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Bitcoin in Perspective: Bill Gates Worth More, Gold 200 Times More

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Published : June 22nd, 2017
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Category : Gold and Silver

An interesting article on HowMuch puts the Bitcoin phenomenon into proper perspective.

Google founder Larry Page’s net worth beats bitcoin’s entire market cap. Microsoft founder Bill Gates’s net worth is double Bitcoin.

Please consider The Bitcoin Economy, in Perspective.

Last year, Bitcoin became more stable than gold, and earlier this year, the price of a Bitcoin surpassed that of an ounce of gold for the first time. Currently, all the bitcoin in the world is worth $41 billion. If that amount is hard to grasp, just think of it as one Larry Page – because $41 billion also happens to be the net worth of the guy who co-founded Google with Sergey Brin.

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world is worth $86 billion, or the net worth of Larry Page and Bitcoin combined – with enough change to buy the L.A. Lakers, the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Chicago Cubs and the Solomon Islands (not a sports team, but an entire country).

Money, of course, is fiduciary, which means it only has as much value as the trust we place in it. The same goes for gold: it derives its value solely from its rarity, combined with its desirability. The current world supply of mined gold is around 171,300 metric tonnes, which could be molded into a cube with sides of about 68 feet (20.7m). Its total value? Currently around $8.2 trillion. Or about 200 times the total value of Bitcoin.

Does that sound overly dramatic? If the see-sawing rise of Bitcoin tells us anything, it is that people are losing their trust in money, and other traditional measures of wealth. Let’s talk again when the total value of all cryptocurrencies surpasses that of the world’s supply of gold.

Cramer Yet Again

Jim Cramer said the value of a Bitcoin could hit $1 million. The price is currently at $2629.

If it the price of a bitcoin did hit $1 million, its total market cap value would go up to about $15 trillion.

I spoofed Cramer’s analysis in Jim Cramer Goes Batty “Bitcoin May Hit $1,000,000”: Act Now Before It’s Too Late!

It’s far more likely that bitcoin crashes to $100 than rises to $1 million.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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Mike Shedlock / Mish is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. He writes a global economics blog which has commentary 5-7 times a week. He also writes for the Daily Reckoning, Whiskey & Gunpowder, and has over 80 magazine and book cover credits. Visit
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Valuable potential is what's currently offered by digital currencies. It makes absolute sense to have a global digital economy based upon borderless digital assets. The fact that Bitcoin has taken some hold where others failed seems to prove that it's algorithm has a big future if not as money then utilizing it's elegant engine for other related applications. In that sense then Bitcoin will ultimately remain the Goldfather of cryptocurrencies.
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Yes Mish, but bitcoin and the wealth and debt burdens of the world are fully backed by electrons which are very light. Unlike that 68 ft glob of metal. Thank you for listening to Jim Cramer so I can remember why I don't. The value of bitcoin is that it is an excellent indicator of lack of trust in the monetary systems of the world and the great people who control monetary policy. I look forward to the next invasion of a nation and seizure of its bitcoin national reserves.
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Valuable potential is what's currently offered by digital currencies. It makes absolute sense to have a global digital economy based upon borderless digital assets. The fact that Bitcoin has taken some hold where others failed seems to prove that it's al  Read more
Dynoman - 6/23/2017 at 1:20 AM GMT
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