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Alan Greenspan renews gold advocacy, Part 1

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Published : February 17th, 2017
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Category : Gold and Silver

Gold Investor/World Gold Council/2-16-2017

MK note: Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan is interviewed in the most recent issue of the World Gold Council’s Gold Investor magazine.  As most of you already know, Greenspan is a long-time advocate of private gold ownership as well as the gold standard.  Some see his chairmanship of the Fed and gold advocacy as contradictory, but in fact, Greenspan always saw the two as complementary.  Here is a very interesting quote taken from the interview:

“When I was Chair of the Federal Reserve I used to testify before US Congressman Ron Paul, who was a very strong advocate of gold. We had some interesting discussions. I told him that US monetary policy tried to follow signals that a gold standard would have created. That is sound monetary policy even with a fiat currency. In that regard, I told him that even if we had gone back to the gold standard, policy would not have changed all that much.”

Many years ago, we catalogued those exchanges between then Texas congressman Paul and Greenspan.  I was among the small group at the time who appreciated the dialogue as friendly intellectual exchanges between two heavyweights and not as contentious arguments.  As I wrote in the preface to the transcripts several years ago, I think both enjoyed and relished the exchanges, and it is interesting that Greenspan would reference the banter between the two in such a telling way so many years later.  Here is what I wrote in that preface:

In putting this page together, I was struck with Dr. Paul’s ability to cut through the political gamesmanship that necessarily comes with being chairman of the Fed to Alan Greenspan, the man and political/economic philosopher. What emerges is a powerful figure conflicted between the practical manager charged with operating within the current fiat monetary system and the philosopher-academic with a “nostalgia,” as he puts it, for the days of the gold standard. Without Dr. Paul’s incisive questioning, I doubt that this aspect of the Greenspan character would have found its way to the public venue and the historical record. Though the relationship appears adversarial at first blush, one also detects a certain amount of mutual respect and interest. Says Dr. Paul of the exchanges: “My questions are always on the same subject. If I don’t bring up the issue of hard money vs. fiat money, Greenspan himself does.”

Let me include one final short story from that preface that I have always appreciated:

In closing, I would like to pass along an anecdote reported by SmartMoney’s Donald Luskin in a 2002 interview of Ron Paul. Paul told Luskin the story of his owning an original copy of “Gold and Economic Freedom,” and asking Greenspan to sign it. While doing so, Paul asked him if he still believed what he wrote in that essay some 40 years ago. That tract, written during Greenspan’s days as a devotee of Ayn Rand, is a strongly worded, no-holds-barred attack on fiat money and the central banks as an engine of the welfare state. It also endorses the gold standard as a deterrent to politicians’ penchant for running deficits and printing money. Greenspan — enigmatic as ever — responded that he “wouldn’t change a single word.”

Perhaps later today, I will be back to comment on one or two more quotes from the Greenspan interview.

From our Gold Classics Library:

Ron Paul-Alan Greenspan transcripts (1997-2005)

Gold and Economic Freedom / Alan Greenspan / 1967

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Michael J. Kosares is the founder of USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals, Inc., the author of "The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth with Gold", and numerous magazine and internet articles and essays. He is also writes a popular weekly Client Letter on the gold market. Mr. Kosares is frequently interviewed in the financial press and is well-known for his on-going commentary on the gold market and its economic, political and financial underpinnings. He has over 30 years experience in the gold business. USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals is one of the oldest and most prestigious gold firms serving private investors in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia.
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STFU Greenspan, shut your lie-hole already.

When you had a chance to make a difference you sold us out.

Nobody gives a chit about you or the "legacy" you're trying to salvage.

The guy belongs in jail.
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STFU Greenspan, shut your lie-hole already. When you had a chance to make a difference you sold us out. Nobody gives a chit about you or the "legacy" you're trying to salvage. The guy belongs in jail. Read more
stinger - 2/18/2017 at 8:46 PM GMT
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