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Silver Bullion On Sale After 10.6% Fall In Two Weeks

IMG Auteur
Published : May 03rd, 2017
670 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
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Category : Gold and Silver

– Silver down for eleven consecutive days to $16.80/oz
– Further weakness possible and support at $15.73/oz
– Never catch a falling knife – dollar cost average
– Silver buyers love manipulative futures selling
– Thank you ‘Gold and Silver Cartel’ !

Silver in USD (1 Year)

Precious metals continue to weaken, especially silver which has declined eleven consecutive days and is now down over 10.6%.

The sell off is again almost solely a result of futures market participants pushing or manipulating prices lower – depending on your view – despite no bearish silver or wider market developments or news that could be construed as bearish for silver.

It is telling that over the years, there have been very little massive silver and gold futures buying in very short periods of time which has propelled futures much higher. Why is this concentrated trading of futures always on the sell side, pushing prices to the downside?

The questions that arise once again are who was responsible for the sudden bout of selling and was it a bank or fund manipulating prices for their own book and profits or were they acting as a proxy for a central bank.

One way or the other, silver appears increasingly oversold. However, as ever with silver, rather than trying to time the exact bottom with a large lump sum investment or purchase of silver coins and bars, we would caution to “never catch a falling knife.”

Instead emulate the ‘silver stackers’ and keep gradually accumulating silver on artificial price dips.

This is what we are increasingly seeing and we tend to be very busy with silver buyers on price dips. Yesterday was no exception. Indeed, it was the busiest day for silver bullion coin sales in two months.

Silver stackers love manipulative silver futures selling as it allows them to accumulate even more silver bullion coins at discounted prices.

Thank you hedge funds, banks and or ‘Gold and Silver Cartel’ !

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Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

03 May: USD 1,253.95, GBP 971.18 & EUR 1,148.99 per ounce
02 May: USD 1,255.80, GBP 974.25 & EUR 1,150.19 per ounce
28 Apr: USD 1,265.55, GBP 978.40 & EUR 1,156.84 per ounce
27 Apr: USD 1,264.30, GBP 980.21 & EUR 1,160.63 per ounce
26 Apr: USD 1,264.95, GBP 986.79 & EUR 1,160.21 per ounce
25 Apr: USD 1,270.50, GBP 990.48 & EUR 1,165.81 per ounce
24 Apr: USD 1,271.80, GBP 991.11 & EUR 1,169.42 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

03 May: USD 16.85, GBP 13.04 & EUR 15.44 per ounce
02 May: USD 16.95, GBP 13.12 & EUR 15.53 per ounce
28 Apr: USD 17.41, GBP 13.45 & EUR 15.92 per ounce
27 Apr: USD 17.46, GBP 13.53 & EUR 16.02 per ounce
26 Apr: USD 17.59, GBP 13.72 & EUR 16.15 per ounce
25 Apr: USD 17.84, GBP 13.92 & EUR 16.40 per ounce
24 Apr: USD 17.81, GBP 13.90 & EUR 16.40 per ounce

Avoid Digital & ETF Gold – Key Gold Storage Must Haves

Data and Statistics for these countries : China | Georgia | South Korea | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : China | Georgia | South Korea | All
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Mark O'Byrne is executive and research director of which he founded in 2003. GoldCore have become one of the leading gold brokers in the world and have over 4,000 clients in over 40 countries and with over $200 million in assets under management and storage.We offer mass affluent, HNW, UHNW and institutional investors including family offices, gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion in London, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai and Perth.
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Good advice in this article - ignore the silver 'fix' price - it is certainly artificial; look at the large premiums on actual silver scrap coins, for example, on internet auction sites. There is a real market out there, outside of the 'fix', which, as the author points out, works to the advantage of the buyers of real metal, as opposed to speculative paper trades.
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Mmm... here is another 'expert' advising to average down as silver continues its seemingly endless trek south over the last 6 yrs. This is the single worst way to buy silver or anything else.
Avoid the frustration of watching the market go down and wait till it at least it looks like it is starting to go north preferably on a monthly chart.
As far as I know silver could go as low as $8.50 or less. I'm not a fortune teller!
Do you know when the selling will stop? Would you like to gamble on some price?
And forget all the manipulation chatter ( its a distraction, who cares if you don't own any).
Think about what is actually occurring.
Silver gets sold for preferable Dollars.
Wait till that scenario finishes when the masses want to sell their Dollars.
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Good advice in this article - ignore the silver 'fix' price - it is certainly artificial; look at the large premiums on actual silver scrap coins, for example, on internet auction sites. There is a real market out there, outside of the 'fix', which, as  Read more
kevthorne - 5/5/2017 at 1:30 PM GMT
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