combined Gold Reserves(1), U.S. Units

December 31, 2014     December 31, 2013
Deposits/Districts       Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven and Probable Reserves   Metallurgical


Proven + Probable Reserves


Tonnage   Grade   Gold Tonnage   Grade   Gold Tonnage   Grade   Gold   Tonnage   Grade   Gold














North America                        
Carlin Open Pits, Nevada 100% 69,800 0.055 3,830 174,500 0.030 5,260 244,300 0.037 9,090 78% 271,600 0.036 9,730
Carlin Underground, Nevada 100% 17,500 0.263 4,610 5,800 0.243 1,420 23,300 0.258 6,030 84% 23,900 0.252 6,010
Carlin In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 20,200 0.014 290 - - 20,200 0.014 290 59% 19,100 0.019 360
Carlin Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 26,800 0.058 1,550 - - 26,800 0.058 1,550 80% 30,700 0.055 1,680
Total Carlin, Nevada 134,300 0.076 10,280 180,300 0.037 6,680 314,600 0.054 16,960 80% 345,300 0.051 17,780
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 19,200 0.019 370 303,500 0.017 5,140 322,700 0.017 5,510 72% 335,800 0.017 5,660
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% - - 3,300 0.027 90 3,300 0.027 90 77% 3,400 0.028 90
Lone Tree In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 1,600 0.005 10 - - 1,600 0.005 10 25% 2,000 0.005 10
Lone Tree Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 500 0.017 10 - - 500 0.017 10 25% 4,200 0.017 70
Total Phoenix, Nevada 21,300 0.018 390 306,800 0.017 5,230 328,100 0.017 5,620 71% 345,400 0.017 5,830
Twin Creeks, Nevada 100% 5,400 0.118 640 28,200 0.054 1,510 33,600 0.064 2,150 74% 39,400 0.060 2,360
Turquoise Ridge, Nevada(4) 25% 1,700 0.507 860 1,300 0.475 630 3,000 0.493 1,490 92% 3,300 0.517 1,690
Midas, Nevada (2) 100% - - - - - - - 250 0.093 30
Twin Creeks In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 2,200 0.011 20 - - 2,200 0.011 20 70% 1,300 0.018 20
Twin Creeks Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 36,100 0.065 2,340 - - 36,100 0.065 2,340 67% 33,900 0.067 2,280
Total Twin Creeks, Nevada 45,400 0.085 3,860 29,500 0.072 2,140 74,900 0.080 6,000 75% 78,150 0.082 6,380
Long Canyon, Nevada (3) 100% - - 18,400 0.067 1,230 18,400 0.067 1,230 76% 15,700 0.065 1,010
La Herradura, Mexico(2) 44%   -       -   -       -   -       - -   109,400   0.020   2,180
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     201,000   0.072   14,530   535,000   0.029   15,280   736,000   0.040   29,810   77%   893,950   0.037   33,180
South America
Conga, Peru(3) 51.35% - - 303,400 0.021 6,460 303,400 0.021 6,460 75% 303,400 0.021 6,460
Yanacocha Open Pits 51.35% 17,600 0.023 410 70,100 0.019 1,310 87,700 0.020 1,720 70% 94,800 0.024 2,290
Yanacocha In-Process(5) 51.35% 12,800 0.021 270 - - 12,800 0.021 270 67% 9,100 0.020 190
Yanacocha Stockpiles (6) 51.35% 8,700 0.058 500 - - 8,700 0.058 500 67% 8,800 0.054 480
Total Yanacocha, Peru 39,100 0.030 1,180 70,100 0.019 1,310 109,200 0.023 2,490 69% 112,700 0.026 2,960
La Zanja, Peru (7) 46.94% 2,200 0.021 50 3,600 0.020 70 5,800 0.021 120 66% 8,700 0.021 170
Merian, Suriname (8) 75%   -       -   104,700   0.034   3,610   104,700   0.034   3,610   93%   95,500   0.035   3,390
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     41,300   0.030   1,230   481,800   0.024   11,450   523,100   0.024   12,680   79%   520,300   0.025   12,980
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100% 115,800 0.021 2,440 418,300 0.020 8,550 534,100 0.021 10,990 81% 616,100 0.020 12,590
Boddington Stockpiles 100% 26,400 0.016 430 58,200 0.013 750 84,600 0.014 1,180 79% 69,800 0.014 980
Total Boddington, Western Australia 142,200 0.020 2,870 476,500 0.020 9,300 618,700 0.020 12,170 81% 685,900 0.020 13,570
Duketon, Western Australia(9) 19.45% 2,300 0.033 80 12,800 0.030 380 15,100 0.030 460 91% 13,200 0.040 530
Jundee, Western Australia(2) 100% - - - - - - - 3,300 0.124 410
Kalgoorlie Open Pit and Underground 50% 9,300 0.058 540 27,400 0.056 1,540 36,700 0.057 2,080 85% 41,500 0.057 2,350
Kalgoorlie Stockpiles(6) 50% 61,400 0.023 1,400 - - 61,400 0.023 1,400 76% 59,700 0.023 1,370
Total Kalgoorlie, Western Australia 70,700 0.027 1,940 27,400 0.056 1,540 98,100 0.035 3,480 81% 101,200 0.037 3,720
Tanami, Northern Territory 100% 6,000 0.178 1,070 13,600 0.165 2,240 19,600 0.169 3,310 94% 17,800 0.169 3,010
Waihi, New Zealand 100%   -       -   2,200   0.161   360   2,200   0.161   360   89%   2,200   0.098   220
TOTAL AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND     221,200   0.027   5,960   532,500   0.026   13,820   753,700   0.026   19,780   84%   823,600   0.026   21,460
Batu Hijau Open Pit (10) 48.5% 150,100 0.015 2,320 71,100 0.008 540 221,200 0.013 2,860 76% 263,100 0.011 3,000
Batu Hijau Stockpiles (6)(10) 48.5%   -       -   157,900   0.003   480   157,900   0.003   480   66%   138,200   0.003   430
TOTAL INDONESIA     150,100   0.015   2,320   229,000   0.004   1,020   379,100   0.009   3,340   74%   401,300   0.009   3,430
Ahafo Open Pits(11) 100% 10,700 0.061 650 122,000 0.060 7,280 132,700 0.060 7,930 88% 134,800 0.062 8,330
Ahafo Underground (3) 100% - - - 4,900 0.129 630 4,900 0.129 630 91% 4,900 0.129 630
Ahafo Stockpiles(6) 100% 43,100 0.031 1,350 - - 43,100 0.031 1,350 86% 37,300 0.031 1,160
Total Ahafo, Ghana 53,800 0.037 2,000 126,900 0.062 7,910 180,700 0.055 9,910 88% 177,000 0.057 10,120
Akyem Open Pit 100% 28,400 0.052 1,470 97,300 0.048 4,720 125,700 0.049 6,190 88% 137,800 0.049 6,810
Akyem Stockpiles (6) 100% 8,500 0.057 480 - - 8,500 0.057 480 90% 5,500 0.068 370
Total, Akyem, Ghana (12)     36,900   0.053   1,950   97,300   0.048   4,720   134,200   0.050   6,670   88%   143,300   0.050   7,180
TOTAL AFRICA     90,700   0.044   3,950   224,200   0.056   12,630   314,900   0.053   16,580   88%   320,300   0.054   17,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           704,300     0.040     27,990     2,002,500     0.027     54,200     2,706,800     0.030     82,190     81%       2,959,450     0.030     88,350

