Quick observation on gold being up sharply this morning

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Published : April 12th, 2017
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Many who offer up their analysis on the gold market will attribute today’s sharp rise to the geopolitical environment, which is fraught with danger to say the least and certainly a contributor.  But that’s not the whole of what is driving the gold market in recent days.  A second, and not-to-be-underplayed, factor is the prevailing and publicly well-cultivated policy of the Federal Reserve toward interest rates, up to and including Janet Yellen’s most recent comments.* The first provides momentum to the second – license.

* “Looking forward, I think the economy is going to continue to grow at a moderate pace.  Our job is going to be to try to set monetary policy to sustain what we have achieved.”  Janet Yellen as quoted in New York Times/4-10-2017

The markets will read “accommodation” in those words meaning the Fed will do what it can to make sure the interest rate tracks behind the inflation rate and creates a negative real rate of return on yield bearing assets.  That latter, a negative real rate of return, has underscored, driven and sustained  bull markets for gold in the past.


Source : www.usagold.com
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Michael J. Kosares is the founder of USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals, Inc., the author of "The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth with Gold", and numerous magazine and internet articles and essays. He is also writes a popular weekly Client Letter on the gold market. Mr. Kosares is frequently interviewed in the financial press and is well-known for his on-going commentary on the gold market and its economic, political and financial underpinnings. He has over 30 years experience in the gold business. USAGOLD-Centennial Precious Metals is one of the oldest and most prestigious gold firms serving private investors in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia.
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