(1) 2014 reserves are calculated at a gold price of $1,300, A$1,415 or NZ$1,735 per ounce unless otherwise noted.  2013 reserves were calculated at a gold price of $1,300, A$1,415 or NZ$1,675 per ounce unless otherwise noted.  Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000 unless they are less than 50,000.

(2) Midas sold to Klondex Mines on February 11, 2014. Jundee sold to Northern Star Resources on July 1, 2014. Stake in La Herradura sold to Fresnillo plc on October 7, 2014. Values in the table above are as of December 31, 2014.

(3) Project is currently undeveloped.

(4) Reserve estimates provided by Barrick, the operator of the Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture.

(5) In-process material is the material on leach pads at the end of the year from which gold remains to be recovered.

(6) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside to allow processing of higher grade material in the mills. Stockpiles increase or decrease depending on current mine plans.

(7) Reserve estimates were provided by Buenaventura, the operator of the La Zanja project.

(8) Project is under construction, percentage reflects Newmont’s interest as of December 31, 2014.  Newmont’s ownership as of December 31, 2013 was 80%.

(9) Reserve estimates provided by Regis Resources Ltd., in which Newmont holds a 19.45% interest.

(10) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

(11) Includes undeveloped reserves at 7 pits totaling 3.2 million ounces.

(12) Project reached commercial production in November 2013.

Attributable Proven, Probable, and Combined Gold Reserves(1), Metric Units
December 31, 2014     December 31, 2013
Deposits/Districts       Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven and Probable Reserves   Metallurgical


Proven + Probable Reserves


Tonnage   Grade   Gold Tonnage   Grade   Gold Tonnage   Grade   Gold   Tonnage   Grade   Gold














North America                        
Carlin Open Pits, Nevada 100% 63,400 1.88 3,830 158,300 1.03 5,260 221,700 1.27 9,090 78% 246,300 1.23 9,730
Carlin Underground, Nevada 100% 15,900 9.02 4,610 5,300 8.33 1,420 21,200 8.84 6,030 84% 21,600 8.63 6,010
Carlin In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 18,320 0.49 290 - - 18,320 0.49 290 59% 17,300 0.65 360
Carlin Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 24,360 1.98 1,550 - - 24,360 1.98 1,550 80% 27,800 1.88 1,680
Total Carlin, Nevada 121,980 2.62 10,280 163,600 1.27 6,680 285,580 1.85 16,960 80% 313,000 1.77 17,780
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 17,400 0.65 370 275,400 0.58 5,140 292,800 0.58 5,510 72% 304,600 0.58 5,660
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% - - 3,000 0.93 90 3,000 0.93 90 77% 3,100 0.95 90
Lone Tree In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 1,500 0.17 10 - - 1,500 0.17 10 25% 1,800 0.17 10
Lone Tree Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 500 0.58 10 - - 500 0.58 10 25% 3,800 0.58 70
Total Phoenix, Nevada 19,400 0.61 390 278,400 0.58 5,230 297,800 0.59 5,620 71% 313,300 0.58 5,830
Twin Creeks, Nevada 100% 4,900 4.04 640 25,600 1.84 1,510 30,500 2.19 2,150 74% 35,700 2.05 2,360
Turquoise Ridge, Nevada(4) 25% 1,500 17.39 860 1,200 16.29 630 2,700 16.91 1,490 92% 3,000 17.73 1,690
Midas, Nevada (2) 100% - - - - - - 240 3.19 30
Twin Creeks In-Process, Nevada(5) 100% 2,000 0.38 20 - - 2,000 0.38 20 70% 1,200 0.62 20
Twin Creeks Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 32,800 2.22 2,340 - - 32,800 2.22 2,340 67% 30,800 2.30 2,280
Total Twin Creeks, Nevada 41,200 2.91 3,860 26,800 2.48 2,140 68,000 2.74 6,000 75% 70,940 2.80 6,380
Long Canyon, Nevada (3) 100% - - 16,700 2.29 1,230 16,700 2.29 1,230 76% 14,200 2.22 1,010
La Herradura, Mexico 44%   -       -   -       -   -       -       99,200   0.68   2,180
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     182,580   2.47   14,530   485,500   0.98   15,280   668,080   1.39   29,810   77%   810,640   1.27   33,180
South America
Conga, Peru(3) 51.35% - - 275,200 0.73 6,460 275,200 0.73 6,460 75% 275,200 0.73 6,460
Yanacocha Open Pits 51.35% 16,000 0.80 410 63,600 0.64 1,310 79,600 0.67 1,720 70% 85,900 0.83 2,290
Yanacocha In-Process(5) 51.35% 11,600 0.72 270 - - 11,600 0.72 270 67% 8,300 0.70 190
Yanacocha Stockpiles (6) 51.35% 7,900 1.98 500 - - 7,900 1.98 500 67% 8,000 1.86 480
Total Yanacocha, Peru 35,500 1.03 1,180 63,600 0.64 1,310 99,100 0.78 2,490 69% 102,200 0.90 2,960
La Zanja, Peru (7) 46.94% 2,000 0.73 50 3,300 0.69 70 5,300 0.70 120 66% 7,900 0.70 170
Merian, Suriname (8) 75%   -       -   95,000   1.18   3,610   95,000   1.18   3,610   93%   86,600   1.22   3,390
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     37,500   1.02   1,230   437,100   0.82   11,450   474,600   0.83   12,680   79%   471,900   0.86   12,980
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100% 105,100 0.72 2,440 379,500 0.70 8,550 484,600 0.71 10,990 81% 559,000 0.70 12,590
Boddington Stockpiles(6) 100% 24,000 0.56 430 52,800 0.44 750 76,800 0.48 1,180 79% 63,300 0.48 980
Total Boddington, Western Australia 129,100 0.69 2,870 432,300 0.67 9,300 561,400 0.67 12,170 81% 622,300 0.68 13,570
Duketon, Western Australia(9) 19.45% 2,100 1.13 80 11,600 1.01 380 13,700 1.03 460 91% 12,000 1.38 530
Jundee, Western Australia 100% - - - - - - - 3,000 4.26 410
Kalgoorlie Open Pit and Underground 50% 8,400 1.99 540 24,900 1.93 1,540 33,300 1.94 2,080 85% 37,600 1.94 2,350
Kalgoorlie Stockpiles(6) 50% 55,700 0.78 1,400 - - 55,700 0.78 1,400 76% 54,200 0.79 1,370
Total Kalgoorlie, Western Australia 64,100 0.94 1,940 24,900 1.93 1,540 89,000 1.22 3,480 81% 91,800 1.26 3,720
Tanami, Northern Territory 100% 5,400 6.12 1,070 12,300 5.66 2,240 17,700 5.80 3,310 94% 16,200 5.81 3,010
Waihi, New Zealand 100%   -       -   2,000   5.52   360   2,000   5.52   360   89%   2,000   3.36   220
TOTAL AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND     200,700   0.92   5,960   483,100   0.89   13,820   683,800   0.90   19,780   84%   747,300   0.89   21,460
Batu Hijau Open Pit (10) 48.5% 136,100 0.53 2,320 64,500 0.26 540 200,600 0.44 2,860 76% 238,700 0.39 3,000
Batu Hijau Stockpiles (6)(10) 48.5%   -       -   143,200   0.10   480   143,200   0.10   480   66%   125,300   0.11   430
TOTAL INDONESIA     136,100   0.53   2,320   207,700   0.15   1,020   343,800   0.30   3,340   74%   364,000   0.29   3,430
Ahafo Open Pits(11) 100% 9,700 2.08 650 110,600 2.05 7,280 120,300 2.05 7,930 88% 122,300 2.12 8,330
Ahafo Underground (3) 100% - - 4,400 4.43 630 4,400 4.43 630 91% 4,400 4.43 630
Ahafo Stockpiles(6) 100% 39,100 1.07 1,350 - - 39,100 1.07 1,350 86% 33,800 1.07 1,160
Total Ahafo, Ghana 48,800 1.27 2,000 115,000 2.14 7,910 163,800 1.88 9,910 88% 160,500 1.96 10,120
Akyem Open Pit 100% 25,800 1.77 1,470 88,300 1.66 4,720 114,100 1.69 6,190 88% 125,000 1.69 6,810
Akyem Stockpiles (6) 100% 7,700 1.94 480 - - 7,700 1.94 480 90% 5,000 2.32 370
Total, Akyem, Ghana (12)     33,500   1.81   1,950   88,300   1.66   4,720   121,800   1.70   6,670   88%   130,000   1.72   7,180
TOTAL AFRICA     82,300   1.49   3,950   203,300   1.93   12,630   285,600   1.80   16,580   88%   290,500   1.85   17,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           639,180     1.36     27,990     1,816,700     0.93     54,200     2,455,880     1.04     82,190     81%       2,684,340     1.02     88,350

See Footnotes under Gold Reserves U.S. units table.

Attributable Gold Mineral Resources(1)(2) - December 31, 2014, U.S. Units
          Gold Measured Resource   Gold Indicated Resource  

Gold Measured + Indicated

  Gold Inferred Resource
Deposits/Districts   Newmont Share Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au













North America                          
Carlin Trend Open Pit, Nevada 100% 27,700 0.035 970 54,200 0.023 1,260 81,900 0.027 2,230 11,100 0.019 210
Carlin Trend Underground, Nevada 100% 700 0.143 100 2,200 0.264 570 2,900 0.235 670 3,200 0.251 800
Total Carlin, Nevada 28,400 0.037 1,070 56,400 0.033 1,830 84,800 0.034 2,900 14,300 0.071 1,010
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,600 0.020 30 47,900 0.018 890 49,500 0.019 920 40,100 0.015 600
Lone Tree Complex, Nevada 100% - - 2,200 0.023 50 2,200 0.023 50 5,500 0.016 90
Buffalo Valley, Nevada 70% - - 15,500 0.019 290 15,500 0.019 290 400 0.011 -
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% - - - - - - 2,300 0.043 100
Total Phoenix, Nevada 1,600 0.020 30 65,600 0.019 1,230 67,200 0.019 1,260 48,300 0.016 790
Twin Creeks, Nevada 100% 8,800 0.071 630 29,700 0.055 1,630 38,500 0.059 2,260 1,300 0.024 30
Sandman, Nevada 100% - - 1,300 0.036 50 1,300 0.036 50 1,100 0.054 60
Turquoise Ridge, Nevada (5) 25% 700 0.511 370 400 0.450 160 1,100 0.490 530 800 0.530 400
Twin Creeks Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 5,900 0.061 360 - - 5,900 0.061 360 - -
Total Twin Creeks, Nevada 15,400 0.088 1,360 31,400 0.059 1,840 46,800 0.068 3,200 3,200 0.153 490
Long Canyon, Nevada(3)   100%   100   0.075   10   4,800   0.101   480   4,900   0.101   490   20,300   0.087   1,750
Total North America       45,500   0.054   2,470   158,200   0.034   5,380   203,700   0.039   7,850   86,100   0.047   4,040
South America
Conga, Peru(3) 51.35% - - - 89,300 0.012 1,030 89,300 0.012 1,030 130,500 0.011 1,480
Yanacocha, Peru 51.35% 1,300 0.036 50 44,800 0.015 680 46,100 0.016 730 112,000 0.024 2,640
La Zanja, Peru (7) 46.94% 300 0.012 - 600 0.012 10 900 0.012 10 700 0.022 20
Merian, Suriname(9)   75%   2,400   0.018   40   18,700   0.027   510   21,100   0.026   550   29,700   0.029   870
Total South America       4,000   0.023   90   153,400   0.015   2,230   157,400   0.015   2,320   272,900   0.018   5,010
Australia/ New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100% 10,800 0.013 140 139,400 0.015 2,120 150,200 0.015 2,260 5,200 0.017 90
Duketon, Western Australia(8) 19.45% 800 0.032 20 15,200 0.026 400 16,000 0.026 420 7,100 0.030 210
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia 50% 6,000 0.043 260 20,100 0.044 890 26,100 0.044 1,150 700 0.066 40
McPhilliamys, New South Wales(8) 19.45% - - 14,800 0.027 410 14,800 0.027 410 800 0.029 20
Tanami, Northern Territory 100% 500 0.166 90 2,900 0.164 480 3,400 0.164 570 10,100 0.174 1,760
Waihi, New Zealand   100%   -       -   -       -   -       -   100   0.317   40
Total Australia/ New Zealand       18,100   0.028   510   192,400   0.022   4,300   210,500   0.023   4,810   24,000   0.090   2,160
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(9) 48.5% 35,600 0.012 420 112,100 0.007 830 147,700 0.008 1,250 13,800 0.002 30
Elang, Indonesia(3)(9)   48.5%   -       -   789,200   0.010   8,140   789,200   0.010   8,140   200,600   0.007   1,420
Total Indonesia       35,600   0.012   420   901,300   0.010   8,970   936,900   0.010   9,390   214,400   0.007   1,450
Ahafo, Ghana 100.0% 6,100 0.048 290 48,100 0.041 1,990 54,200 0.042 2,280 22,000 0.047 1,040
Ahafo Underground 100.0% - - - - - - - 16,000 0.135 2,160
Total Ahafo 6,100 0.048 290 48,100 0.041 1,990 54,200 0.042 2,280 38,100 0.084 3,200
Akyem, Ghana   100.0%   1,100   0.020   20   3,900   0.016   60   5,000   0.016   80   3,100   0.031   100
Total Africa       7,200   0.043   310   52,000   0.040   2,050   59,200   0.040   2,360   41,200   0.080   3,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           110,400     0.034     3,800     1,457,300     0.016     22,930     1,567,700     0.017     26,730     638,600     0.025     15,960

(1) Resources are reported exclusive of reserves.

(2) Resources are calculated at a gold price of $1,400, A$1,475 or NZ$1,795 per ounce unless otherwise noted. 2013 Resources were calculated at a gold price of $1,400, A$1,475 or NZ$1,700 per ounce unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000, and ounces have been rounded to the nearest 10,000.

(3) Project is currently undeveloped.

(4) Measured and Indicated Resources (combined) are equivalent to Mineralized Material disclosed in Newmont’s 10-K filing.

(5) Resource estimates provided by Barrick, the operator of the Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture.

(6) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside to allow processing of higher grade material in the mills.

(7) Resource estimates provided by Buenaventura, the operator of the La Zanja project.

(8) Resource estimates provided by Regis Resources Ltd., in which Newmont holds a 19.45% interest.

(9) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

Attributable Gold Mineral Resources(1)(2) - December 31, 2014, Metric units
          Gold Measured Resource   Gold Indicated Resource  

Gold Measured + Indicated

  Gold Inferred Resource


Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au Tonnage   Grade   Au













North America                          
Carlin Trend Open Pit, Nevada 100% 25,100 1.19 970 49,100 0.80 1,260 74,200 0.93 2,230 10,100 0.66 210
Carlin Trend Underground, Nevada 100% 600 4.89 100 2,000 9.04 570 2,600 8.07 670 2,900 8.61 800
Total Carlin, Nevada 25,700 1.28 1,070 51,100 1.12 1,830 76,800 1.17 2,900 13,000 2.43 1,010
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,400 0.69 30 43,500 0.63 890 44,900 0.64 920 36,300 0.52 600
Lone Tree Complex, Nevada 100% - - 2,000 0.79 50 2,000 0.79 50 5,000 0.55 90
Buffalo Valley, Nevada 70% - - 14,100 0.65 290 14,100 0.65 290 400 0.38 -
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% - - - - - - 2,100 1.48 100
Total Phoenix, Nevada 1,400 0.69 30 59,600 0.64 1,230 61,000 0.64 1,260 43,800 0.57 790
Twin Creeks, Nevada 100% 8,000 2.44 630 26,900 1.88 1,630 34,900 2.01 2,260 1,200 0.83 30
Sandman, Nevada 100% - - 1,200 1.23 50 1,200 1.23 50 1,000 1.85 60
Turquoise Ridge, Nevada (5) 25% 700 17.51 370 300 15.42 160 1,000 16.81 530 700 18.17 400
Twin Creeks Stockpiles, Nevada(6) 100% 5,400 2.08 360 - - 5,400 2.08 360 - -
Total Twin Creeks, Nevada 14,100 3.01 1,360 28,400 2.01 1,840 42,500 2.34 3,200 2,900 5.24 490
Long Canyon, Nevada(3)   100%   100   2.58   10   4,300   3.48   480   4,400   3.46   490   18,400   2.97   1,750
Total North America       41,300   1.85   2,470   143,400   1.17   5,380   184,700   1.32   7,850   78,100   1.61   4,040
South America
Conga, Peru(3) 51.35% - - - 81,000 0.40 1,030 81,000 0.40 1,030 118,400 0.39 1,480
Yanacocha, Peru 51.35% 1,200 1.24 50 40,600 0.52 680 41,800 0.54 730 101,600 0.81 2,640
La Zanja, Peru (7) 46.94% 200 0.40 - 500 0.41 10 700 0.41 10 600 0.77 20
Merian, Suriname(9)   75%   2,200   0.60   40   16,900   0.93   510   19,100   0.89   550   27,000   1.00   870
Total South America       3,600   0.80   90   139,000   0.50   2,230   142,600   0.50   2,320   247,600   0.63   5,010
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100% 9,800 0.46 140 126,400 0.52 2,120 136,200 0.52 2,260 4,800 0.57 90
Duketon, Western Australia(8) 19.45% 700 1.11 20 13,800 0.90 400 14,500 0.91 420 6,500 1.03 210
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia 50% 5,400 1.48 260 18,200 1.52 890 23,600 1.51 1,150 600 2.27 40
McPhilliamys, New South Wales(8) 19.45% - - 13,500 0.94 410 13,500 0.94 410 800 0.98 20
Tanami, Northern Territory 100% 500 5.68 90 2,700 5.62 480 3,200 5.63 570 9,200 5.97 1,760
Waihi, New Zealand   100%   -       -   -       -   -       -   100   10.86   40
Total Australia/New Zealand       16,400   0.98   510   174,600   0.76   4,300   191,000   0.78   4,810   22,000   3.08   2,160
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(9) 48.5% 32,300 0.40 420 101,700 0.25 830 134,000 0.29 1,250 12,500 0.09 30
Elang, Indonesia(3)(9)   48.5%   -       -   715,900   0.35   8,140   715,900   0.35   8,140   182,000   0.24   1,420
Total Indonesia       32,300   0.40   420   817,600   0.34   8,970   849,900   0.34   9,390   194,500   0.23   1,450
Ahafo, Ghana 100.0% 5,500 1.64 290 43,600 1.42 1,990 49,100 1.45 2,280 20,000 1.61 1,040
Ahafo Underground 100.0% - - - - - - 14,500 4.63 2,160
Total Ahafo 100.0% 5,500 1.64 290 43,600 1.42 1,990 49,100 1.45 2,280 34,500 2.88 3,200
Akyem, Ghana   100.0%   1,000   0.56   20   3,500   0.56   60   4,500   0.56   80   2,800   1.07   100
Total Africa       6,500   1.47   310   47,100   1.36   2,050   53,600   1.37   2,360   37,300   2.75   3,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           100,100     1.18     3,800     1,321,700     0.54     22,930     1,421,800     0.58     26,730     579,500     0.86     15,960

See footnotes in Gold Resources U.S. units table.

Attributable Copper Reserves(1) U.S. Units
December 31, 2014           December 31, 2013
      Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven + Probable Reserves     Proven + Probable Reserve


Tonnage   Grade   Copper Tonnage   Grade   Copper Tonnage   Grade   Copper


Tonnage   Grade   Copper
    (x1000 tons) (Cu%) (million pounds) (x1000 tons) (Cu%) (million pounds) (x1000 tons) (Cu%) (million pounds) (x1000 tons) (Cu%) (million pounds)
North America                          
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 19,200 0.15% 60 305,700 0.14% 880 324,900 0.14% 940 58% 339,100 0.14% 940
Phoenix Copper Leach, Nevada 100%   12,600   0.18%   50   199,100   0.19%   740   211,700   0.19%   790   52%   160,800   0.22%   710
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     31,800   0.16%   110   504,800   0.16%   1,620   536,600   0.16%   1,730   55%   499,900   0.17%   1,650
South America
Conga, Peru(2) 51.35%   -       -   303,400   0.28%   1,690   303,400   0.28%   1,690   85%   303,400   0.28%   1,690
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     -       -   303,400   0.28%   1,690   303,400   0.28%   1,690   85%   303,400   0.28%   1,690
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington 100% 115,800 0.09% 210 418,300 0.12% 1,010 534,100 0.11% 1,220 77% 616,100 0.11% 1,370
Boddington Stockpiles(3) 100%   26,400   0.09%   50   58,200   0.08%   90   84,600   0.08%   140   72%   69,800   0.08%   120
TOTAL AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND     142,200   0.09%   260   476,500   0.12%   1,100   618,700   0.11%   1,360   76%   685,900   0.11%   1,490
Batu Hijau(4) 48.5% 150,100 0.51% 1,540 71,100 0.39% 550 221,200 0.47% 2,090 78% 263,100 0.45% 2,380
Batu Hijau Stockpiles(3)(4) 48.5%   -       -   157,900   0.33%   1,060   157,900   0.33%   1,060   60%   138,200   0.33%   920
TOTAL INDONESIA     150,100   0.51%   1,540   229,000   0.35%   1,610   379,100   0.41%   3,150   72%   401,300   0.41%   3,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           324,100     0.29%     1,910     1,513,700     0.20%     6,020     1,837,800     0.22%     7,930     72%       1,890,500     0.22%     8,130

(1) Reserves are calculated at a price of $3.00 or A$3.25 per pound copper price unless otherwise noted. 2013 Reserves were calculated at $3.00 or A$3.25 per pound copper price unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000, and pounds have been rounded to the nearest 10 million.

(2) Project is undeveloped.

(3) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside to allow processing of higher grade material. Stockpiles increase or decrease depending on current mine plans.

(4) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

Attributable Copper Reserves(1) Metric Units
December 31, 2014           December 31, 2013
      Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven + Probable Reserves     Proven + Probable Reserve


Tonnage   Grade   Copper Tonnage   Grade   Copper Tonnage   Grade   Copper


Tonnage   Grade   Copper


(Cu%) (Tonnes)


(Cu%) (Tonnes)


(Cu%) (Tonnes)


(Cu%) (Tonnes)
North America                          
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 17,400 0.15% 25,500 277,300 0.14% 397,400 294,700 0.14% 422,900 58% 307,600 0.14% 428,730
Phoenix Copper Leach, Nevada 100%   11,400   0.18%   20,450   180,600   0.19%   336,990   192,000   0.19%   357,440   52%   145,900   0.22%   320,040
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     28,800   0.16%   45,950   457,900   0.16%   734,390   486,700   0.16%   780,340   55%   453,500   0.17%   748,770
South America
Conga, Peru(2) 51.35%   -       -   275,200   0.28%   767,420   275,200   0.28%   767,420   85%   275,200   0.28%   767,420
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     -       -   275,200   0.28%   767,420   275,200   0.28%   767,420   85%   275,200   0.28%   767,420
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington 100% 105,100 0.09% 94,590 379,500 0.12% 459,150 484,600 0.11% 553,740 77% 559,000 0.11% 624,430
Boddington Stockpiles(3) 100%   24,000   0.09%   21,600   52,800   0.08%   42,070   76,800   0.08%   63,670   72%   63,300   0.08%   53,220
TOTAL AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND     129,100   0.09%   116,190   432,300   0.12%   501,220   561,400   0.11%   617,410   76%   622,300   0.11%   677,650
Batu Hijau(4) 48.5% 136,100 0.51% 698,390 64,500 0.39% 248,660 200,600 0.47% 947,050 78% 238,700 0.45% 1,081,140
Batu Hijau Stockpiles(3)(4) 48.5%   -       -   143,200   0.33%   479,200   143,200   0.33%   479,200   60%   125,300   0.33%   417,690
TOTAL INDONESIA     136,100   0.51%   698,390   207,700   0.35%   727,860   343,800   0.41%   1,426,250   72%   364,000   0.41%   1,498,830
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           294,000     0.29%     860,530     1,373,100     0.20%     2,730,890     1,667,100     0.22%     3,591,420     72%       1,715,000     0.22%     3,692,670

See footnotes under Copper Reserves U.S. units table.

Attributable Copper Mineral Resources(1)(2) U.S. Units
December 31, 2014
      Measured Resources   Indicated Resources   Measured + Indicated Resources(3)   Inferred Resources


Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper













North America                        
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,600 0.12 % 4 47,900 0.12 % 110 49,500 0.12 % 114 42,400 0.13 % 110
Phoenix Copper Leach, Nevada 100%   1,200   0.14 %   3   38,400   0.14 %   100   39,600   0.14 %   103   27,300   0.15 %   80
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     2,800   0.13 %   7   86,300   0.13 %   210   89,100   0.13 %   217   69,700   0.13 %   190
South America
Conga, Peru(5) 51.35%   -       -   89,300   0.19 %   350   89,300   0.19 %   350   130,500   0.19 %   490
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     -       -   89,300   0.19 %   350   89,300   0.19 %   350   130,500   0.19 %   490
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100%   10,800   0.08 %   20   139,400   0.11 %   310   150,200   0.11 %   330   5,200   0.14 %   10
TOTAL AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND     10,800   0.08 %   20   139,400   0.11 %   310   150,200   0.11 %   330   5,200   0.14 %   10
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(4) 48.5% 35,600 0.38 % 270 112,100 0.35 % 790 147,700 0.36 % 1,060 13,800 0.31 % 80
Elang, Indonesia(4)(5) 48.5%   -   0.00 %   -   789,200   0.34 %   5,310   789,200   0.34 %   5,310   200,600   0.24 %   970
TOTAL INDONESIA     35,600   0.38 %   270   901,300   0.34 %   6,100   936,900   0.34 %   6,370   214,400   0.25 %   1,050
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           49,200     0.30 %   297     1,216,300     0.29 %   6,970     1,265,500     0.29 %   7,267     419,800     0.21 %   1,740

(1) Resources are reported exclusive of reserves.

(2) Resources are calculated at a copper price of $3.50 or A$3.70 per pound unless otherwise noted. 2013 Resources were calculated at a copper price of $3.50 or A$3.70 per pound unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000, and pounds have been rounded to the nearest 10 million, with the exception of Phoenix, Nevada.

(3) Measured and Indicated Resources (combined) are equivalent to Mineralized Material disclosed in Newmont’s Form 10-K filing.

(4) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

(5) Project is undeveloped.

Attributable Copper Mineral Resources(1)(2) Metric Units
December 31, 2014
      Measured Resources   Indicated Resources   Measured + Indicated Resources(3)   Inferred Resources


Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper Tonnage   Grade Copper


(Cu%) (tonnes)


(Cu%) (tonnes)


(Cu%) (tonnes)


(Cu%) (tonnes)
North America                        
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,400 0.12 % 1,690 43,500 0.12 % 51,280 44,900 0.12 % 52,970 38,500 0.13 % 48,900
Phoenix Copper Leach, Nevada 100%   1,100   0.14 %   1,510   34,800   0.14 %   47,150   35,900   0.14 %   48,660   24,800   0.15 %   36,090
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     2,500   0.13 %   3,200   78,300   0.13 %   98,430   80,800   0.13 %   101,630   63,300   0.13 %   84,990
South America
Conga, Peru(5) 51.35%   -       -   81,000   0.19 %   156,960   81,000   0.19 %   156,960   118,400   0.19 %   221,030
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     -       -   81,000   0.19 %   156,960   81,000   0.19 %   156,960   118,400   0.19 %   221,030
Australia/New Zealand
Boddington, Western Australia 100%   9,800   0.08 %   8,020   126,400   0.11 %   139,250   136,200   0.11 %   147,270   4,800   0.14 %   6,590
TOTAL AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND     9,800   0.08 %   8,020   126,400   0.11 %   139,250   136,200   0.11 %   147,270   4,800   0.14 %   6,590
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(4) 48.5% 32,300 0.38 % 121,990 101,700 0.35 % 358,230 134,000 0.36 % 480,220 12,500 0.31 % 38,480
Elang, Indonesia(4) 48.5%   -   0.00 %   -   715,900   0.34 %   2,408,370   715,900   0.34 %   2,408,370   182,000   0.24 %   439,250
TOTAL INDONESIA     32,300   0.38 %   121,990   817,600   0.34 %   2,766,600   849,900   0.34 %   2,888,590   194,500   0.25 %   477,730
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           44,600     0.30 %   133,210     1,103,300     0.29 %   3,161,240     1,147,900     0.29 %   3,294,450     381,000     0.21 %   790,340

See footnotes under Copper Resources U.S. units table.

Attributable Proven, Probable, and Combined Silver Reserves(1) U.S. Units
December 31, 2014     December 31, 2013
Deposits/Districts       Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven and Probable Reserves  


Proven and Probable Reserves


Tonnage   Grade   Silver Tonnage   Grade   Silver Tonnage   Grade   Silver   Tonnage   Grade   Silver














North America                        
Midas, Nevada (5) 100% - - - - - - - 250 11.48 2,820
Phoenix, Nevada 100%   19,200   0.25   4,860   305,700   0.24   73,740   324,900   0.24   78,600   34%   339,100   0.24   80,280
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     19,200   0.25   4,860   305,700   0.24   73,740   324,900   0.24   78,600   34%   339,350   0.24   83,100
South America
Conga, Peru(6) 51.35% - - 303,400 0.06 19,400 303,400 0.06 19,400 70% 303,400 0.06 19,400
Yanacocha Open Pits, Peru 51.35% 16,100 0.37 5,930 69,300 0.12 8,330 85,400 0.17 14,260 19% 90,400 0.13 11,310
Yanacocha In-Process(2) 51.35% - - 43,200 0.23 10,110 43,200 0.23 10,110 2% 66,300 0.25 16,850
Yanacocha Stockpiles(3) 51.35% 8,700 1.15 10,010 - - 8,700 1.15 10,010 30% 8,800 1.21 10,660
Total Yanacocha, Peru 51.35%   24,800   0.64   15,940   112,500   0.16   18,440   137,300   0.25   34,380   17%   165,500   0.23   38,820
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     24,800   0.64   15,940   415,900   0.09   37,840   440,700   0.12   53,780   36%   468,900   0.12   58,220
Batu Hijau Open Pit(4) 48.5% 150,100 0.04 6,740 71,100 0.03 2,020 221,200 0.04 8,760 81% 263,100 0.04 9,540
Batu Hijau Stockpiles(3)(4) 48.5%   -       -   157,900   0.02   2,430   157,900   0.02   2,430   68%   138,200   0.02   2,110
TOTAL INDONESIA     150,100   0.04   6,740   229,000   0.02   4,450   379,100   0.03   11,190   78%   401,300   0.03   11,650
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE     194,100   0.14   27,540   950,600   0.12   116,030   1,144,700   0.13   143,570   38%       1,209,550     0.13     152,970

(1) Reserves are calculated at a silver price of $20.00 per ounce unless otherwise noted. 2013 Reserves were calculated at a silver price of $20.00 per ounce unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000, unless they are less than 50,000, and silver ounces have been rounded to the nearest 10,000.

(2) In-process material is the material on leach pads at the end of each year from which gold and silver remains to be recovered.

(3) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside to allow processing of higher grade material in the mills.

(4) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

(5) Property sold to Klondex Mines on February 11, 2014. Values in the table above are as of December 31, 2014.

(6) Project is undeveloped.

Attributable Proven, Probable, and Combined Silver Reserves(1) Metric Units
December 31, 2014     December 31, 2013
Deposits/Districts       Proven Reserves   Probable Reserves   Proven and Probable Reserves   Metallurgical Recovery Proven and Probable Reserves


Tonnage   Grade   Silver Tonnage   Grade   Silver Tonnage   Grade   Silver   Tonnage   Grade   Silver
  (x1000 tonnes) (g/tonne) (x1000 ozs) (x1000 tonnes) (g/tonne) (x1000 ozs) (x1000 tonnes) (g/tonne) (x1000 ozs)     (x1000 tonnes) (g/tonne) (x1000 ozs)
North America                        
Midas, Nevada (5) 100% - - - - - - - 240 393.5 2,820
Phoenix, Nevada 100%   17,400   8.7   4,860   277,300   8.3   73,740   294,700   8.3   78,600   34%   307,600   8.1   80,280
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     17,400   8.7   4,860   277,300   8.3   73,740   294,700   8.3   78,600   34%   307,840   8.4   83,100
South America
Conga, Peru(6) 51.35% - - 275,200 2.2 19,400 275,200 2.2 19,400 70% 275,200 2.2 19,400
Yanacocha Open Pits, Peru 51.35% 14,600 12.6 5,930 62,900 4.1 8,330 77,500 5.7 14,260 19% 82,000 4.3 11,310
Yanacocha In-Process(2) 51.35% - - 39,200 8.0 10,110 39,200 8.0 10,110 2% 60,200 8.7 16,850
Yanacocha Stockpiles(3) 51.35% 7,900 39.4 10,010 - - 7,900 39.4 10,010 30% 8,000 41.3 10,660
Total Yanacocha, Peru     22,500   22.0   15,940   102,100   5.6   18,440   124,600   8.6   34,380   17%   150,200   8.0   38,820
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     22,500   22.0   15,940   377,300   3.1   37,840   399,800   4.2   53,780   36%   425,400   4.3   58,220
Batu Hijau Open Pit(4) 48.5% 136,100 1.5 6,740 64,500 1.0 2,020 200,600 1.4 8,760 81% 238,700 1.2 9,540
Batu Hijau Stockpiles(3)(4) 48.5%   -       -   143,200   0.5   2,430   143,200   0.5   2,430   68%   125,300   0.5   2,110
TOTAL INDONESIA     136,100   1.5   6,740   207,700   0.7   4,450   343,800   1.0   11,190   78%   364,000   1.0   11,650
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           176,000     4.9     27,540     862,300     4.2     116,030     1,038,300     4.3     143,570     38%       1,097,240     4.3     152,970

See Footnotes under Silver Reserves U.S. units table.

Attributable Silver Mineral Resources(1)(2) U.S. Units
December 31, 2014
Deposits/Districts       Measured Resources   Indicated Resources   Measured + Indicated Resources(3)   Inferred Resources


Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag













North America                        
Sandman, Nevada 100% - - 1,300 0.20 300 1,300 0.20 300 1,100 0.12 100
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,600 0.22 300 47,900 0.22 10,600 49,500 0.22 10,900 40,100 0.23 9,300
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(4) 100%   -       -   -       -   -       -   2,300   0.09   200
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     1,600   0.22   300   49,200   0.22   10,900   50,800   0.22   11,200   43,500   0.22   9,600
South America
Conga, Peru(6) 51.35% - - 89,300 0.05 4,200 89,300 0.05 4,200 99,100 0.03 3,300
Yanacocha, Peru 51.35%   800   0.45   400   14,700   0.25   3,700   15,500   0.26   4,100   2,200   0.19   400
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     800   0.45   400   104,000   0.08   7,900   104,800   0.08   8,300   101,300   0.04   3,700
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(5) 48.5% 35,600 0.03 1,200 112,100 0.03 3,000 147,700 0.03 4,200 13,800 0.02 300
Elang, Indonesia(5)(6) 48.5%   -       -   789,200   0.03   23,200   789,200   0.03   23,200   200,600   0.03   5,000
TOTAL INDONESIA     35,600   0.03   1,200   901,300   0.03   26,200   936,900   0.03   27,400   214,400   0.02   5,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           38,000     0.05     1,900     1,054,500     0.04     45,000     1,092,500     0.04     46,900     359,200     0.05     18,600

(1) Resources are reported exclusive of reserves.

(2) Resources are calculated at a silver price of $25.00 per ounce unless otherwise noted. 2013 Resources were calculated at a silver price of $25.00 per ounce unless otherwise noted. Tonnage amounts have been rounded to the nearest 100,000.

(3) Measured and Indicated Resources (combined) are equivalent to Mineralized Material disclosed in Newmont’s Form 10-K filing.

(4) Stockpiles are comprised primarily of material that has been set aside to allow processing of higher grade material in the mills. Stockpiles increase or decrease depending on current mine plans.

(5) Percentage reflects Newmont’s economic interest as of December 31, 2014.

(6) Project is undeveloped.

Attributable Silver Mineral Resources(1)(2) Metric Units
December 31, 2014
Deposits/Districts       Measured Resources   Indicated Resources  

Measured + Indicated Resources(3)

  Inferred Resources


Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag Tonnage   Grade   Ag













North America                        
Sandman, Nevada 100% - - 1,200 6.8 300 1,200 6.8 300 1,000 4.1 100
Phoenix, Nevada 100% 1,400 7.7 300 43,500 7.6 10,600 44,900 7.6 10,900 36,300 8.0 9,300
Phoenix Stockpiles, Nevada(4) 100%   -       -   -       -   -       -   2,100   3.1   200
TOTAL NORTH AMERICA     1,400   7.7   300   44,700   7.6   10,900   46,100   7.6   11,200   39,400   7.6   9,600
South America
Conga, Peru(6) 51.35% - - 81,000 1.6 4,200 81,000 1.6 4,200 89,900 1.1 3,300
Yanacocha, Peru 51.35%   700   15.5   400   13,300   8.6   3,700   14,000   8.9   4,100   2,000   6.6   400
TOTAL SOUTH AMERICA     700   15.5   400   94,300   2.6   7,900   95,000   2.7   8,300   91,900   1.2   3,700
Batu Hijau, Indonesia(5) 48.5% 32,300 1.1 1,200 101,700 0.9 3,000 134,000 1.0 4,200 12,500 0.6 300
Elang, Indonesia(5)(6) 48.5%   -       -   715,900   1.0   23,200   715,900   1.0   23,200   182,000   0.9   5,000
TOTAL INDONESIA     32,300   1.1   1,200   817,600   1.0   26,200   849,900   1.0   27,400   194,500   0.8   5,300
TOTAL NEWMONT WORLDWIDE           34,400     1.7     1,900     956,600     1.5     45,000     991,000     1.5     46,900     325,800     1.8     18,600

See Footnotes under Silver Resources U.S. units table.


Cautionary Statement regarding Reserves and Resources:

The “reserves” disclosed in this release have been prepared in compliance with Industry Guide 7 published by the SEC. As used in this news release, the term “reserve” means that part of a mineral deposit that can be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. The term “economically,” as used in this definition, means that profitable extraction or production has been established or analytically demonstrated in a feasibility study to be viable and justifiable under reasonable investment and market assumptions. The term “legally,” as used in this definition, does not imply that all permits needed for mining and processing have been obtained or that other legal issues have been completely resolved. However, for a reserve to exist, Newmont must have a justifiable expectation, based on applicable laws and regulations, that issuance of permits or resolution of legal issues necessary for mining and processing at a particular deposit will be accomplished in the ordinary course and in a timeframe consistent with Newmont’s current mine plans. Reserves in this news release are aggregated from the Proven and Probable classes.

The terms “resources” and “Measured, Indicated and Inferred resources” are used in this news release. Investors are advised that the SEC does not recognize these terms. Newmont has determined that such “resources” would be substantively the same as those prepared using the Guidelines established by the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) and defined as “Mineral Resource”. Estimates of resources are subject to further exploration and development, are subject to additional risks, and no assurance can be given that they will eventually convert to future reserves. Inferred Resources, in particular, have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and their economic and legal feasibility. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the Inferred Resource exists, or is economically or legally mineable. Also, disclosure of contained ounces is permitted under the SME Guideline and other regulatory guidelines, such as Canada’s NI 43-101 and Australia’s JORC. However, the SEC generally requires mineral resource information in SEC-filed documents to be reported only as in-place tonnage and grade. Investors are reminded that even if significant mineralization is discovered and converted to reserves, during the time necessary to ultimately move such mineralization to production the economic feasibility of production may change. See the Company’s Annual Report for the “Proven and Probable Reserve” and “Mineralized Material” tables prepared in compliance with the SEC’s Industry Guide 7, available at and on Investors are reminded that the tables presented in the Annual Report are estimates as of December 31, 2014 and were presented on an attributable basis reflecting the Company’s ownership interest at such time.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements:

This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections and other applicable laws. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, estimates and expectations of future exploration expenditures and activities. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. However, such statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by the “forward-looking statements”. For a discussion of such risks relating to our business and other factors, see the Company’s Form 10-K, filed on February 19, 2015, with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the headings “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements.” The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly revisions to any “forward-looking statement,” including, without limitation, outlook, to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Investors should not assume that any lack of update to a previously issued “forward-looking statement” constitutes a reaffirmation of that statement. Continued reliance on “forward-looking statements” is at investors' own risk.


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Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | Canada | Ghana | Indonesia | Mexico | New Zealand | Peru | Suriname | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Australia | Canada | Ghana | Indonesia | Mexico | New Zealand | Peru | Suriname | All

VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF

ISIN : US6516391066
CUSIP : 651639106
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Newmont is a gold and copper producing company based in United states of america.

Newmont produces gold, copper, silver in Australia, in Bolivia, in Canada, in Ghana, in Indonesia, in Mexico, in New Zealand, in Peru and in Uzbekistan, develops copper and gold in Canada, in Ghana and in Peru, and holds various exploration projects in Canada, in Ecuador, in Guyana, in Indonesia, in Solomon Islands and in Turkey.


Newmont is listed in Australia, in Canada, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is 2.6 billions as of today (€ 2.3 billions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on July 24, 1987 at 10.34, and its highest recent level on September 20, 2024 at 54.47.

Newmont has 47 442 200 shares outstanding.

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US$ 54.47
09/20 17:00 0.950
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53.52 54.29
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53.92 54.69
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8,733,892 5.01%
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